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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "westerns":

Hooper, Gary R. "Botany in the Novels of Louis L'Amour." Studies in the Western 11 (2003): 67-96.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Louis L'Amour | otany | westerns
Nadal, Alan. “’Johnny Yuma Was a Rebel; He Roamed Through the West’: Television, Race, and the ‘Real’ West.” In Friedman (Collections): pp. 50-74. [2002]
Keywords: advertising | race studies | technology | television | westerns
Ronald, Ann, and Melody Graulich. Reader of the Purple Sage: Essays on Western Writers and Environmental Literature. Western Literature Series. Reno, NV: University Nevada Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Edward Abbey | environmental sciences | literature--19th, 20th C | Terry Tempest Williams | Wallace Stegner | westerns | Zane Gray