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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "surrealism":

Elleström, Lars. Divine Madness: On Interpreting Literature, Music, and the Visual Arts Ironically. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2002.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: allegory | ambiguity | Charles Dickens | Charles Dickens | Cleanth Brooks | deconstruction | Dmitry Shostakovich | drama | Eduard Hanslick | film | Friedrich Schlegel | hermeneutics | humor | hyperbole | irony | Linda Hutcheson | literature--general | Ludwig von Beethoven | Marcel Duchamp | metaphor | music | mysticism | myths | paradox | parody | postmodernism | psychological and cognitive sciences | René Magritte | rhetoric of science | Rudolf Arnheim | sarcasm | satire | semiotics | Socrates | Sřren Kierkegaard | surrealism | symbolism | visual arts—general | William Shakespeare
Gamwell, Lynn. Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Einstein | art--17th-20th C | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | Isaac Newton | music | physical & mathematical sciences | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | romanticism | surrealism
Hirsch, Edward. The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration. Orlando, FL: HarcourtBooks, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | Arthur Rimbaud | Billie Holiday | Christopher Maurer | dance | Dante Alighieri | Edgar Allan Poe | expressionism | Federico Garcia Lorca | Francisco José Goya | Frank O’Hara | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche | Gerard Manley Hopkins | Ignacio Sánchez Meijías | Jackson Pollock | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | John Keats | Mark Rothko | Miles Davis | music | Pablo Picasso | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Ranier Maria Rilke | Robert Motherwell | surrealism | theory | visual arts—19th-20th C | W.B. Yeats | Wallace Stevens | Walt Whitman | William Carlos Williams | William Shakespeare
Solomon, Jennifer Welch. The Body Made Visible: Scientific Practices of Seeing and Literary Naturalism. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Maryland College Park, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: abstraction | agency | Auguste Louis Jean Lumičre | Biological Sciences | body | Edith Wharton | Émile Zola | Frank Norris | literature—19th-120th C | Marie Louis Nicolas Lumičre | narrative | naturalism | naturalism | Norris | physiology | representation | Stephen Crane | surrealism | Thomas Edison | visual art—19th-20th C
Warlick, M. E . Max Ernst and Alchemy . Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | Max Ernst | Occult Sciences | surrealism | visual arts--20th C