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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "sculpture":

Hamilton, Tracy Chapman. Pleasure, Politics, and Piety: The Artistic Patronage of Marie de Brabant. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Texas Austin, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Adenet le Roi | architecture | culture studies | genealogy | glass | Guillaume de Nangis | illuminated manuscript | literature—medieval | music | patronage | poetry | ritual | sculpture | social sciences
Hatt, Michael. “’Making a Man of Him’: Masculinity and the Black Body in Mid-ninteenth-century Sculpture.” In Pinder (Collections): pp. 191-216. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: gender studies | John Blassingame | John Quincy Adams Ward | race studies | sculpture | social sciences | Thomas Ball | visual arts—19th C
Kemp, Wolfgang. “Gastkolumne: Die Kunstgeschichte, Eine Verlässliche Partnerin der Wissensgesellschaft.” Rebecca Wright von Tucher (trans.). Journal für Kunstgeschichte 6.4 (2002): 291-296.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | sculpture | technology | visual arts—20th-21st C | Visual arts—electronic | visual arts—history
Lucie-Smith, Edward. “Androgyny, Computers and Freud.” Art Review 53 (Dec. 2001-Jan. 2002): 84-5.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: androgyny | computers and digital technology | dreams | exhibitions | Georgii Gurianov | museums | Olga Tobreluts | sculpture | Sigmund Freud | Timur Novikov | visual arts—20th C | Visual arts—electronic
Ramírez, Mari Carmen, and Héctor Olea. Inverted Utopias: Avant-garde Art in Latin America. New Haven, CN & Houston: Yale University Press & Museum of Fine Art. [2004]
Social Sciences
Keywords: avant-garde art | culture studies | Gego | Joaquin Torres-Garcia | Jose Clemente Orozco | mixed media | race studies | sculpture | social sciences | theory | utopias | visual art—20th C | Xui Solar
Rowland, Duncan, and Frank Biocca. “Evolutionary Cooperative Design Methodology: The Genetic Sculpture Park.” Leonardo 35:2 (2000): 193-6. [2002]
Keywords: Biological Sciences | computers & digital sciences | genetics | sculpture | technology | theory | visual arts—20th-21st C | Visual arts—electronic | visual arts—interactive
Tormey, Jane, and George Whale. “On Drawing, Visual Language and the Pictorial Image: An Interview with John Willats.” Journal Art Design Education 21:3 (Oct. 2002): 292-302.
Keywords: analogy | computers & digital sciences | John Willats | phonemes | rhetoric of science | sculpture | theory | visual arts—21st C
Van Dijck, José. Bodyworlds: The Art of Plastinated Cadavers,” Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology Vol 9, no. 1 (Winter 2001): 99-126.
Keywords: aesthetics | anatomy | ethics | eugenics | exhibitions | Gunther Von Hagens | medicine | sculpture | visual arts—20th C