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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "rhetoric of sciences":

Carlson, Hans M. A. Watershed of Words: Litigating and Negotiating Nature in Eastern James Bay, 1971-75. The Canadian Historical Review 85.1 (2004): 63-84.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: anthropology | environmental sciences | law | native Americans | rhetoric of sciences | science & technology studies | social sciences
Enwezor, Okwui. “Reframing the Black Subject: Ideology and Fantasy in Contemporary South African Representation.” In Pinder (Collections), pp. 371-390. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Aimé Césaire | Candice Breitz | Edward Said | Frantz Fanon | Pipa Skotness | race studies | rhetoric of sciences | Sigmund Freud | social sciences | theory | visual arts—20th C
Klatt, Maryanna Danis. The Social Construct of the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Origins and Potential for Change. Ph.D. Dissertation: Ohio State University, 2002.
Keywords: drama | literature--20th C | Margaret Edson | medicine | rhetoric of sciences | social sciences
Moran, Richard. Executioner's Current: Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and the Invention of the Electric Chair. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: executions | George Wesstinghouse | rhetoric of sciences | science and technology studies | Thomas A. Edison
Silva, Cristobal Selenite. "Monstrous Plots: An Epidemiology of American Narrative." Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: contagion | Cotton Mather | epidemics, | epidemiology | epistemology | health | illness | immunity | John Winthrop | medicine | Puritanism | race studies | rhetoric of sciences | smallpox | social sciences | theory | theory | yellow fever
Winston, Jessica. A Mirror for Magistrates and Public Political Discourse in Elizabethan England Studies in Philology 101 (Fall 2004): 381-400.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: didacticism | literature—medieval | narrative | poetry | power | rhetoric of sciences | vices | virtue