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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "poetry":

Ahern, Stephen. Listening to Guinevere: Female Agency and the Politics of Chivalry in Tennyson's Idylls. Studies in Philology 101 (Winter 2004): 88-112.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson | chivalry | gender studies | identity | King Arthur | literature—19th C | poetry | social sciences | social sciences | truth
Allard, James Robert. "'Bare of Laurel': The Poet's Body and the Romantic Poet-Physician." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Waterloo, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: medicine | poetry | romanticism
Anacker, Regine. Aspekte einer Anthropologie der Kunst in Gottfried Benns Werk. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: 20th C | 20th C | anthropology | Gottfried Benn | literature—19th | medicine | poetry | social sciences | visual art—19th
Archdeacon, Anthony R. “’Things Which Are Not’: Poetic and Scientific Attitudes to Non-entities in the Seventeenth Century.” In Jowitt (Collections): pp. 25-42. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: John Donne | literature—17th C | Margaret Cavendish | philosophy | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Boyle | Thomas Hobbes | William Shakespeare
Armstrong, Tim. “Poetry and Science.” In A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry , Neil Roberts, ed., 76-88. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | literature—20th C | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry
Banga, Fabian Marcelo. Brujos, Espiritistas y Vanguardistas: La Representacion del Esoterismo y el Espiritualismo en las Obras de Roberto Arlt, Vicente Huidobro y Ramon del Valle-Inclan. Ph.D. Dissertation: University California Berkeley, 2004.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | allegory | deconstruction | imagery | literature—20th C | modernism | Occult Sciences | Oliverio Girondo | oppression | poetics | poetry | Ramon del Valle-Inclan | revolution | Roberto Arlt | spiritualism | theory | theosophy | Vicente Huidobro | witches
Behrisch, Erika. "'Far as the Eye Can Reach': Scientific Exploration and Explorers' Poetry in the Arctic, 1832-1852." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 73-91.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: ethnography | exploration | exploration, discovery, and travel | geography | George Lyon | John Barrow | John Ross | landscape | literature--19th C | logic | narrative | native Americans | Northwest Passage | objectivity | poetry | social sciences
Bergthaller, Hannes. Ökologie zwischen Wissenschaft und Weltanschauung. Untersuchungen zur Literatur der Modernen Amerikanischen Umweltbewegung: Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Gary Snyder und Edward Abbey. Ph.D. Dissertation: Bonn, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: activism | Aldo Leopold | ecology | Edward Abbey | environmental sciences | Gary Snyder | literature—20th C | poetry | Rachel Carsion
Bhatnagar, Rashmi, Renu Dube, and Reena Dube. Meera's Medieval Lyric Poetry in Postcolonial India: The Rhetorics of Women's Writing in Dialect as a Secular Practice of Subaltern Coauthorship and Dissent. Boundary 2 31.3 (2004): 1-46.
Social Sciences
Keywords: dissent | gender studies | literature—medieval | poetry | rhetoric of science | social sciences
Branstetter, Gabriele. Romantische Wissenspoetik: Die Künste und die Wissenschaften um 1800. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2004.
Keywords: literature—19th C | poetics | poetry | romanticism | theory | visual art—19th C
Breidbach, Olaf. "Das Selbst im Schädelinnenraum. Gottfried Benns Gehirne und die Hirnforschung nach 1900." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 317-334.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Gottfried Benn | literature—20th C | neuroscience | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Briggs, John. “Where's the Poetry? Consciousness as a Flight of Three Blackbirds.” In Pylkkanen (Collections), pp. 157-178. [2001]
Keywords: literature—general | metaphor | mind | music | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | theory
Bryson, J. Scott. “Introduction.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 1-16. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature—general | poetry | Walt Whitman
Bryson, J. Scott. “’Between the Earth and Silence’: Place and Space in the Poetry of W.S. Merwin.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 101-116. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetry | W.S. Merwin | Yi-Fu Tuan
Campbell, Timothy Charles. Wireless Writing: Poetry in the Age of Marconi . Ph.D. Dissertation: Columbia University, 2001.
Keywords: apocalypse | Delmore Schwarz | Edwin Armstrong | Ezra Pound | Filippo Tommaso Marinetti | Gabriele D'Annunzio | gramophone | Guglielmo Marconi | poetry | radio | rhetoric of science | technology | time
Cantrell, Carol H. "'A Moving Part of a Motion': Place as Poesis in Stevens' Poetry of the Earth." Wallace Stevens Journal 27.1 (2003): 7- .
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | environmental sciences | literature--20th C | poesis | poetry | rhetoric of science | Wallace Stevens
Chaouli, Michel. The Laboratory of Poetry: Chemistry and Poetics in the Work of Friedrich Schlegel. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | chemistry | Friedrich von Schlegel | literature--18th C | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry
Chapman, Alison. "'A Poet Never Sees a Ghost': Photography and Trance in Tennyson's 'Enoch Arden' and Julia Margaret Cameron's Photography." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 47-71.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | Alfred Tennyson | autobiography | death | epilepsy | ESP | gender studies | ghosts | hypnotism | idyll | Julia Margaret Cameron | literature--19th C | medicine | mesmerism | Occult Sciences | photography | photography | poetry | religion | social sciences | spiritualism | technology | trances | vision
Choi, Jae-Oh. Voicing Back: The Poetics and Politics of Ping Chong's Ethno-historiographic Fables. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Pittsburgh, 2004.
Keywords: anthropology | culture studies | deconstruction | ethnography | fables | imagery | Julia Kristeva | Kenneth Burke | myth | narrative | narrative | Northrop Frye | poetics | poetry | politics | poststructuralism | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | social sciences | theater | theory
Christensen, Laird. “The Pragmatic Mysticism of Mary Oliver.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 135-152. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | Mary Oliver | mysticism | Occult Sciences | poetry
Clark, Gary. "History and Ecology: The Poetry of Les Murray and Gary Snyder." Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 10.1 (2003): 27-53.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Gary Snyder | Les Murry | poetry
Clarke, Colin Ambrose. 'In the Ward': Issues of Confinement in Mid-twentieth Century American Poetry. Ph.D. Dissertation: George Washington University, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anne Sexton | John Berryman | literature--20th C | medicine | Michel oucault | poetry | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Lowell | Sylvia Plath | Theodore Roethke
Cohen, Maren. “Reflective Heroes: Self-integration through Poetry in T.E. Lawrence and Homer’s Odysseus.” In Stang (Collections): pp. 67-106. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: André Malraux | E.M. Forster | Homer | literature—20th C | poetry | social sciences | T.E. Lawrence
Coldiron, Anne E. B. "Translation's Challenge to Critical Categories: Verses from French in the Early English Renaissance." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003):315-344.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: criticism | literature-Renaissance | poetry | postcolonialism | social sciences | theory | translation | vernacular
Compton, Anne. “Physics and Poetry: The Complex World of Alan R. Wilson.” CanL 170-171 (2001): 91-107.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Alan R. Wilson | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry
Costello, Bonnie. "On Poetry & the Idea of Nature." Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 132.1 (2003): 131-135.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | culture studies | environmental sciences | nature | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences
Costello, Bonnie. Shifting Ground: Reinventing Landscape in Modern American Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | Amy Clampitt | environmental sciences | John Ashbery | landscape | literature--20th C | Marianne Moore | poetry | Robert Frost | Wallace Stevens
Crawford, Rachel. Poetry, Enclosure, and the Vernacular Landscape, 1700-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | landscape | literature--18th-19th C | poetry
Cuffel, Alexandra Fredricka Caroline. Filthy Words/Filthy Bodies: Gendering Disgust in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-century Jewish-Christian Polemic. Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2002.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: gender studies | literature--medieval | poetry | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences | symbolism | theology
Curran, Beverly. “In Her Element: Daphne Marlatt, the Lesbian Body, and the Environment.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 195-206. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: body | Daphne Marlatt | ecology | environmental sciences | gender studies | literature—20th C | poetry
Davidson, Michael. Guys Like Us: Citing Masculinity in Cold War Poetics. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Elizabeth Bishop | Frank O'Hara | gender studies | Gwendolyn Brooks | Jack Kerouac | literature—20th C | masculinity | poetics | poetry | social sciences | Sylvia Plath | theory
Davies, Paul. “Cosmos as Metaphor: Eco-spiritual Poetics.” In Parham (Collections): pp. 75-86. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: biome | ecology | environmental sciences | evolution | gender studies | literature¬¬—19th-20th C | patriarchy | Percy Bysshe Shelley | physical & mathematical sciences | poetry | religion | symbolism
Dawson, Gowan, and Sally Shuttleworth. "Introduction: Science and Victorian Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 1-10.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | atomism | culture studies | idealism | interdisciplinarity | John Stuart Mill | literature--19th C | mesmerism | metaphors | Occult Sciences | poetry | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences | spiritualism | technology | theory | William Wordsworth
Dawson, Gowan. "Intrinsic Earthliness: Science, Materialism, and the Fleshly School of Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 113-129.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | atheism | body | culture studies | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | ethics | John Tyndall | literature--19th C | materialism | materialism | Matthew Arnold | philosophy |social sciences | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | poetry | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | science and technology studies | theory | Thomas Henry Huxley | Walter Pater
De Veaux, Alexis. Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde. New York: W.W. Norton, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Audre Lorde | biography | gender studies | identity | literature—20th C | poetry | race studies | social sciences
Diana, Casey Mary. ‘Addicted to Pleasures': Representing Commodities of Empire and Consumerism in Eighteenth-century English Culture. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2001.
Keywords: addiction | Alexander Pope | Daniel Defoe | drama | literature--18th C | medicine | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Samuel Richardson
Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock. The Gender of Freedom: Fictions of Liberalism and the Literary Public Sphere. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: 19th C | Emily Dickinson | gender studies | liberalism | literature—17th | poetics | poetry | social sciences
Dodds, Lara A. Style Talk: Poetry, Rhetoric, and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-century England. Ph.D. Dissertation: Brown University, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: 17th C | culture studies | Francis Bacon | gender studies | John Donne | John Dryden | John Milton | literature-16th | Margaret Cavendish | metaphor | ornament | poetics | poetry | rhetoric of science | Royal Society | social sciences | theory | Thomas Browne
Duner, David Immanuel. Varldsmaskinen: Emanuel Swedenborgs Naturfilosofi. Ph.D. Dissertation: Lunds Universitet, 2004.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: acoustics | arithmetic | chemistry infinity | Emanuel Swedenborg | geometry | hydrology | literature—18th C | measurement | mechanics | mechanism | metaphysics | music | neurology | optics | philosophy | physical & mathematical sciences | physics | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | science & technology studies | theory
Eisbrenner, Bettina."Über das Verlangen, die Welt zu Erforschen: Zur Biografie des Dichters und Botanikers Adelbert von Chamisso." Mit den Augen des Fremden. Adelbert von Chamisso. Dichter, Naturwissenschaftler, Weltreisender. Ed. Ellen Röhner. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Interregionalen Kulturaustausch, 2004. 43-56.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Adelbert von Chamisso | Biological Sciences | botany | poetry | romanticism
Elkins, Andrew. Another Place: An Ecocritical Study of Selected Western American Poets. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Adrian Louis | Dan Bradshaw | ecocriticism | ecology | environmental sciences | imagery | Jane Hirshfield | John Haines | landscape | literature--20th C | Margaret Church | native Americans | philosophy | poetry | Richard Hugo
Farr, Judith. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | Emily Dickinson | environmental sciences | gardens | horticulture. | literature—19th C | metaphor | poetics | poetry | visual art—19th C
Fischer, Ernst Peter. "Wovon Man Nicht Sprechen Kann, Davon Muß Man Erzählen. Poetische Hilfen für die Wissenschaften von der Natur." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 9-30.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | narrative | poetics | poetry | theory
Fischer, Ernst Peter. "Wovon Man Nicht Sprechen Kann, Davon Muß Man Erzählen. Poetische Hilfen für die Wissenschaften von der Natur." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 9-30.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | environmental sciences | evolution | experiment | narrative | physical & mathematical sciences | poetics | poetry | visual art—19th C
Fleming, Deborah. “Landscape and the Self in Y.B. Yeats and Robinson Jeffers.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 39-57. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | landscape | literature—20th C | poetry | Robinson Jeffers | Y.B. Yeats
Forbes, Deborah. Sincerity's Shadow: Self-consciousness in British Romantic and Mid-twentieth-century American Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: 20th C | Adrienne Rich | Anne Sexton | consciousness | Elizabeth Bishop | George Gordon Byron | John Keats | literature—19th | poetics | poetry | postmodernism | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | self | sincerity | theory | William Wordsworth
Fowler, Rowena. "Blougram's Wager, Guido's Odds: Browning, Chance, and Probability." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 11-28.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: censuses | chance | ethics | literature--19th C | mathematics | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | probability | randomness | Robert Browning | statistics | theory | uncertainty
Frick, Werner. "‘Und Sehe, daß Wir Nichts Wissen Können ...' Poetische Wissenschaftsskepsis bei Goethe, Kleist und Büchner." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. pp. 243-272.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Ewald Christian von Kleist | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Karl Georg Büchner | literature—18th C | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | romanticism | scepticism
Fulton, Alice. “Unordinary Passions: Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle.” In Post (Collections): pp. 191-219. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anne Bradstreet | Duchess of Newcastle | John Clare | John Keats | Kathleen Jones | literature—17th-18th-19th C | Margaret Cavendish | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Burns | Sir Walter Raleigh | T. S. Eliot
Galbraith, Astrid. New England as Poetic Landscape: Henry David Thoreau and Robert Frost. Trierer Studien Zur Literatur (Tslit): 39. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | Henry David Thoreau | landscape | literature--19th, 20th C | poetry | Robert Frost
Gander, Forrest. “The Nymph Stick Insect: Observations on Poetry, Science & Creation.” Poetry & Writers Magazine 29 (March-April 2001): 21-25.
Keywords: literature—general | poetry | theory
Garner, Lori Ann. Anglo-Saxon Charms in Performance. Oral Tradition 19.1 (2004): 20-42.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: charms | healing | lacnunga | literature—medieval | medicine | Occult Sciences | poetry | rites | ritual
Getaz, Caroline M. "The Ways of Death in Early Modern England: Traditions and Attitudes in an Age of Change." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Memphis, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: culture studies | death | diaries | epitaphs | literature-Renaissance | medicine | poetry | ritual | sermons | social sciences | superstitions | theory | visual arts-Renaissance
Gifford, Terry. “Gary Snyder and the Post-pastoral.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 77-87. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Gary Snyder | literature—20th C | poetry
Gifford, Terry. “Towards a Post-pastoral View of British Poetry.” In Parham (Collections): pp. 51-63. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetry | Raymond Williams | Ted Hughes | Virgil
Gilcrest, David W. Greening the Lyre. Reno: University Nevada Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | Adrienne Rich | aesthetics | Alexander Pope | Aristotle | Carolyn Merchant | Catriona Sandilands | Charles Wright | ecology | Elizabeth Bishop | environmental sciences | Ezra Pound | Gary Snyder | gender studies | identity | John Elder | Kenneth Burke | Lawrence Buell | Leonard Scigaj | linguistics | literature—20th C | Marianne Moore | Max Oelschlaeger | metaphor | mimesis | Norman Russell | Patric Murphy | perception | Peter Borrelli | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | Robert Frost | Robert Pack | Seamus Heaney | symbolism | T.S. Eliot | Wallace Stevens | William Bevis | William Wordsworth | Wolfgang Iser
Gilcrest, David. “Regarding Silence: Cross-cultural Roots of Ecopoetic Meditation.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 17-28. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Leonard M. Scigaj | literature—general | Plato | poetry
Giordani, Marianne. The Sublime: A Modern Trope for Literary Value and Poetic Reform. Ph.D. Dissertation: City University New York, 2004.
Keywords: aesthetics | discourse | identity | imagination | metaphysics | poetics | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | sublime | theory | transcendence | value
Goldstein, Daniel M. "A Theory of Meta-narrative-ethics: Michel Foucault and the Canadian Debate on Reproductive and Genetic Technologies." Ph.D. Dissertation: Universite Montreal, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: archaeology | ethics | genetics | literature--20th C | medicine | meta-narrative | Michel Foucault | narrative | poetry | reproduction | subjectivity | technology | theory
Gordon, Maggie. “A Woman Writing about Nature: Louise Glűck and ‘The Absence of Intention.’” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 221-231. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | gender studies | literature—20th C | Louise Glűck | poetry | Robert Hass | Ynestra King
Grage, Joachim, and Michael Scheffel. “Aufänge deutscher und skandinavischer Naturpoesie oder Die Ausdifferenzierung europäischer Nationalliteraturen im Zeichen des Irdischen Vergnügens in Gott .” In Scheffel (Collections), pp. 25-71. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Barthold Heinrich Brockes | Christian Braunmann Tullin | landscape | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry
Gray, Janet Sinclair. Race and Time: American Women's Poetics from Antislavery to Racial Modernity. Iowa City: University Iowa Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | culture studies | culture studies | Eliza Follen | Elizabeth Margaret Chandler | Frances Ellen Watkins Harper | gender studies | Hannah Flagg Gould | literature—19th C | literature—children’s | Mary Eliza Tucker Lambert | Mary Mapes Dodge | poetry | race studies | Sarah Josepha Hale | Sarah Louisa Forten | Sarah Piatt | social sciences
Guyer, Sara. "Wordsworthian Wakefulness." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003): 93-111.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: apostrophe | Emmanuel Levinas | insomnia | literature--19th C | poetry | rhetoric of science | sleep | sonnet | theory | William Wordsworth
Haberkorn, Michaela. Naturhistoriker und Zeitenseher: Geologie und Poesie um 1800: Der Kreis um Abraham Gottlob Werner. Frankfurt: Lang, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Abraham Gottlob Werner | environmental sciences | geology | physical & mathematical sciences | poetry | romanticism
Hadley, Karen. “The Commodification of Time in Wordsworth's ‘Tintern Abbey’ 1500-1900.” Studies English Literature 42.4 (2002): 693-706.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: literature--18th C | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | time | William Wordsworth
Hall, James Baker. Tobacco Harvest: An Elegy. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | literature—20th C | photography | photojournalism | poetry | technology | tobacco | visual art—20th C | Wendell Berry
Hamilton, Tracy Chapman. Pleasure, Politics, and Piety: The Artistic Patronage of Marie de Brabant. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Texas Austin, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Adenet le Roi | architecture | culture studies | genealogy | glass | Guillaume de Nangis | illuminated manuscript | literature—medieval | music | patronage | poetry | ritual | sculpture | social sciences
Harper, Stephen. "Pleyng with a Yerd": Folly and Madness in the Prologue and Tale of Beryn. [2004]
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: didacticism | literature—medieval | madness | poetry | religion | satire | Studies in Philology 101 (Summer 2004): 299-314. keywords: Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Harrison, Henry Leslie. The Temple and the Forum: The American Museum and Cultural Authority in Hawthorne, Melville, Stowe, and Whitman. Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas A&M University, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: elitism | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Herman Melville | literature--19th C | museums | Nathaniel Hawthorne | P. T. Barnum | poetry | populism | social sciences | Walt Whitman
Hass, Robert Bernard. Going by Contraries: Robert Frost's Conflict with Science. Charlottesville: University Press Virginia, 2002.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | evolution | poetry | Robert Frost
Hass, Robert. “Edward Taylor: What Was He Up To?” In Post (Collections): pp. 257-288. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anne Bradstreet | Edward Taylor | George Herbert | literature—17th C | literature—biblical | Louis Mertz | medicine | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Herrick | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Wallace Stevens | William Blake
Hawkins, Stephanie Lee. "Spectral Realities: Intersections of Science and the Occult in Modern American Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: State University New York, Buffalo, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Gertrude Stein | Hilda Doolittle (H. D.) | Jean Toomer | literature--19th, 20th C | metaphor | modernism | narratives | Occult Sciences | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | realism | science and technology studies | social sciences | X-ray
Hay, John. Mind the Gap: The Education of a Nature Writer. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | John Hay | literature—20th C | poetry
Hegarty, Emily. “Genocide and Extinction in Linda Hogan’s Ecopoetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 162-178. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | extinction | genocide | Linda Hogan | literature—20th C | poetry
Henchman, Anna. "'The Globe We Groan In': Astronomical Distance and Stellar Decay in 'In Memoriam.'" Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 29-45.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson | astronomy | astrophysics | John Herschel | John Pringle Nichol | light |spectrum | literature--19th C | Mary Somerville | observatories | photographs |senses | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | telescopes | theory | vision | William Whewell
Herbert, Christopher. The Conundrum of Coherence. New Literary History 35 (Spring 2004): 185-206.
Keywords: cause and effect | coherence | D. A. Miller | epistemology | ethics | literature—19th & 20th C | Michel Foucault | modernism | philosophy | poetry | postmodernism | theory | value
Herbst, William Jude. "Fragmented Faces: Nose, Ear and Eye Imagery in Roman Satire." Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aggression | anatomy | Biological Sciences | Horace | Juvenal | literature-classic | Lucilius | Persius | poetry | rhetoric of science | satire | theory | vulnerability
Hirsch, Edward. The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration. Orlando, FL: HarcourtBooks, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | Arthur Rimbaud | Billie Holiday | Christopher Maurer | dance | Dante Alighieri | Edgar Allan Poe | expressionism | Federico Garcia Lorca | Francisco José Goya | Frank O’Hara | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche | Gerard Manley Hopkins | Ignacio Sánchez Meijías | Jackson Pollock | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | John Keats | Mark Rothko | Miles Davis | music | Pablo Picasso | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Ranier Maria Rilke | Robert Motherwell | surrealism | theory | visual arts—19th-20th C | W.B. Yeats | Wallace Stevens | Walt Whitman | William Carlos Williams | William Shakespeare
Hughes, Linda K. Women Poets and Contested Spaces in the Yellow Book. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 44 (Autumn 2004): 849-872.
Social Sciences
Keywords: gender studies | literature—19th C | Oscar Wilde | poetry | social sciences | theory
Hunt, Anthony. Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End. Reno: University Nevada Press, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | Gary Snyder | landscape | poetry
Hunt, Richard. “How to Love this World: The Transpersonal Wild in Margaret Atwood’s Ecological Poetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 232-244. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Aldo Leopold | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | Margaret Atwood | poetry | wilderness
Hutchings, Kevin D. "William Blake and 'the Nature of Infinity': Milton's Environmental Poetics." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 25.1 (2003): 55-77.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | infinity | John Milton | literature--19th C | mathematics | philosophy | physical and mathematical sciences | physics | poetics | poetry | William Blake
Hutchings, Kevin Douglas. Imagining Nature: Blake's Environmental Poetics. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature--17th C | poetry | William Blake
Jones-Wagner, Valentina Aimee. 'La Belle Helene de Constantinople': The Text of the Female Body in a Fourteenth-century Chanson de Geste. Ph.D. Dissertation: City University of New York, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | gender studies | literature—medieval | Mary Douglas | medicine | music | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | visual arts—medieval
Joost, Ulrich. "'Der Träume Zahl ist Unendlich'. Naturwissenschaftliches Denken und Poesie in der Göttinger Aufklärung: Albrecht von Haller, Abraham Gotthelf Kastner und Georg Christoph Lichtenberg." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 135-162.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Enlightenment | environmental sciences | literature—18th C | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Jurgis, Andy. “Twentieth-century Rural Poets of Britain and Ireland: Ecological Voices from the Geographical and Cultural Margins.” In Parham (Collections): pp. 198-225. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | evolution | geography | landscape | literature—20th C | physical & mathematical sciences | poetry | Seamus Heaney
Kamada, Roy Osamu. “Postcolonial Romanticisms: Derek Walcott and the Melancholy Narrative of Landscape.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 207-220. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Derek Walcott | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | melancholy | narrative | poetry | rhetoric of science
Keegan, Bridget. "Snowstorms, Shipwrecks, and Scorching Heat: The Climates of Eighteenth-Century Laboring-Class Locodescriptive Poetry." Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 10.1 (2003): 75-96.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: climate | environmental sciences | exploration, discovery, and travel | literature-18th C | poetry | shipwrecks
Kennedy, Duncan F. Rethinking Reality: Lucretius and the Textualization of Nature. Ann Arbor: University Michigan Press, 2002.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | physical and mathematical sciences | physics | poetry | science & technology studies | Titus Lucretius Carus
Kinnahan, Linda Arbaugh. Lyric Interventions: Feminism, Experimental Poetry, and Contemporary Discourse. Iowa City: University Iowa Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Alison Saar | Barbara Guest | Carol Ann Duffy | Carol Ann Duffy | culture studies | Denise Riley | Erica Hunt | feminism | gender studies | Geraldine Monk | identity | identity | Kathleen Fraser | M. Nourbese Philip | poetics | poetry | social sciences | Wendy Mulford
Kinsella, John. "Michael Dransfield as Landscape Poet." Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian Literature 17.2 (2003): 142-47.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | landscape | literature--20th C | Michael Dransfield | poetry
Kneidel, Gregory. Samuel Daniel and Edification. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 44, (Winter 2004): 59-76.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: literature—Renaissance | pedagogy | poetry | religion | rhetoric | Samuel Daniel
Knopf Newman, Marcy Jane. Slash, Burn, and Poison: Narrative Interventions in the Breast Cancer war. Ph.D. Dissertation: Miami University, 2001.
Keywords: Amy Ling | Audre Lorde | Betty Ford | Betty Rolin | cancer | Carole Gallagher | Christina Middlebrook | Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick | film/TV | gender studies | Holocaust | Marilyn Hacker | medicine | narrative | photography | poetry | Rachel Carson | rhetoric of science | Richard Nixon | Rose Kushner
Krass, Stephan. "Der Traum der Maschine. Einladung zu einer Kleinen Poetischen Texterkundung mit Alphanumerischem Schlüssel." Science & Fiction: Űber Gedankenexperimente in Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Literatur. Eds. Thomas H. Macho, and Annette Wunschel. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2004. 56-62.
Keywords: literature—20th C | poetry | technology | thought experiment
Krätz, Otto. "Alchemie in der Tonne des Diogenes. Goethes 'Märchen.‘" Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 99-134.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | literature—18th-19th C | Occult Sciences | poetics | poetry
Kucich, John. "Sadomasochism and the Magical Ground: Kipling's Middle-Class Imperialism." Victorian Studies 46:1 (Autumn 2003): 33-68.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: class studies | colonialism | imperialism | poetry | politics | Rudyard Kipling | social sciences | theory
La Rocque, Lance. "Breathing Books, Deranged Bodies: Reading and Writing Landscapes in the Poetry of Harry Thurston." Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 10.1 (2003): 115-135.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | Harry Thurston | landscape | literature--20th C | poetry
Liebregts, Peter. Ezra Pound and Neoplatonism. Madison, WI: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Ezra Pound | identity | neoplatonism | philosophy | Plato | poetics | poetry | self | social sciences
Link, Jürgen. "Naturgeschichtliche Modellsymbolik und Hermetik in Hölderlins Hymne nach 1802 (mit einem Näheren Blick auf 'Die Titanen')." Krisen des Verstehens um 1800. Eds. Sandra Heinen, and Harald Nehr. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2004. 153-167.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | Friedrich Hölderlin | hermeticism | literature--19th C | natural history | poetry
Linley, Margaret. "Conjuring the Spirit: Victorian Poetry, Culture, and Technology." Victorian Poetry 41.4 (2003): 536-44.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: literature--19th C | poetry | printing | science and technology studies | technology
Little, Miles. “Does Reading Poetry Make You a Better Clinician ?” Internal Med J 31 (2001): 60-61.
Keywords: literature—general | medicine | poetry
Logan, William. “Milton in the Modern: The Invention of Personality.” In Post (Collections): pp. 160-175. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: George Herbert | John Milton | literature—16th-17th C | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Lowell | theory | William Shakespeare
Long, Mark. “William Carlos Williams, Ecocriticism, and Contemporary American Nature Poetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 58-76. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Adrianne Rich | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetry | William Carlos Williams
Mandel, Norma H. Beyond the Garden Gate: The Life of Celia Laighton Thaxter. Hanover, NH: University Press New England, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: aesthetic | Annie Fields | biography | Celia Laighton Thaxter | Childe Hassam | environmental sciences | gardens | JamesFields | John Greenleaf Whittier | Julius Eichberg | literature—19th C | music | poetry | Sarah Orne Jewett | spiritualism | visual art—19th C | William Mason | William Morris Hunt
Marcus, Nathalie Charron. "Creative Symptoms: Embodying the Imagination in Nineteenth-century France." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Virginia, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Charles Baudelair | creativity | Edmond de Goncourt | essays | genius | Germaine de Stael | Jacques-Joseph Moreau de Tours, | Jules de Goncourt | literature--19th C | medicine | narrative | P. J. G. Cabanis | pathology | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Samuel-Auguste-David Tissot | stereotypes
Masson, Scott. Romanticism, Hermeneutics, and the Crisis of the Human Sciences. Aldershot, Hants, England & Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.
Keywords: Emmanuel Kant | Friedrich Schleiermacher | Hannah Arend | hermaneutics | John Keats | knowledge | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | relativity | theory | truth | William Wordsworth | wisdom
Matthews, Samantha. Poetical Remains: Poets' Graves, Bodies, and Books in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson | culture studies | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | John Keats | literature—19th C | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | Robert Browning | Robert Burns | social sciences | Thomas Hood | William Wordsworth
McColley, Diane. “The Commodious Ark: Nature’s Voice in Early Modern Poetry.” In Parham (Collections): pp. 130-143. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Francis Bacon | literature—16th C | poetry | religion | rhetoric of science
McHugh, Heather. “Naked Numbers: A Curve from Wyatt to Rochester.” In Post (Collections): pp. 59-85. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Earl of Rochester | John Donne | John Wilmot | Lady Katherine Aubigny | literature—17th C | literature—Renaissance | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Richard Lovelace | Robert Herrick | Sir Thomas Wyatt | Thomas Carew
McKay, Diane Lynn. Manufacturing War: Technology and Literary Production in the United States, 1917—1935. Ph.D. Dissertation: Duke University, 2001.
Keywords: aesthetics | allegory | Arthur Guy Empey | aviation | gender studies | literature--20th C | Muriel Rukeyser | narrative | poetry | popular sciences | propaganda | pulp magazines | social sciences | technology | war
McWeeny, Gage. "Crowd Management: Matthew Arnold and the Science of Society." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 93-111.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: anarchy | apocalypse | criticism | culture studies | literature--19th C | Matthew Arnold | modernity | poetry | social sciences | theory
Mensah, Kofi A. N., et al. "Osundare as Nature Poet: A Simple Sentimentality." The People's Poet: Emerging Perspectives on Niyi Osundare. Ed. Abdul-Rasheed Na'Allah. Trenton, NJ: Africa World, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Environmental Science | landscape | literature--20th C | Niyi Osundare | poetry
Midgley, Mary. Science and Poetry . New York: Routledge, 2001.
Keywords: literature—general | mind | poetry | Science Studies | theory
Millichap, Joseph R. Dixie Limited: Railroads, Culture, and the Southern Renaissance. Lexington: University Press Kentucky, 2002.
Keywords: ballads | Dave Smith | Eudora Welty | literature--20th C | poetry | railroads | Ralph Ellison | Robert Penn Warren | technology | Thomas Wolfe | William Faulkner
Mitchell, Charles. "Reclaiming the Sacred Landscape: Terry Tempest Williams, Kathleen Norris, and the Other Nature Writing." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 32.2 (2003): 165-81.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | gender studies | Kathleen Norris | literature--20th C | narrative | poetry | social sciences | Terry Tempest Williams
Monroe, Jonathan, Alice Fulton and Roald Hoffmann. "Unsettling Knowledge: A Poetry/Science Trialogue." Language and Learning Across the Disciplines: A Form for Debates Concerning Interdisciplinary, Situated Course Communities, and Writing Across the Curriculum Programs 6.2 (2003): 154-180.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: interdisciplinarity | poetry | science and technology studies
Moore, Bryan L. "Robinson Jeffers and the Tragedy of Anthropocentrism." English Language Notes 40.3 (2003): 58-62.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: anthropocentrism | destiny | ecocentrism | environmental sciences | literature--20th C | narrative | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robinson Jeffers
Morrisson, Mark. Edith Sitwell's Atomic Bomb Poems: Alchemy and Scientific Reintegration.” Modernism/Modernity 9 (2002): 605-633.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | atomic bomb | Edith Sitwell | Occult Sciences | poetry
Murphy, Patricia. “Fated Marginalization: Women and Science in the Poetry of Constance Naden.” Victorian Poetry 40.2 (2002): 107-130.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Charles Darwin | gender studies | poetry | social sciences
Naydan, Michael M. "Translating a Novel's Novelty: Yuri Andrukhovych's Perverzion In English." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003):455-464.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: linguistics | literature--20th C | philosophy | poetry | postmodernism | rhetoric of science | theory | translation | travelogue | Yuri Andrukhovych
Newlin, Thomas. "At the Bottom of the River: Forms of Ecological Consciousness in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature." Russian Studies in Literature: A Journal of Translations 39.2 (2003): 71-90.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Applon Maikov | environmental sciences | habitat | landscape | literature--19th C | literature--19th C | poetry | wildlife
Nichols, Heidi L. The Fashioning of Middle-class America: Sartain's Union Magazine of Literature and Art and Antebellum Culture. New York: Peter Lang, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: class studies | culture studies | gender studies | literature—19th C | morality | poetry | social sciences | visual art—19th C
Nicholson, Melanie. Evil, Madness, and the Occult in Argentine Poetry. Gainesville: University Press Florida, 2002.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: Alejandra Pizarnik | evil | Jacobo Fijman | literature--20th C | madness | mental illness | Occult Sciences | Olga Orozco | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Nixon, Jude V. "Death Blots Black Out": Thermodynamics and the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” Victorian Poetry 40:2 (2002): 131-155.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Gerard Manley Hopkins | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | thermodynamics
O'Leary, Peter. Gnostic Contagion: Robert Duncan and the Poetry of Illness. Middletown, CN: Wesleyan University Press, 2002.
Keywords: gnosticism | Hilda Doolittle | literature--19th--20th C | medicine | poetry | Robert Edward Duncan
Oates, David. Paradise Wild: Reimagining American Nature. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: autobiography | culture studies | David Oates | Edward Abbey | environmental sciences | gender studies | Henry David Thoreau | John Muir | literature--19th, 20th C | poetry | Terry Tempest Williams | theory | wildness
Oerlemans, Onno. Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature. Toronto; Buffalo, NY: University Toronto Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Alan Bewell | Alan Liu | Alexander von Humboldt | Anne Mellor | Barry Lopez | Carolus Linnaeus | Charles Darwin | David Hume | Dorothy Wordsworth | environmental sciences | Erasmus Darwin | exploration discovery & travel | gender studies | Geoffrey Hartman | geology | George Stubbs | Georges Cuvier | Gilbert White | Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck | John Clare | John Locke | Jonathan Bate | Joseph Priestly | literature—18th C | P.D. Holbach | perception | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | Robert Burns | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Timothy Morton | William Wordsworth
Öpp, Siegmar. "Welt aus Atomen. Das Lateinische Lehrgedicht des Lukrez." Scientia Poetica: Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Eds. Norbert Elsner, and Werner Frick. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2004. 31-52.
Keywords: literature—20th C | poetry | robots | technology
Parham, John. “Was There a Victorian Ecology?” In Parham (Collections), pp. 156-171. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson | Alison Sulloway | ecology | environmental sciences | evolution | Gerard Manley Hopkins | John Ruskin | landscape | literature—19th C | literature—children’s | poetry | Thomas Carlyle | Thomas Hardy | visual arts—19th C
Peelen, Gert J., ed. Dichter bij de waarheid: Gedachten over poëzie en wetenschap . Zoetermeer: Uitgeverji Meinema, 2001.
Keywords: Gerrit Krol | K. Michel | Maarten Doorman | Nachoem Wijnberg | poetry | Renée van Riessen | Rutger Kopland | theory
Peters, John G. "Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey." Explicator 61.2 (2003): 77-78.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | literature--19th C | poetry | William Wordsworth
Phaedrus. Aesop's Human Zoo: Roman Stories about Our Bodies. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: animal studies | Biological Sciences | body | fables | literature—classic | medicine | Phaedrus | poetry
Phillips, Carl. “Anomaly, Conundrum, ‘Thy-Will-Be-Done’: On the Poetry of George Herbert.” In Post (Collections): pp. 136-159. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: anomaly | conundrum | Emily Dickinson | George Herbert | Gerard Manley Hopkins | literature—17th-18th-19th C | literature—biblical | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences
Phillips, Dana. The Truth of Ecology: Nature, Culture, and Literature in America. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: A. R. Ammons | Biological Sciences | Bruno Latour | culture studies | culture studies | Daniel Dennett | ecocriticism | ecology | Ernst Mayr | Henry David Thoreau | Ian Hacking | John Barthes | literature-18th, 19th, 20th C | Ludwig Wittgenstein | Michel Serres | philosophy | poetry | popular sciences | rhetoric of science | Richard Rorty | Stephen Jay Gould | theory | Umberto Eco | Wallace Stevens
Phillips, Rowan Ricardo. “Derek Walcott: Imagination, Nation and the Poetics of Memory” Small Axe 6.1 (2002): 112-132.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Derek Walcott | environmental sciences | imagination | landscape | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Pitts, Angela Lynn. Prostitute, Muse, Lover: The Biographical Tradition of Sappho in Greek and Roman Literature. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Wisconsin, Madison, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: biography | Catullus | comedy | courtesan | epigram | gender studies | literature--classical | muse | narrative | Ovid | poetry | Sappho | social sciences
Post, Jonathan F.S. “Introduction: Green Thoughts, Green Shades.” In Post (Collections): pp. 3-16. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anne Bradstreet | Ben Johnson | Duchess of Newcastle | Edward Taylor | Elizabeth Bishop | George Herbert | John Donne | John Milton | literature—17th C | literature—Renaissance | Margaret Cavendish | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | T.S. Eliot | Thom Gunn
Primeau, Ronald. Herbert Woodward Martin and the African American Tradition in Poetry. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: drama | Herbert Woodward Martin | literature—20th C | music | opera | Paul Laurence Dunbar | poetry | race studies | social sciences
Pritchett, Kay. Nature's Colloquy with the Word: Pureza Canelo's First Poetics. Lewisburg, PA & London: Bucknell University Press & Associated University Presses, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetics | poetry | Pureza Canelo | theory
Purinton, Marjean D. "Staging the Physical: Romantic Science Theatricalized in T. L. Beddoes's 'The Brides' Tragedy.'" European Romantic Review 14.1 (2003): 81-95.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: drama | gender studies | literature--19th C | medicine | poetry | romanticism | Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Quetchenbach, Bernard W. “Primary Concerns: The Development of Current Environmental Identity Poetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 245-262. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Gary Snyder | identity | literature—20th C | poetry | Robert Bly
Quinn, Kelly A. Ecphrasis and Reading Practices in Elizabethan Narrative Verse. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 44 (Winter 2004): 19-35.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: literature—Renaissance | Michael Drayton | poetry | rhetoric of science | Samuel Daniel | William Shakespeare
Rainey, Lawrence. “Shock Effects: Marinetti, Pathology, and Italian Avant-Garde Poetics.” The Mind of Modernism: Medicine, Psychology, and the Cultural Arts in Europe and America, 1880-1940. Ed. Mark S. Micale. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004. 197-217.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: discourse | Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti | film | literature—19th-20th C | modernism | pathology | poetics | poetry | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | theory
Rangarajan, Mahesh, and Arvind Krishna Mehrotra. "Five Nature Writers: Jim Corbett, Kenneth Anderson, Salim Ali, Kailash Sankhala, and M. Krishnan." A History of Indian Literature in English. Ed. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2003. 351-65.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: drama | environmental sciences | Jim Corbett | Kailash Sankhala | Kenneth Anderson | M. Krishnan | Occult Sciences | poetry | Salim Ali | spiritualism | translation
Rasula, Jed. This Compost: Ecological Imperatives in American Poetry. Athens: University Georgia Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | alchemy | chaos | Charles Olson | Clayton Eshleman | death | Edward Dorn | Emily Dickenson | environmental sciences | Ezra Pound | Ezra Pound | Gertrude Stein | Gilles Deleuze | Heraclitus | Herman Melville | Jacques Derrida | John Ashbery | John Keats | Kenneth Irby | Kenneth Rexroth | literature—19th-20th C | Louis Zukofsky | Lucretius | Michael McClure | Michel Foucault | Mina Loy | myth | native Americans | Occult Sciences | poetry | psyche | Ralph Waldo Emerson | rhetoric of science | Robert Duncan | Robert Frost | Robinson Jeffers | Wallace Stevens | Walt Whitman | war | William Carlos Williams | William James
Richards, Robert John. The Romantic Conception of Life: Science and Philosophy in the Age of Goethe. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2002.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Russel Wallace | archetype | August Wilheml Schlegel | Baruch de Spinoza | Biological Sciences | Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer | Charles Darwin | Charlotte Von Stein | Erasmus Darwin | evolution | Friedrich Daniel Schleiermacher | Friedrich Schiller | Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis) | Friedrich Welheml Joseph Schelling | genius | Goerg Forster | idealism | Immanuel Kant | Johann Friedrich Blumenbach | Johann Gottfried Herder | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Karl Friedrich Schlegel | Karl Friedrich Schlegel | Karl Leonhard Reinhold | literature--18th-19th C | Lorenz Oken | poetry | politics | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Richard Own | romanticism | science & technology studies | transcendentalism
Richardson, Mark, Alison Morrison Shetlar, and Robert Shetlar. "'Because His Shell Is Empty': Writing Poems About Biology." Language and Learning Across the Disciplines: A Forum for Debates Concerning Interdisciplinary, Situated Discourse Communities, and Writing Across the Curriculum Programs 6.2 (2003): 63-85.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Biology | pedagogy | poetry
Sacks, Peter. “The Face of the Sonnet: Wyatt and Some Early Features of the Tradition.” In Post (Collections): pp. 17-40. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Bernard Williams | Dante Alighieri | Earl of Surrey | Henry Howard | literature—medieval | literature—Renaissance | Niccolo Degli Abbizi | Petrarch | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Sir Thomas Wyatt | William Shakespeare
Samuel, Flora. Le Corbusier: Architect and Feminist. Chichester, West Sussex, England & Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Academy, 2004.
Keywords: aesthetics | architecture | biography | culture studies | fashion | gender studies | Josephine Baker | literature—20th C | Marguerite Tjader Harris | Minette De Silva | Paul Poire | Plato | poetry | Pythagoros | social sciences | technology | theory | visual art—20th C
Scheub, Harold. The Poem in the Story: Music, Poetry, and Narrative. Madison, WI: University Wisconsin Press, 2002.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: folk music | oral tradition | poetry | rhetoric of science
Scigaj, Leonard M. “Panentheisti Epistemology: The Style of Wendell Berry’s A Timbered Choir.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 117-134. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Dante Alighieri | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | poetry | Wendell Berry
Shapiro, Shauna L. “Poetry, Mindfulness, and Medicine.” Fam Med 33 (2001): 505-506.
Keywords: education | literature—general | medicine | poetry
Sobolev, Dennis. Semantic Counterpoint, Hopkins, and the Wreck of the Deutschland. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 44 (Autumn 2004): 823-847.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Gerard Manley Hopkins | indeterminacy | literature—19th C | poetry | rhetoric of science
Sorisio, Carolyn. Fleshing Out America: Race, Gender, and the Politics of the Body in American Literature, 1833-1879. Athens: University Georgia Press, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: anatomy | gender studies | literature--19th C | Lydia Maria Child | Margaret Fuller | Martin R. Delany | poetry | race studies | Ralph Waldo Emerson | social sciences | Walt Whitman
Stabile, Giorgio. “Scienza e disincantamento del mondo: poesia, verità, nulla in Leopardi.” In Stabile (Collections), pp. 187-204. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Galileo Galilei | Giacomo Leopardi | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry
Strong, David. "Supra-Natural Creation in Dunbar's 'The Goldyn Targe.' Philological Quarterly 82.2 (2003): 149-166.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: creation | literature--medieval | Occult Sciences | poetry | William Dunbar
Sugg, Richard. “’Adding to the World’: Colonial Adventure and Anxiety in the Writings of John Donne.” In Jowitt (Collections): pp. 217-231. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: anxiety | Aristotle | colonialism | Discover | exploration discovery & travel | John Donne | literature—17th C | philosophy | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences
Talbot, John. Tennyson's Alcaics: Greek and Latin Prosody and the Invention of English Meters. Studies in Philology 101 (Spring 2004): 200-231.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson | literature—19th C | literature—classic | poetry | rhetoric of science
Telle, Joachim. "Dichter als Alchemiker: Vier Briefe von Gustav Meyrink an Alexander von Bernus." Fenster zur Welt. Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie. Festschrift für Friedrich Strack. Eds. Hans-Günther Schwarz, Christiane von Stutterheim, and Franz Loquai. München: Iudicium, 2004. 357-379.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | Alexander von Bernus | Gustav Meyer [Gustav Meyrink] | literature—19th-20th C | Occult Sciences | poetry
Terras, Victor. “The Black Sun: Orphic Imagery in the Poetry of Osip Mandelstam.” SEEJ 45 (2001): 45-60.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: Jean Racine | Nadezhda Mandelstam | Occult Sciences | Osip Mandelstam | poetry
Thain, Marion. "'Scientific Wooing': Constance Naden's Marriage of Science and Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 151-169.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | chemistry | Constance Naden | culture studies | evolution | gender studies | geology| idealism | hylozoism | literature--19th C | literature--19th C poetry | materialism | Matthew Arnold | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | pseudonym| C. Arden| philosophy| Robert Lewins| botany | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences | theory | Thomas Huxley | tropes | war
Thompson, Roger. “Emerson, Divinity, and Rhetoric in Transcendentalist Nature Writing.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 29-38. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | literature—19th C | poetry | Ralph Waldo Emerson | religion | rhetoric of science | transcendentalism
Thomson, Jeffrey. “’Everything Blooming Bows Down in the Rain’: Nature and the Work of Mourning in the Contemporary Elegy.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 153-161. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: ecology | environmental sciences | Jane Kenyon | literature—20th C | poetry
Trodd, Colin, and Stephanie Brown, eds. Representations of G.F. Watts: Art Making in Victorian Culture. Aldershot, Hants, UK & Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Athena Parthenone | biography | Cecil Rhodes | Colin Trodd | culture studies | Elgin Marbles | Frederic Leighton | G. F. Watts | Henry Tate | Jugh Lupus | literature—19th C | Mary Watts | poetry | Royal Academy | social sciences | visual arts—19th C
Underwood, Ted. "Skepticism and Surmise in Humphry Davy." Wordsworth Circle 34.2 (2003): 95-103.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: chemistry | Davy Humphry | empiricism | hypotheses | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | romanticism | skepticism | wonder
Vendler, Helen Hennessy. Poets Thinking: Pope, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Alexander Pope | allusion | and W. B. Yeats | Emily Dickinson | literature—19th C | perceptions | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | social sciences | thought | Walt Whitman
Vinson, Mona Margareta. "The Power of Phantasm in Stephane Mallarme's Youth Poetry and in the Psychoanalytic Theory of Jacques Lacan." Ph.D. Dissertation: University California, Davis, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: cryptology | ego | gender studies | grief | Jacques Lacan | narcissism | Occult Sciences | phantasm | poetry | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | rebirth | Stephane Mallarme | theory | unconscious
Voros,Gyorgyi. “Earth’s Echo: Answering Nature in Ammons’s Poetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 88-100. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetry
Walsh, Jessica. "’The Strangest Pain to Bear’: Corporeality and Fear of Insanity in Charlotte Mew's Poetry.” Victorian Poetry 40:3 (2002): 217-240.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Charlotte Mew | insanity | literature—20th C | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences
Wandtke, Terrence Ross. "'Souls upon the Screen': Psychoanalysis, the Cinema, and the Modern Literature of H.D." Ph.D. Dissertation: Saint Louis University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: D. H. Lawrence | Ezra Pound | film | gender studies | Hilda Doolittle (H. D.) | imagism | literature--20th C | modernism | poetry | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive science | social sciences
White, Simon J. "Rural Medicine: Robert Bloomfield's 'Good Tidings.'" Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism 9.2 (2003): 141-156.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: culture studies | literature--19th C | medicine | poetry | Robert Bloomfield | romanticism | social sciences
Winston, Jessica. A Mirror for Magistrates and Public Political Discourse in Elizabethan England Studies in Philology 101 (Fall 2004): 381-400.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: didacticism | literature—medieval | narrative | poetry | power | rhetoric of sciences | vices | virtue
Xiaojing, Zhou. “’The Redshifing Web’: Arthur Sze’s Ecopoetics.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 179-194. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Arthur Sze | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | native Americans | poetry
Yang, Xiaoshan. Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: Gardens and Objects in Tang-Song Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | Bai Juyi | culture studies | environmental sciences | gardens | literature--medieval | poetry | religion | Sima Guang | social sciences | Su Shi