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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "plague":

Antonsen, Christopher W. ‘Its character shall not be destroyed': Narrative, Heritage, and Tourism in the Plague Village. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Ohio State University, 2001.
Keywords: folklore | medicine | narrative | plague | tourism
Cantor, Norman F. In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made. New York: Free Press, 2001.
Keywords: black death | medicine | plague | social sciences
Cohn, Samuel Kline. The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe. London; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Keywords: medicine | plague | science & technology sciences | viruses
Lewis, Celia Milton. Framing Fiction with Death: The Seven Sages of Rome , Boccaccio's Decameron, and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Ph.D. Dissertation: Baylor University, 2001.
Keywords: Geoffrey Chaucer | Giovanni Boccaccio | literature—medieval | medicine | narrative | plague | time
Markel, Howard. When Germs Travel: Six Major Epidemics that have Invaded America Since 1900 and the Fears They Have Unleashed. New York: Pantheon Books, 2004.
Keywords: AIDS | Biological Sciences | culture studies | epidemics | genetics | globalization | immigration | medicine | microbiology | plague | social sciences | terrorism | tuberculosis | typhus | war
Mitchell, Peter. “The Politics of Morbidity: Plague Symbolism in Martyrdom and Medical Anatomy.” In Jowitt (Collections): pp. 77-94. [2002]
Keywords: anatomy | environmental sciences | martyrdom | medicine | plague | politics | religion | symbolism
Naphy, William G. Plagues, Poisons, and Potions: Plague-spreading Conspiracies in the Western Alps, c. 1530-1640. Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press; Palgrave, 2002.
Keywords: literature—16th--17th C | medicine | Occult Sciences | plague | poison | witchcraft
Sayeau, Michael. "The Voice of the Plague: Disorder, Order, and Talk in Daniel Defoe's 'A Journal of the Plague Year.'" Literary London: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Representation of London 1.2 (2003).
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Daniel Defoe | medicine | plague | social sciences
Urso, Carmelo. “The Different Originality of Homer and Thucydides.” Am J Dermatopathol 23 (2001): 274-275.
Keywords: Homer | literature—classical | medicine | plague | Thucydides