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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "photography":

Brashear, Ronald, and Daniel Lewis. Star Struck: One Thousand Years of the Art and Science of Astronomy . San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: astrology | astronomy | light | photography | physical and mathematical sciences | telescope | visual arts—medieval | visual arts—Renaissance
Andre, Laura Margaret. "Lunar Nation: The Moon and American Visual Culture, 1957-1972. Ph.D. Dissertation: University North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: architecture | astronomy | class studies | cold war | colonialism | Faith Ringgold | fashion | gender studies | gender studies | nationalism| technology | New Frontier | photography | popular sciences | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Sputnik | technology | theory | visual arts--20th C
April, Robert S. “Representation of the Dead Body in Literature and Medical Writings during the Restoration in France (1799-1848).” Images of the Corpse: From the Renaissance to Cyberspace. Ed. Elizabeth Klaver. Madison, WI: University Wisconsin Press, 2004. 63-87.
Keywords: Andres Serrano | autopsy | corpses | death | film | gender studies | Gustave Flaubert | Honoré Balzac | literature—19th C | medicine | philosophy | photography | social sciences | technology | visual art—19th C
Ballerini, Julia. Rewriting the Nubian Figure in the Photography: Maxime Du Camp’s ‘Cultural Hypochondria.’” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 30-50. [2002]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: colonialism | Jean François Champollion | Joseph Brichetti | objectivity | photography | postcolonialism | race studies | rhetoric of science | Richard Lepsius | technology
Bank, Andrew. “Anthropology and Portrait Photography: Gustav Fritsch's ‘Natives of South Africa,' 1863-1872.” Kronos (South Africa) 27 (2001): 43-76.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Gustav Fritsch | photography | race studies | social sciences
Bann, Stephen. Parallel Lines: Printmakers, Painters and Photographers in Nineteenth-Century France. New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2001.
Keywords: Carle Verner | Horace Verner | Jean-Dominique Ingres | Louis Henriquel-Dupont | Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre | Luigi Calamatta | Nicéphore Niépce | Paul Delaroche | Paul Mercuri | photography | technology | visual arts—19th C
Baskind, Samantha. The "True" Story: LIFE Magazine, Horace Bristol, and John Steinbeck's ‘The Grapes of Wrath.’ Steinbeck Studies 15 (Fall 2004): 39-74.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: documentary | Horace Bristol | John Steinbeck | literature—20th C | migrant labor | photography | social sciences | technology
Bickenbach, Matthias. “Das Diapositiv des Fotoalbums: Mutation kultureller Errinerung. Nadar und das Pantheon.” In Fohrmann (Collections), pp. 87-128. [2001]
Popular Sciences
Keywords: photography | popular sciences
Boger, Astrid. People's Lives Public Images: The New Deal Documentary Aesthetic. Tübingen: Narr, 2001.
Keywords: film/TV | literature—20th C | photography | technology
Budd, Malcolm. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature: Essays on the Aesthetics of Nature. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | agriculture | Christo | conservation | environmental sciences | ethics | G. Dickie | J. Stolnitz | John Muir | K. Walton | landscape | M. Duchamp | Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) | mythology | native Americans | P. Johnson | P. Ziff | photography | postmodernism | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | religion | technology | Tony Hillerman | visual arts—17th-20th C
Burke, Peter. Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001.
Keywords: film/TV | photography | technology
Canales, Jimena. “Exit the Frog, Enter the Human: Physiology and Experimental Psychology in Nineteenth-Century Astronomy.” BJHS 34 (2001): 173-197.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Adolph Hirsch | astronomy | photography | physical & mathematical sciences | psychological and cognitive sciences
Cárcamo Huechante, Luis Ernesto. “MEDIAted Memory: Writing, Photography, and Performativity in the Age of Image.” In Paz (Collections), pp. 103-116. [2001]
Keywords: photography | Richard Nelly | technology
Chapman, Alison. "'A Poet Never Sees a Ghost': Photography and Trance in Tennyson's 'Enoch Arden' and Julia Margaret Cameron's Photography." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 47-71.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | Alfred Tennyson | autobiography | death | epilepsy | ESP | gender studies | ghosts | hypnotism | idyll | Julia Margaret Cameron | literature--19th C | medicine | mesmerism | Occult Sciences | photography | photography | poetry | religion | social sciences | spiritualism | technology | trances | vision
Chapman, Chris. “Three Uses of Photography.” Photofile 67 (Dec. 2002): 4-8.
Keywords: advertising | Aleksandra Mir | Andy Warhol | architecture | Bernd Becher | computers & digital sciences | Gerhard Richter | Hilla Becher | internet | Jeff Koons | Jonathan Nichols | murals | photography | Ravi Agarwal | Renée Green | Richard Hamilton | technology | Tracey Moffatt | Trevor Smith | videos | visual arts—19th-20th C
Clinton, Alan Ramon. Mechanical Occult: Automatism, Modernism, and the Specter of Politics. New York: P. Lang, 2004.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: automatism | Ezra Pound | I-Ching | literature—20th C | modernism | mysticism | Occult Sciences | photography | poetics | politics | T.S. Eliot | tarot cards | technology | theory | W.B. Yeats
Comini, Alessandra. “Toys in Freud's Attic: Torment and Taboo in the Child and Adolescent Themes of Vienna's Image-makers.” In Brown (Collections): pp. 167-188. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: childhood | John Singer Sargent | literature—17th-18th-19th C | photography | psychological and cognitive sciences | Sigmund Freud | taboos | technology | visual arts--17th-18th-19th C
Corwin, Sharon Lynn. Selling "America": Precisionism and the Rhetoric of Industry, 1916--1939 . Ph.D. Dissertation: University of California, Berkeley, 2001 .
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: advertisements | Charles Sheeler | exhibitions | Georgia O'Keefe | landscape | Margaret Bourke-White | photography | precisionism | rhetoric of science | social sciences | technology | visual arts—20th C
Decherney, Peter. Imagining the Archive: Film Collecting in America Before MoMA. Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2001.
Keywords: Harry Alan Potamkin | Iris Barry | modernism | museums | photography | technology | Vachel Lindsay | visual arts—general
Dermer, Rachelle A. Photographic Objectivity and the Construction of the Medical Subject in the United States. Ph.D. Dissertation: Boston University, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | body | Eadweard Muybridge | Elizabeth Fleischmann | Joel-Peter Witkin | John Shaw Billings | medicine | objectivity | photography | science & technology studies | Stanley Burns | technology | visual arts: 19th--20th C | X-ray
Deroo, Rebecca. “Colonial Collecting: French Women and Algerian ‘Cartes Postales.’” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 159-171. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: collections | colonialism | exploration discovery & travel | Malck Alloula | photography | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences
Downing, Eric. “Paraphotography and the Ent-wicklung of Bildung in Thomas Mann's Der Zauberberg.” GR 76 (2001): 172-191.
Keywords: photography | technology | Thomas Mann
Eigen, Edward. “Dark Space and the Early Days of Photography as a Medium.” Grey Room 3 (Spring 2001): 90-111.
Keywords: optics | photography | technology | visual arts--19th C
Espósito, Alberto Martín. “El tiempo suspendido. Fotografia y narración.” In Molinuevo (Collections), pp. 169-180. [2001]
Keywords: narrative | photography | technology
Evans, Andrew D. “Capturing Race: Anthropology and Photography in German and Austrian Prisoner-of-war Camps During World War One.” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 226-256. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Andrew Evans | anthropology | anti-semitism | Felix von Luschan | photography | propoganda | race studies | rhetoric of science | Rudolf Pőch | social sciences | stereotypes | war | Wilhelm Doegen
Ferenc, Tomasz. “Socjologia obrazu, socjologia fotografii-praktyki badawcze.” Przeglad Socjologiczny 50, no. 2 (2001): 81-99.
Social Sciences
Keywords: photography | social sciences
Fetveit, Arild. “Reality TV in the Digital Era: A Paradox in Visual Culture.” In Friedman (Collections): pp. 155-184. [2002]
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | digitalization | documentary | Dziga Vertov | John Tagg | photography | technology | television | visual arts—20th C
Frank, Adam. “Emily Dickinson and Photography.” EDJ 10, no. 2 (2001): 1-21.
Keywords: Emily Dickinson | photography | technology
Frankel, Felice. Envisioning Science: The Design and Craft of the Science Image. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.
Keywords: illustration | photography | technology | visual arts--20th C
Franklin, Marianne. “Walter Benjamin.” In May (Collections): pp. 12-42. [2002]
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: aesthetics | cyborgs | Donna Haraway | film | internet | Marxism | Marxism | mysticism | mythology | philosophy | photography | popular sciences | propaganda | science and technology studies | science fiction | social sciences | technology | Theodore Adorno | theory | visual arts—20th C | Walter Benjamin | war
Friday, Jonathan. Aesthetics and Photography. Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | photography | technology | visual arts--20th C
Gooding, Mel. Artists, Land, Nature. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Chris Drury | environmental sciences | Giuseppe Penone | landscape | Nikolaus Lang | photography | Richard Long | technology | visual arts--20th C | William Furlong
Goodman, Audrey. Translating Southwestern Landscapes: The Making of an Anglo Literary Region. Tucson: University Arizona Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | landscape | photography | technology
Gordon, Anna Pegler. "In Sight of America: Photography and United States Immigration Policy, 1880-1930." Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Ellis Island | ethnography | exploration, discovery, and travel | identity | immigration | law | medicine | photography | race studies | social sciences | technology
Green, Amy S. “Two Women Naturalists and the Search for Autonomy: Anna Botsford Comstock and the Producer Ethic; Gene Stratton-Porter and the Gospel of Wealth.” Women's Studies Quarterly 29 (2001): 145-154.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Anna Botsford | Biological Sciences | Comstock | gender studies | Gene Stratton-Porter | natural science | photography
Green-Lewis, Jennifer. “Not Fading Away: Photography in the Age of Oblivion.” NCC 22 (2001): 559-585.
Keywords: photography | physical & mathematical sciences | technology
Gunning, Tom. “In Your Face: Physiognomy, Photography, and the Gnostic Mission of Early Film.” The Mind of Modernism: Medicine, Psychology, and the Cultural Arts in Europe and America, 1880-1940. Ed. Mark S. Micale. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004. 141-72.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: 20th C | film | gnosticism | literature—19th | modernism | photography | physiognomy | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Studies | rhetoric of science | technology
Hall, James Baker. Tobacco Harvest: An Elegy. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | literature—20th C | photography | photojournalism | poetry | technology | tobacco | visual art—20th C | Wendell Berry
Hamilton, Peter, and Roger Hargreaves. The Beautiful and the Damned: The Creation of Identity in Nineteenth Century Photography. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Lund Humphries; London: In association with the National Portrait Gallery, 2001.
Keywords: exhibitions | National Portrait Gallery | photography | portraits | social sciences | technology | visual arts—19th C
Haupt, Sabine. “'Rotdunkel': Vom Ektoplasma zur Aura: Fotografie und Okkultismus bei Thomas Mann und Walter Benjamin.” Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie 120 (2001): 540-570.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: Occult Sciences | photography | technology | Thomas Mann | Walter Benjamin
Hawker, Rosemary. “The Idiom in Photography as the Truth in Painting.” South Atlantic Quarterly 101:3 (2002): 541-554.
Keywords: Gerhard Richter | idiom | photography | rhetoric of science | technology | visual arts--20th C
Hayes, Michael. “Photography and the Emergence of the Pacific Cruise: Rethinking the Representational Crisis in Colonial Photography.” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 172-187. [2002]
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: Alfred Burton | colonialism | discourse | exploration discovery & travel | Geoffrey Batchen | Michel Foucault | photography | race studies | social sciences
Hight, Eleanor M., and Gay D. Sampson. “Introduction: Photography, ‘Race,’ and Post-Colonial Theory.” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 1-19. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: colonialism | colonialism | discourse | Michel Foucault | photography | postcolonialism | race studies | Rebecca DeRoo | social sciences
Johnston, Patricia. “Advertising Paradise: Hawai’i in Art, Anthropology, and Commerce.” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 188-225. [2002]
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: advertisements | anthropology | Anton Bruehl | Biological Sciences | colonialism | Edward Steichen | exploration discovery & travel | James Cook | Jane Desmond | Paul Gauguin | photography | postcolonialism | race studies | social sciences | Toni Frissell | visual arts: 19th-20th C
Kimball, A. Samuel. “Conceptions and Contraceptions of the Future: Terminator 2, The Matrix, and Alien Resurrection.” Camera Obscura 17:50 (May 2002): 69-108.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | conception | extinction | film | metaphor | photography | popular sciences | science fiction | symbolism | technology | theory
Klein, Jennie. “Motherhood.” New Art Examiner 28, no. 6 (March 2001): 16-23.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Caroline Koebel | Marry Kelly | Monica Bock | Myrel Chernick | photography | portraiture | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Rineke Dijkstra | visual arts--20th C
Knopf Newman, Marcy Jane. Slash, Burn, and Poison: Narrative Interventions in the Breast Cancer war. Ph.D. Dissertation: Miami University, 2001.
Keywords: Amy Ling | Audre Lorde | Betty Ford | Betty Rolin | cancer | Carole Gallagher | Christina Middlebrook | Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick | film/TV | gender studies | Holocaust | Marilyn Hacker | medicine | narrative | photography | poetry | Rachel Carson | rhetoric of science | Richard Nixon | Rose Kushner
Liberatore, Virginia. Performing the Passions Between Classical and Modern Epistemes: Text and Photography in Duchenne de Boulogne's 'Mecanisme de la physionomie humaine. Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | allegory | Charles Darwin | Duchenne de Boulogne | medicine | mimesis | narrative | photography | postmodernism | psychological and cognitive sciences | visual arts—20th C | visual rhetoric
Lilley, James D. “Of Whales and Men: The Dynamics of Cormac McCarthy’s Environmental Imagination.” In Rosendale (Collections): pp. 149-164. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | body | Cormac McCarthy | ecology | environmental sciences | Lawrence Buell | literature—20th C | photography | technology
Liu, Catherine. “Getting to the Photo Finish: Photography, Autobiography, Modernity.” South Atlantic Quarterly 101:3 (2002): 519-539.
Keywords: autobiography | modernity | photography | technology | visual arts--20th C
Longstreth, Richard, ed. The Charnley House: Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Making of Chicago's Gold Coast. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2004.
Keywords: architecture | class studies | Frank Lloyd Wright | Louis Sullivan | photography | social sciences | technology | technology | visual arts—20th C
Luxenberg, Alisa. “‘The Art of Correctly Painting the Expressive Lines of the Human Face': Duchenne de Boulogne's Photographs of Human Expression and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts.” History of Photography 25, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 201-12.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Guillaume-Benjamin Duchenne de boulogne | medicine | photography | psychological and cognitive sciences | visual arts--19th century
Lütticken, Sven. “Haunted Space.” Afterimage 30.2 (Sept.-Oct. 2002): 6-8, 12.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: architecture | computer games | computers and digital technology | Dirk Paesmans | Joan Heemskerk | Jodi Dirk | photography | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | psychotherapy | Sigmund Freud | stereoscopy | technology | Thomas Ruff | visual arts—21st C | Visual arts—electronic
Marino, Melanie S. Dumb Documents: Uses of Photography in American Conceptual Art, 1959—1969. Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University, 2002.
Keywords: amateurism | documentation | photoconceptualism | photography | technology | theory | visual arts--20th C
Meaux, Daniele. “Écriture et photographie dans l'oeuvre de Marguerite Duras.” In Duras, femme de siècle, Stella Harvey, ed., 145-159. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001.
Keywords: Marguerite Duras | photography | technology
Miller, Arthur I . Einstein, Picasso: Space, Time, and the Beauty that Causes Havoc . New York: Basic Books, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Albert Einstein | geometry | Georges Braque | Henri Poincaré | light | Maurice Princet | Pablo icasso | photography | physical and mathematical sciences | relativity | technology | time
Monroe, John Warne, 'Cartes de Visite from the Other World: Spiritism and the Discourse of Laïcisme in the Early Third Republic', French Historical Studies 26.1 (2003): 119-153.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aliens | Allan Kardec | Edouard Buguet | Laïcisme | literature--19th C | Occult Sciences | photography | spiritism | spirtism | technology
Newton, Julianne Hickerson. The Burden of Visual Truth: The Role of Photojournalism in Mediating Reality. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.
Keywords: photography | technology
Newton, Julianne Hickerson. The Burden of Visual Truth: The Role of Photojournalism in Mediating Reality. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: photography | psychological and cognitive sciences | Science Studies | technology
Nickel, Douglas Robert. Dreaming in Pictures: The Photography of Lewis Carroll. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002.
Keywords: Lewis Carroll | photography | technology | visual arts--19th C
Nordstrom, Alison Devine. Voyages (Per)formed: Photography and Tourism in the Gilded Age. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Union Institute, 2001.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | literature--19th C | photography | technology | tourism | visual rhetoric--19th C
Oost, Regina B. “'More Like than Life': Painting, Photography, and Dickens's Bleak House.” Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 30 (2001): 141-148.
Keywords: Charles Dickens | photography | technology
Peat, F. David. “Annotations on Science and Aesthetics.” In Wagner ( Collections ), 6 pages (unnumbered). [2001]
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | Catherine Wagner | photography
Plumpe, Gerhard. “Tote Blicke. Fotografie als Präsenzmedium.” In Fohrmann (Collections), pp. 70-86. [2001]
Popular Sciences
Keywords: photography | popular sciences
Plunkett, John. Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: gender studies | J. J. E. Mayall | lithography | photography | social sciences | technology
Polk, Milby, and Mary Tiergreen, Women of Discovery: A Celebration of Intrepid Women Who Explored the World . New York : Potter, 2001.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: Alexandra David-Neel | Alexandrine Petronella Francina Tinné | Anna Maria Sibylla Merian | Anne Blunt | Biological Sciences | Delia Julia Denning Akeley | exploration discovery & travel | gender studies | Mary Kingsley | photography | social sciences | visual arts—general
Roberts, Samuel Kelton. "Infectious Fear: Tuberculosis, Public Health, and the Logic of Race and Illness in Baltimore, Maryland, 1880-1930." Ph.D. Dissertation: Princeton University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: cartography | gender studies | illness | medicine | photography | politics | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences | technology | tuberculosis
Sabatos, Terri Renee. Images of Death and Domesticity in Victorian Britain. Ph.D. Dissertation: Indiana University, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: photography | social sciences | visual arts--19th C
Sampson, Gary D. “Unmasking the Colonial Picturesque: Samuel Bourne’s Photographs of Barrackpore Park.” In Sampson (Collections): pp. 84-106. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: colonialism | Lady Clementina Hawarden | Lord George Nathaniel Curzon | Mary Bourne | photography | race studies | rhetoric of science | Samuel Bourne | social sciences
Sandler, Martin W. Against the Odds: Women Pioneers in the First Hundred Years of Photography. New York: Rizzoli, 2002.
Keywords: biography | environmental sciences | landscape | photography | portraiture | technology | visual arts--20th C
Schwartz, Marcy E. “Cortázar under Exposure: Photography and Fiction in the City.” In Paz (Collections), pp. 117-138. [2001]
Keywords: Julio Cortázar | photography | technology | urban studies
Seelig, Michelle Ivy. The Social Construction of News Photos: A Case Study of the Photo Editorial-decision Process at the "Philadelphia Inquirer." Ph.D. Dissertation: Florida State University, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: photography | rhetoric of science | social sciences | technology
Shelton, Emily Jane. "My Secret Life: Photographs, Melancholy Realisms, and Modern Personhood." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Chicago, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | culture studies | identity | melancholy | paradigm | photography | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | technology | theory
Shepherd, Tonya A. "The Spectacular Madwoman: Nineteenth-century Women Writers Who Exposed the Ideological Bias of Psychiatric Objectivity and the Immorality of Moral Asylum Management." Ph.D. Dissertation: Indiana University Pennsylvania, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: asylums | autobiography | Casper Lavater | culture studies | Elizabeth Blackwell | Fanny Fern | gender studies | immorality | insanity | literature--19th C | medicine | objectivity | patriarchy | photography | physiognomy | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | technology | theory | visual arts--19th C
Shetley, Vernon, and Alissa Ferguson. “Reflections in a Silver Eye: Lens and Mirror in Blade Runner ” Science Fiction Studies 28(2): 66-76, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: allegory | androids | film/TV | Jan van Eyck | memory | optics | Philip K. Dick | photography | physical and mathematical sciences | Psychological Sciences | science fiction | symbolism | visual arts—20th C
Sichel, Kim. “Germaine Krull and ‘L’Amitré Noir’: World War Two and French Colonialist Film.“ In Sampson (Collections): pp. 257-280. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Charles De Gaulle | colonialism | Félix Eboué | film | François Villers | Jean Cocteau | photography | postcolonialism | propoganda | race studies | social sciences | war
Smith, Andrew Michael. "Regeneration Through Photography: Invention and Identity in Pre-twentieth-century United States Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: University New Mexico, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Benjamin Franklin | Charles Brokden Brown | culture studies | daguerreotype | identity | invention | John Plumbe, Jr. | Jonathan Edwards | literature--19th C | medicine | metaphor | Nathaniel Hawthorne | photography | popular science | race studies | Ralph Waldo Emerson | social sciences | technology | theory | visual arts--19th C
Stringer, Dorothy. "'Dangerous and Disturbing': Traumas and Fetishes of Race in Faulkner, Larsen, and Van Vechten." Ph.D. Dissertation: State University New York, Albany, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Carl Van Vechten | fetishes | gender studies | literature--20th C | narrative | narrative | nationalism | Nella Larsen | photography | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | puns | race studies | Sigmund Freud | social sciences | technology | theory | trauma | violence | visual arts--20th C | William Faulkner
Traugott, Joseph. “Photographing Hopi, Publishing Zuni: Constructing the Imaginary West.” Palacio 106, no. 2 (2001-2002): 10-17.
Social Sciences
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | Frank Cushing | minority studies | photography | social sciences
Visintainer, John Robert. "Descartes' Theory against Artificial Intelligence and the Micro-world." Ph.D. Dissertation: Marquette University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: artificial intelligence | cartesianism | chess | class studies | computers and digital technology | environmental sciences | landscape | modernity | nationalism | philosophy | photography | René Descartes | rhetoric of science | stereoscope | theory | vision | visual arts--19th C
Vossoughian, Nader. Facts and Artifacts: Otto Neurath and the Social Science of Socialization. Ph.D. Dissertation: Columbia University, 2004.
Keywords: aesthetics | beauty | Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) | culture studies | empiricism | Enlightenment | Ferdinand Tönnies | hieroglyphics | Josef Frank | laissez-faire | lantern slides | Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky | museums | Otto Neurath | philosophy | photography | rationality | social sciences | technology | theory | utilitarianism | utopianism | Vienna Circle
Waggoner, Diane. “Photographing Childhood: Lewis Carrol and Alice.” In Brown, (Collections): pp. 149-166. [2002]
Keywords: childhood | Lewis Carrol | photography | technology
Wallis, Jonathan. Mariko Mori: Art in Search of an Enlightened Future. Ph.D. Dissertation: Temple University, 2004.
Keywords: culture studies | mythology | performance | photography | social sciences | technology | visual art—20th C
Wheeler, Tom. Phototruth or Photofiction?: Ethics and Media Imagery in the Digital Age. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002.
Keywords: ethics | journalism | media | photography | technology
White, Stephen, and Andreas Bluhm. The Photograph and the American Dream, 1840-1940. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum; New York: Distributed Art Publishers, 2001.
Keywords: exhibitions | immigration | museums | photography | technology | Vincent van Gogh | visual arts—19th C
Wolf, Sylvia. Visions from America: Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940-2001. Munich; New York: Prestel & Whitney Museum of American Art, 2002.
Keywords: photography | technology | visual arts--20th C
Yamashiro, Jennifer Pearson. Sex in the Field: Photography at the Kinsey Institute. Ph.D. Dissertation: Indiana University, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Alfred C. Kinsey | gender studies | photography | science & technology studies | social sciences | technology | visual arts: 20th C
Zimmerman, Andrew. “Looking beyond History: The Optics of German Anthropology and the Critique of Humanism.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32C (2001): 385-411.
Social Sciences
Keywords: colonialism | perspective | photography | rhetoric of science | social sciences