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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "paranoia":

Coffman, Christine Elisabeth. "Insane passions": Psychosis and Female Same-sex Desire in Psychoanalysis and Literary Modernism. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Southern California, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: André Breton | Christine Papin | Djuna Barnes | gender studies | H.D. | Hilda Doolittle | Jacques Lacan | Léa Papin | literature--20th C | modernism | narcissism | paranoia | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science | sadism
López, Ignacio Javier. “Film, Freud, and Paranoia: Dalí and the Representation of Male Desire in An Andalusian Dog.” Diacritics 31, no. 2 (2001): 35-48.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | Luis Buñuel | paranoia | psychological and cognitive sciences | Salvador Dalí | Sigmund Freud | visual arts—20thC
McCarthy, David. H.C. Westermann at War: Art and Manhood in Cold War America. Newark: University Delaware Press, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: allegory | cold war | fanaticism | fear | H. C. Westermann | humor | paranoia | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | violence | visual art—20th C | war
Mills, Jon. “Paranoiac Episteme.” Psychoanalysis at the Limit. Ed. Jon Mills. Albany, NY: State University New York Press, 2004. 91-97.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: episteme | epistemology | mind | ontology | paranoia | philosophy | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | theory | unconsciousness
Paradis, Kenneth Gordon. "Madness, Masculinity and the Modern Individual: Paranoia and Gender in Mid-Twentieth-Century Narrative." Ph.D. Dissertation, McMaster University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: gender studies | identity| Sigmund Freud | literature--20th C | mysteries | paranoia | psychological and cognitive sciences | Raymond Chandler | social sciences
Ruiz-Velasco, Christopher Lorenz. Paranoid Nation: Paranoia and Narrative in American Literature . Ph.D. Dissertation: University of California, Riverside, 2001. Don DeLillo, Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: | D. W. Griffith | film/TV | Ishmael Reed | John F. Kennedy | narrative | paranoia | psychological and cognitive sciences | race studies | Sutton Griggs | Thomas Pynchon