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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "optics":

Akbari, Suzanne Conklin. Seeing through the Veil: Optical Theory and Medieval Allegory. Toronto: University Toronto Press, 2004.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: allegory. Dante Alighieri | Geoffrey Chaucer | illumination | literature—medieval | medicine | optics | physical & mathematical sciences | science & technology studies | vision
Ben-Chaim, Michael. “The Discovery of Natural Goods: Newton's Vocation as an ‘Experimental Philosopher.'” BJHS 34 (2001): 395-416.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Isaac Newton | optics | physical and mathematical sciences
Clayton, Jay. Charles Dickens in Cyberspace: The Afterlife of the Nineteenth Century in Postmodern Culture. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Charles Dickens | computers and digital technology | culture studies | culture studies | dystopia | literature--19th C | modernity | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | popular sciences | postmodernism | postmodernism | science and technology studies | social sciences | technology | telegraph | utopia | virtual reality
Cohen, I. Bernard. “The Case of the Missing Author: The Title Page of Newton's Opticks (1704), with Notes on the Title Page of Huygens's Traité de la lumière .” In Buchwald (Collections), pp. 15-45. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Christian Huygens | Isaac Newton | optics | physical and mathematical sciences
Duner, David Immanuel. Varldsmaskinen: Emanuel Swedenborgs Naturfilosofi. Ph.D. Dissertation: Lunds Universitet, 2004.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: acoustics | arithmetic | chemistry infinity | Emanuel Swedenborg | geometry | hydrology | literature—18th C | measurement | mechanics | mechanism | metaphysics | music | neurology | optics | philosophy | physical & mathematical sciences | physics | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | science & technology studies | theory
Eigen, Edward. “Dark Space and the Early Days of Photography as a Medium.” Grey Room 3 (Spring 2001): 90-111.
Keywords: optics | photography | technology | visual arts--19th C
Feingold, Mordechai. “Mathematicians and Naturalists: Sir Isaac Newton and the Royal Society.” In Buchwald (Collections), pp. 77-102. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Isaac Newton | mathematics | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | rhetoric of science | Royal Society
Glanville, Helen. “Veracity, Verisimilitude, and Optics in Painting in Italy at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century.” IS 56 (2001): 30-56.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Galileo Galilei | Leonardo da Vinci | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | visual arts—17th C
Hill, Ruth. “Modern Science as Emergent Culture: Luzan's ‘Juicio de Paris renovado: Fábula épica.'” Hispanofila 132 (May 2001): 53-68.
Keywords: Gabriel Alvarez de Toledo y Pellicer | Ignacio de Luzan | Isaac Newton | optics | physical & mathematical sciences | theory
Hockney, David. Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters. New York: Viking Studio, 2001.
Keywords: camera lucida | camera obscura | optics | technology | visual arts--14th – 20th C
Jackson, Myles W. “Illuminating the Opacity of Achromatic Lens Production: Joseph von Frauenhofer's Use of Monastic Architecture and Space as Laboratory.” In Galison (Collections), pp. 141-163. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: | architecture | Joseph von Frauenhofer | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | Science Studies | technology
Janiak, Andrew. “Space, Atoms and Mathematical Divisibility in Newton.” Stud Hist Phil Sci 31A (2001): 203-230.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Henry More | Isaac Newton | optics | physical and mathematical sciences
Johnston, Matthew N. Surveying the Nation in Time: Landscape and Narrative in Nineteenth-century American Print Culture. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Chicago, 2004.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: electroplating | engraving | environmental sciences | ethnography | geology | imagery | landscape | literature—19th C | narrative | narrative | optics | physical & mathematical sciences | print | surveying | technology | theory | time | tourism | visual art—19th C
Kashihara, Toshiki. “The Subject Given to/by the Other: Reading The Crying of Lot 49 through Optical Metaphors.” Studies in American Literature (Kyoto) 38 (2001): 113-133.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: optics | perception | physical and mathematical sciences | Thomas Pynchon
Lee, Pamela M. “Bridget Riley's Eye/Body Problem.” October 98 (Fall 2001): 26-46.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Bridget Riley | op art | optics | perception | psychological and cognitive sciences | synesthesia | visual arts--20th C
Lee, Raymond L., Jr., and Alistair B. Fraser. The Rainbow Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth, and Science . University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: | Albrecht Dürer | Aristotle | color | Frederic Edwin Church | Isaac Newton | John Constable | John Ruskin | Maarten van Heemskerck | mythology | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | rainbows | René Descartes | Robert Grosseteste | visual arts—general
Linden, Stanton J. “Margaret Cavendish and Robert Hooke: Optics and Scientific Fantasy in The Blazing World .” In Ésoterisme, Gnoses and Imaginaire Symbolique , Richard Caron and Joscelyn Godwin, eds., 611-623. Louvain, Belgium: Peeters, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Margaret Cavendish | optics | physical and mathematical sciences | Robert Hooke | science fiction
Pesenti Compagnini, Donata. “Les machines d'optique comme métaphores de l'esprit.” In Pesenti (Collections), pp. 111-139. [2001]
Keywords: literature—19th C | optics | technology
Santucci, Salvatore. Prima di Piero: Prospettiva sensza prospettive . Pascara: Sala, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Ambrogio Lorenaetti | Martini Giotto | optics | perspective | Pietro Lorenzetti | psychological and cognitive sciences | Simone (Duccio did Buoninsegna) | visual arts--14th -15th C | Vitruvius
Shapiro, Alan E. “Newton's Experiments in Diffraction and the Delayed Publication of the Opticks .” In Buchwald (Collections), pp. 47-76. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Isaac Newton | optics | physical and mathematical sciences
Shetley, Vernon, and Alissa Ferguson. “Reflections in a Silver Eye: Lens and Mirror in Blade Runner ” Science Fiction Studies 28(2): 66-76, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: allegory | androids | film/TV | Jan van Eyck | memory | optics | Philip K. Dick | photography | physical and mathematical sciences | Psychological Sciences | science fiction | symbolism | visual arts—20th C
Stöltzner, Michael. “Otto Neurath 1913-1915.” In Blackmore (Collections), pp. 105-122. [2001]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Ernst Mach | optics | Otto Neurath | rhetoric of science
Strosberg, Eliane. Art and Science . Paris: UNESCO, 1999; rpt. New York: Abbeville Press, 2001.
Keywords: architecture | astronomy | cognition | color | light | music | optics | perspective | theory | visual arts—general