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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "nostalgia":

Linville, Susan Elizabeth. History Films, Women, and Freud's Uncanny. Austin: University Texas Press, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | anxiety | film | gender studies | literature-20th C | nostalgia | Oliver Stone | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Sigmund Freud | social sciences | technology
McClennen, Sophia A. The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in Hispanic Literatures. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2004.
Keywords: Ariel Dorfman | Cristina Peri Rossi | culture studies | dystopia | exile | identity | Juan Goytisolo | nationalism | nostalgia | postmodernism | theory | utopia
Ramaswamy, Sumathi. The Lost Land of Lemuria: Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories. Berkeley: University California Press, 2004.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: catastrophy | culture studies | exploration discovery & travel | fables | geography | legend | Lemuria | modernity | nostalgia | Occult Sciences | physical & mathematical sciences | social sciences
Sweeney, J. Gray. “Racism, Nationalism, and Nostalgia.” In Pinder (Collections): pp. 155-168. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Charles M. Russell | Charles Schreyvogel | Frederick Remington | nostalgia | race studies | social sciences | visual arts—19th C
Wagner, Tamara S. Longing: Narratives of Nostalgia in the British Novel, 1740-1890. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: culture studies | literature—18th-19th C | memory | narrative | nostalgia | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | social sciences