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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "metaphor":

Ackerman, Diane. An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain. New York: Scribner, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Albert Einstein | animal studies | Biological Sciences | consciousness | dreams | emotions | evolution | gender studies | identity | language | literature—Renaissance | memory | metaphor | neuroscience | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | social sciences | thought | trauma | William Shakespeare
Adolphs, Svenja, Craig Hamilton, and Brigitte Nerlich. "The Meaning of Genetics." International Journal of English Studies 3.1 (2003): 57-75.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: analysis | Biological Sciences | collocation | genetics | language | lexicology | metaphor | rhetoric of science | terminology | theory
Alexander, Amir R. “Exploration Mathematics: The Rhetoric of Discovery and the Rise of Infinitesimal Methods,” Configurations 1-36 Vol 9, #1 Winter 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Bonaventur a Cavalieri | Christopher Clavius | Discover | Edward Wright | Evangelista Torricelli | exploration discovery & travel | Francis Bacon | Galileo Galilei | John Wallis | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | Simon Stevin | William Oughtred
Antokoletz, Elliott. Musical Symbolism in the Operas of Debussy and Bartok: Trauma, Gender, and the Unfolding of the Unconscious. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | ambiguity | Bela Balazs | Béla Bartók | Claude Debussy | drama | emotion | fate | gender studies | Maurice Maeterlinck | metaphor | music | philosophy | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | social sciences | symbolism | theory | unconscious
Armstrong, David F. “Signing Metaphorically.” Sign Language Studies 2:4 (2002): 441-451.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science | sign language
Attebery, Brian. "’But Aren't Those Just ... You Know, Metaphors?’: Postmodern Figuration in the Science of James Morrow and Gwyneth Jones.” In Hollinger (Collections): pp. 90-107. [2002]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Gwyneth Jones | James Morrow | metaphor | popular sciences | postmodernism | rhetoric of science | science fiction
Averch, Harvey A. The Rhetoric of War: Language, Argument, and Policy during the Vietnam War. Lanham, MD: University Press America, 2002.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science | war
Avise, John C. “Evolving Genomic Metaphors: A New Look at the Language of DNA.” Science Washington D.C. 294 (5 October 2001): 86-87.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Baehr, Peter. “The ‘Iron Cage' and the ‘Shell as Hard as Steel': Parsons, Weber and the stahlhartes Gehause Metaphor in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism .” History and Theory 40 (May 2001): 153-169.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Max Weber | metaphor | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Talcott Parsons
Barcan, Ruth. Nudity: A Cultural Anatomy. Oxford & New York: Berg, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: culture studies | identity | metaphor | nudity | social sciences
Berg, Allison, Mothering the Race: Women's Narratives on Reproduction, 1890-1930. Urbana: University Illinois Press, 2002.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Charlotte Perkins Gilman | Edith Summers Kelley | eugenics | gender studies | literature--19th-20th C | metaphor | Nella Larsen | Pauline Hopkins | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences
Blair, Andrea. “Landscape in Drag: The Paradox of Feminine Space in Susan Warner’s ‘The Wide, Wide World.’” In Rosendale (Collections): pp. 111-130. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: body | ecology | environmental sciences | gender studies | identity | Julia Kristeva | landscape | literature—19th C | metaphor | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Ralph Waldo Emerson | rhetoric of science | semiotics | Susan Warner
Briggs, John. “Where's the Poetry? Consciousness as a Flight of Three Blackbirds.” In Pylkkanen (Collections), pp. 157-178. [2001]
Keywords: literature—general | metaphor | mind | music | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | theory
Brugnolo, Stefano. La letterarietà dei discorsi scientifici: Aspetti figurali e narrative della prosa di Hegel, Tocqueville, Darwin, Marx, Freud . Rome: Bulzoni, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Alexis de Tocqueville | Charles Darwin | G. W. F. Hegel | Karl Marx | metaphor | narrative | rhetoric of science | Sigmund Freud
Bryson, Michael A. "Nature, Narrative, and the Scientist-Writer: Rachel Carson's and Loren Eiseley's Critique of Science." Technical Communication Quarterly 12.4 (2003): 369-87.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: literature--20th C | Loren Eiseley | metaphor | narrative | prose | Rachel Carson | rhetoric of science
Buzard, James. "On Auto-Ethnographic Authority." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003): 61-91.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: autoethnography | essentialism | ethnology | metaphor | objectivity | social sciences | theory
Campbell, John Angus. "Why Was Darwin Believed? Darwin's 'Origin' and the Problem of Intellectual Revolution." Configurations 11.2 (2003): 203-237.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: advertising | analogy | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | Erasmus Darwin | evolution | incommensurability | inheritance | John F. W. Herschel | metaphor | natural selection | rhetoric of science | simile | sophists | Steven Jay Gould | textual imagery | theory
Cat, Jordi. “On Understanding: Maxwell on the Methods of Illustration and Scientific Metaphor.” Stud Hist Phil Mod Physics 32B (2001): 395-441.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: James Clerk Maxwell | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Cavarero, Adriana. Stately Bodies: Literature, Philosophy, and the Question of Gender. Trans. Robert de Lucca and Deanna Shemek. Ann Arbor: University Michigan Press, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | body | gender studies | John of Salisbury | literature—general | metaphor | Plato | politics | social sciences | Sophocles | Thomas Hobbes | William Shakespeare
Cefai, Daniel. “La Naturalisme dans la sociologie au tournant du siècle. La Genèse de la perspective de l'École de Chicago.” Revue du MAUSS 17 (2001): 261-274.
Social Sciences
Keywords: metaphor | social sciences | urban studies
Charbonneau, Royal. “Une théopoésie pour scientifique.” In Hurley ( Collections ), pp. 183-196. [2001]
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: metaphor | science and technology studies
Childress, Marcia Day. “Of Symbols and Silence: Using Narrative and Its Interpretations to Foster Physician Understanding.” In Charon (Collections): pp. 119-125. [2002]
Keywords: medicine | metaphor | narrative | rhetoric of science | theory
Chodat, Robert. "Real Toads and Imaginary Gardens: Freud and Davidson on Meaning and Metaphor." Representing Realities: Essays on American Literature, Art and Culture. Ed. Beverly Maeder. Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr, 2003. 23-35.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Donald Davidson | environmental sciences | figures of speech | gardens | metaphor | Sigmund Freud | theory
Clark, Shari Jill. The Science in Modernist Literature: Degeneration, Dynamics and Demons . Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas Tech University, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: David Porush | Ezra Pound | film/TV | Fritz Lang | Joseph Conrad | metaphor | modernism | narrative | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | visual arts—20th C
Clow, Barbara. “Who's Afraid of Susan Sontag? Or, the Myths and Metaphors of Cancer Reconsidered.” Soc Hist Med 14 (2001): 293-312.
Keywords: cancer | medicine | metaphor | popular science | Science Studies | Susan Sontag
Cook, Jennifer C. Machine and Metaphor: The Ethics of Language in American Realism. Ph.D. Dissertation: Brandeis University, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: aesthetics | communication | culture studies | ethics | metaphor | modernism | poststructuralism | realism | rhetoric of science | social sciences | technology | theory | transportation
Cuddington, Kim. “The ‘Balance of Nature' Metaphor and Equilibrium in Population Ecology.” Biol & Phil 16 (2001): 463-479.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | environmental sciences | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Danesi, Marcel. “Metaphor and the Interconnectedness of Representational Systems: Observations on a Recent Volume Dealing with the Role of Metaphor in Thought and Culture [Review article].” International Review of Sociology/Revue Internationale de Sociologie 11 (2001): 110-120.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science
Dodds, Lara A. Style Talk: Poetry, Rhetoric, and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-century England. Ph.D. Dissertation: Brown University, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: 17th C | culture studies | Francis Bacon | gender studies | John Donne | John Dryden | John Milton | literature-16th | Margaret Cavendish | metaphor | ornament | poetics | poetry | rhetoric of science | Royal Society | social sciences | theory | Thomas Browne
Duchan, Judith Felson. Frame Work in Language and Literacy: How Theory Informs Practice. New York: Guilford Press, 2004.
Keywords: Biological Sciences | frames | linguistics | literacy | metaphor | modeling | rhetoric of science | speech pathology | theory | therapy
Duerden Comeau, Tammy. The Gendered Sub-text of Medical Discourse on Cancer in the Nineteenth Century. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Western Ontario, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Barbara Hanson | Biological Sciences | cancer | culture studies | Emily Martin | gender studies | ideology | inequality | medicine | metaphor | rhetoric of science | social sciences | theory
Elleström, Lars. Divine Madness: On Interpreting Literature, Music, and the Visual Arts Ironically. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2002.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: allegory | ambiguity | Charles Dickens | Charles Dickens | Cleanth Brooks | deconstruction | Dmitry Shostakovich | drama | Eduard Hanslick | film | Friedrich Schlegel | hermeneutics | humor | hyperbole | irony | Linda Hutcheson | literature--general | Ludwig von Beethoven | Marcel Duchamp | metaphor | music | mysticism | myths | paradox | parody | postmodernism | psychological and cognitive sciences | René Magritte | rhetoric of science | Rudolf Arnheim | sarcasm | satire | semiotics | Socrates | Søren Kierkegaard | surrealism | symbolism | visual arts—general | William Shakespeare
Faigley, Lester. “Understanding Popular Digital Literacies: Metaphors for the Internet.” In Trimbur ( Collections ) , pp. 248-263. [2001]
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | internet | metaphor
Fallaize, Elizabeth, “A Saraband of Imagery: The Uses of Biological Science in Le deuxième sexe.” In The Existential Phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir , Wendy O'Brien and Lester Embree, eds., 67-84. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Evelyn Fox Keller | gender studies | metaphor | Simone de Beauvoir
Farr, Judith. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | Emily Dickinson | environmental sciences | gardens | horticulture. | literature—19th C | metaphor | poetics | poetry | visual art—19th C
Finch, Miriam R., and Linda S. Welker. “Informed Organizational Improvisation: A Metaphor and Method for Understanding, Anticipating, and Performatively Constructing the Organizations Precrisis Environment.” Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis Communication. Eds. Robert L. Heath, and Dan P. Miller. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. 189-201.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: anticipation | crisis | improvisation | metaphor | modeling | rhetoric of science
Flannery, Maura C. “Quilting: A Feminist Metaphor for Scientific Inquiry.” Qualitative Inquiry 7 (2001): 628-645.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: gender studies | metaphor | science and technology studies
Flood, Timothy Edward. Changing Voices: Teaching the History of Rhetoric Through Film. Ph.D. Dissertation: University North Carolina, Greensboro, 2002.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Aristotle | bell hooks | film | George Lakoff | Henry James | James Joyce | Kenneth Burke | linguistics | literature--20th C | Mark Johnson | Marshall McLuhan | metaphor | Miguel de Cervantes | Mikhail Bakhtin | mythology | narrative | Paulo Freire | pedagogy | rhetoric of science | symbolism | technology | Thomas Kuhn | Walter Ong
Forbes, Nancy. Imitation of Life: How Biology is Inspiring Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: algorithms | artificial intelligence | automata | Biological Sciences | Computers & Digital Technology | evolution | genetics | John von Neumann | metaphor | modeling | nanotechnology | technology
Forty, Adrian. “'Spatial Mechanics': Scientific Metaphors in Architecture.” In Galison (Collections), pp. 213-231. [2001]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: architecture | metaphor | rhetoric of science | technology
Fowler, Rowena. "Blougram's Wager, Guido's Odds: Browning, Chance, and Probability." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 11-28.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: censuses | chance | ethics | literature--19th C | mathematics | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | probability | randomness | Robert Browning | statistics | theory | uncertainty
Fuechtner, Veronika. "Alfred Doeblin and the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Chicago, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Alfred Doeblin | culture studies | Ernst Simmel | Karen Horney | metaphor | modernism | narrative | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science | social sciences | theory | unconscious | Wilhelm Reich
Gilcrest, David W. Greening the Lyre. Reno: University Nevada Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | Adrienne Rich | aesthetics | Alexander Pope | Aristotle | Carolyn Merchant | Catriona Sandilands | Charles Wright | ecology | Elizabeth Bishop | environmental sciences | Ezra Pound | Gary Snyder | gender studies | identity | John Elder | Kenneth Burke | Lawrence Buell | Leonard Scigaj | linguistics | literature—20th C | Marianne Moore | Max Oelschlaeger | metaphor | mimesis | Norman Russell | Patric Murphy | perception | Peter Borrelli | poetry | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | Robert Frost | Robert Pack | Seamus Heaney | symbolism | T.S. Eliot | Wallace Stevens | William Bevis | William Wordsworth | Wolfgang Iser
Giles, Timothy D. “The Missing Metaphor.” JTWC 31 (2001): 373-390.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | cloning | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Gonzalez Pueyo, Isabel. “Technical Metaphor and the Creation of Field.” ESPecialist 22 (2001): 191-218.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: linguistics | metaphor | rhetoric of science | technology
Gonzalez, Deborah Liz. "Las Imagenes y Tematica Alimentarias como Discursos de Asercion en la Literatura Femenina Hispanoamericana (siglo XVI--XX)." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Massachusetts, Amherst, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Clorinda Matto de Turner | food | gender studies | Isabel Allende | Isabel de Buevara, | Laura Esquivel | literature-16th-20th C | Madre Maria de San Jose | Manuela Gorrita | Mercedes Cabello de Carobonera | metaphor | rhetoric of science | Rosario Castellanos | social sciences | Soledad Acosta de Samper | Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz | Teresa de la Parra | Teresa Gonzalez de Fanning
Griffiths, Paul E. “Genetic Information: A Metaphor in Search of a Theory.” Phil Sci 68 (2001): 394-412.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | genetics | John Maynard Smith | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Gutmann, Mathias, and Michael Weingarten. “Die Bedeutung von Metaphern für die biologische Theorienbildung.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (2001): 549-566.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Josef Köning | language | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Hawkins, Stephanie Lee. "Spectral Realities: Intersections of Science and the Occult in Modern American Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: State University New York, Buffalo, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Gertrude Stein | Hilda Doolittle (H. D.) | Jean Toomer | literature--19th, 20th C | metaphor | modernism | narratives | Occult Sciences | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | realism | science and technology studies | social sciences | X-ray
Hayles, N. Katherine. “Desiring Agency: Limiting Metaphors and Enabling Constraints in Dawkins and Deleuze/Guattari.” SubStance 30, nos. 1-2 (2001): 144-159.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: cognition | Félix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze | langauge | metaphor | mind | rhetoric of science | Richard Dawkins
Hefner, Philip. “Understanding Religion: The Challenge of E. O. Wilson.” Zygon 36 (2001): 241-248.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: E. O. Wilson | metaphor | science and technology studies
Hogan, Patrick Colm. Cognitive Science, Literature, and the Arts: A Guide for Humanists. New York, NY: Routledge, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: cognition| philosophy | humanists | metaphor | psychological and cognitive sciences
Holland, Norman N. “The Neurosciences and the Arts.” PsyART 5 (2002): no pagination. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/journal/index.htm#contents . [2001]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: language | literature—general | metaphor | mind | Noam Chomsky | psychological and cognitive sciences | Sigmund Freud | theory
Hubmann, Gerald. "Von der Notwendigkeit der Metapher.” Gegenworte 7 (2001): 59-60.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science
Humphreys, Camilla S. The Scene of the Crime: Imagining Nature at the Millennium . Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Massachusetts, Amhurst, 2001.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Annie Proulx | apocalypse | cancer | E. J. Watson | ecology | ecosystem | environmental sciences | Leslie Marmon Silko | literature--20th C | metaphor | Octavia Butler | Peter Mattiessen | Rachel Carson | radiation | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Terry Tempest Williams | Wendell Berry
Jackson, Dianah Leigh. “Anatomy of Observation: From the Académie Royale de la Chirurgie to the Salons of Denis Diderot.” Canadian Journal of History 36 (2001): 27-49.
Keywords: anatomy | Denis Diderot | medicine | metaphor | rhetoric of science | vision
Janich Peter. "Metaphern in der Genomforschung.” Gegenworte 7 (2001): 33-36.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: language | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Juslin, Patrik N., and Roland S. Persson. Emotional Communication. In Parncutt (Collections): pp. 219-236. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: cognition | computers | emotion | metaphor | music | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | statistics
Keithley, Walter H. Science as Literature, Literature as Science: Discursive Negotiations of the Public Status of Science in the Long Eighteenth Century. Ph.D. Dissertation: Arizona State University, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: C.P. Snow | culture studies | epistemology | ethos | James Thomson | Jonathan Swift | metaphor | Michael Serres | Michel Foucault | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Stuart Peterfreund | theory | Thomas Sprat | two cultures
Kimball, A. Samuel. “Conceptions and Contraceptions of the Future: Terminator 2, The Matrix, and Alien Resurrection.” Camera Obscura 17:50 (May 2002): 69-108.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | conception | extinction | film | metaphor | photography | popular sciences | science fiction | symbolism | technology | theory
King, Amy M. The Botanical Vernacular in the English Novel. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | botany | Carl Linnaeus | Charlotte Smith | courtship | culture studies | Erasmus Darwin | gender studies | gender studies| Charles Dickens | George Elliot | Henry James | Henry James Oscar Wilde | James Joyce | Jane Austin | landscape | literature--19th C | Maria Edgeworth | marriage | metaphor | popular sciences | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences
Kirkman, Robert. Skeptical Environmentalism: The Limits of Philosophy and Science. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. philosophy, biological sciences, science & technology studies, David Abram, George Louis Leclerc Buffon, J. Baird Callicott, Charles Darwin, ecology, René Descartes, ethics, Warwick Fox, G.W.F.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Aldo Leopold | Arne Naess | Carl Linneaus | David Hume | environmental sciences | Hegel | Immanuel Kant | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Martin Heidegger | metaphor | theory | wilderness
Kubovy, Michael, and William Epstein. “Internalization: A Metaphor We Can Live Without.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2001): 618-625.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | Psychology & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science
Larson, Barbara “Curing Degeneration: Health and the Neoclassical Body in Early Twentieth-Century France.” In Sickness and in Health: Disease as Metaphor in Art and Popular Wisdom. Ed. Laurinda S. Dixon. Newark: University Delaware Press, 2004. 166-186.
Keywords: Adriaen van de Venne | medicine | metaphor | popular sciences | rhetoric of science | visual art—20th C
Leane, Elizabeth. “Knowing Quanta: The Ambiguous Metaphors of Popular Physics.” RES 52 (2001): 411-431.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: Fritjof Capra | Gary Zukav | metaphor | popular sciences
Leech, Mary Elizabeth. "The Rhetoric of the Body: A Study of Body Imagery and Rhetorical Structure in Medieval Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Cincinnati, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | culture studies | Geoffrey Chaucer | identity | Julian of Norwich | literature--medieval | Margery Kempe | metaphor | mysticism | Occult Sciences | psychological and cognitive sciences | religion | rhetoric of science | Richard Rolle de Hampole | social sciences | Walter Hilton
Little, Deandra Javon. 'The Body Electric': American Literature and the Culture of Electromagnetism, 1750—1855. Ph.D. Dissertation: Vanderbilt University, 2001.
Keywords: Benjamin Franklin | Charles Brockden Brown | electricity | electromagnetism | gender studies | literature--18th & 19th C | Margaret Fuller | medicine | metaphor | Nathaniel Hawthorne | popular sciences | Ralph Waldo Emerson | technology | visual arts—18th & 19th C
Lockett, Leslie. Corporeality in the Psychology of the Anglo-Saxons. Ph.D. Dissertation University Notre Dame, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Aldhelm | Boniface | culture studies | emotions | Gregory the Great | Hadrian | literature—medieval | materialism | metaphor | mind | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Tatwine | Theodore of Tarsus | theory
Lustig, Harry, and Kirsten Shepherd-Barr. “Science as Theater.” American Scientist 90:6 (Nov.-Dec. 2002): 550-556.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | allegory | Ben Jonson | Bertolt Brecht | Biological Sciences | C.P. Snow | Charles Darwin | Christopher Marlow | drama | ethics | evolution | George Bernard Shaw | Hallie Flanagan | literature—Renaissance | metaphor | metaphor | Michael Frayn | nuclear power | Paul Mullin | Physical Sciences | physics | popular sciences | social sciences | technology | Timberlake Wertenbaker | Tom McGrath | visual arts—20th C
Matthews, James Edward. Between Two Worlds: Ghosts and Apparitions in British Fiction, 1835--1885. Ph.D. Dissertation: Duquesne University, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Amelia B. Edwards | Charles Dickens | Charlotte Riddell | Darwinism | ghosts | gothic novel | literature--19th C | metaphor | narrative | Occult Sciences | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science | Sheridan Le Fanu | social sciences | spiritualism | supernatural | Wilkie Collins
Meisel, Perry. “Psychoanalysis and Aestheticism.” American Imago 53.4 (2001): 749-766.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Gustav Fechner | hysteria | Karl Marx | metaphor | Michel Foucault | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science | Sigmund Freud
Menon, Madhavi. Wanton Words: Rhetoric and Sexuality in English Renaissance Drama. Toronto: University Toronto Press, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: allegory | Ben Jonson | culture studies | drama | gender studies | language | literature—Renaissance | metaphor | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences | theory | William Shakespeare
Mentz, Steve. Reason, Faith, and Shipwreck in Sidney's New Arcadia. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 44 (Winter 2004): 1-18.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | literature—Renaissance | metaphor | neo-Platonism | reason | religion | William Shakespeare
Millar, Frank E., and Debra Baker Beck. “Metaphors of Crisis.” Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis Communication. Eds. Robert L. Heath, and Dan P. Miller. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. 153-67.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: communication | crisis | metaphor | rhetoric of science | theory
Mills, Kevin. “”'A City without a Church': The Origin of Species , the Tree of Life, and the Apocalypse.” In Writing the Bodies of Christ: The Church from Carlyle to Derrida , John Schad, ed., 75-88. Aldershot , UK : Ashgate, 2001.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: apocalypse | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | literature—biblical | metaphor
Moore, Gregory. Nietzsche, Biology, and Metaphor. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche | metaphor | philosophy | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies
Moring, Inka. “Detecting the Fictional Problem Solvers in Time and Space: Metaphors Guiding Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation.” Qualitative Inquiry 7 (2001): 346-369.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences
Nerlich, Brigitte, and David D. Clarke. “Mind, Meaning and Metaphor: The Philosophy and Psychology of Metaphor in 19th-Century Germany.” Hist Human Sci 14 (May 2001): 39-61.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Alfred Biese | George Lakoff | Gertrude Buck | Gustav Gerber | Jean-Paul Richter | Johann W. von Goethe | language | metaphor | mind | psychological and cognitive sciences | theory
Newman, William R., and Lawrence Principe. Alchemy Tried in the Fire: Starkey, Boyle, and the Fate of Helmontian Chymistry. London: University Chicago Press, 2002.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: Antoine Lavoisier | Aristotle | Benjamin Worsley | chemistry | Francis Bacon | Frederick Clodius | George Starkey | Joan Baptista Van Helmont | Johann Moriean | Johann Rudolph Glauber | metallurgy | metaphor | Occult Sciences | philosopher’s stone | physical & mathematical sciences | Robert Boyle | Samuel Hartlib | Sir Kenelm Digby
Nolan, Maura B. "Metaphoric History: Narrative and New Science in the Work of F. W. Maitland." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 118.3 (2003): 557-72.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: history | literature--19th C| Frederic William Maitland | metaphor | metonymy | rhetoric of science
Nordberg, Heidi L. Imagining the Virus: A Discourse Analysis of Contemporary Fiction. Ph.D. Dissertation: Emory University, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: AIDS | ambiguity | Biological Sciences | culture studies | discourse | HIV | literature—20th C | metaphor | mutation | postmodernism | rhetoric of science | science fiction | social sciences | virus
O'Connor, Erin. "Preface for a Post-Postcolonial Criticism." Victorian Studies 45:2 (Winter 2003): 217-246.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Abdul Jan Mohamed | allegor | colonialism | criticism | Edward Said | Fredric Jameson | Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak | globalization | Homi Bhabha | imperialism | literature--19th C | metaphor | myths | narration | postcolonialism | theory
Otis, Laura. Networking: Communicating with Bodies and Machines in the Nineteenth Century. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2001.
Keywords: Bram Stoker | Camillo Golgi | Charles Babbage | electricity | George Eliot | Hermann von Helmholtz | language | Mark Twain | medicine | metaphor | railroads | Santiago Ramón y Cajal | technology | telegraph
Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer. Cyborg Theatre: Corporeal/technological Intersections in Multimedia." Ph.D. Dissertation: City University New York, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | Cathy Weis | computers and digital sciences | cyborgs | drama | George Coates | identification | metaphor | posthumanism | social sciences | technology | theory | Wooster Group
Peters, Jeffrey N. Mapping Discord: Allegorical Cartography in Early Modern French Writing. Newark: University Delaware Press, 2004.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: abstraction | allegory | allegory | cartography | cosmography | exploration discovery & travel | Francois d'Aubignac | literature—17th C | maps | metaphor | utopia | visual art—17th C
Poole, William. False Play: Shakespeare and Chess. Shakespeare Quarterly 55 (Spring 2004): 50-70.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: chess | class studies | gambling | literature—classical & Renaissance | metaphor | physical & mathematical sciences | social sciences | William Shakespeare
Potts, Colin. “Metaphors of Intent.” In Proceedings: 5th IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering 31-38. Los Alamitos , CA : IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | linguistics | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Pratt, Dale J . Signs of Science: Literature, Science, and Spanish Modernity since 1868 . West Lafayette , IN : Purdue University Press, 2001.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: | aesthetics | Armando Palacío Valdes | Biological Sciences | Charles | Charles Darwin | Émilio Pardo Bazán | José Ortéga y Gasset | Leopold Clarin Alas | literature--19th & 20th C | Luis Martin-Santos | metaphor | Miguel de Unamuno | Pedro | Pedro Laín Entralgo | Santiago Ramon y Gajal
Proctor, Robert N. “Anti-Agate: The Great Diamond Hoax and the Semiprecious Stone Scam.” Configurations 9 (2001): 381-412.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: diamonds | geology | geometry | metaphor | mineralogy | physical and mathematical sciences | race studies | social sciences
Randolph, Adrian W. B. Engaging Symbols: Gender, Politics, and Public Art in Fifteenth-century Florence. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Botticelli | Donatello | gender studies | metaphor | politics | social sciences | visual arts--Renaissance
Reynolds, Teri Ann. Case Studies in Cognitive Metaphor and Interdisciplinary Studies: Physics, Biology, Narrative. Ph.D. Dissertation: Columbia University, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | cognition | metaphor | narrative | physical & mathematical sciences | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science
Rigney, Daniel. The Metaphorical Society: An Invitation to Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science | social sciences
Rohrer, Tim. “Even the Interface is for Sale : Metaphors, Visual Blends and the Hidden Ideology of the Internet.” In Dervin (Collections), pp. 189-214. [2001]
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | internet | metaphor
Rose, Steven. “The Poverty of Reductionism.” In Singh ( Collections ), pp. 415-428. [2001]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Ruse, Michael. “Reduction in Biology.” In Cao (Collections), pp. 43-50. [2001]
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Biological Sciences | genetics | metaphor | rhetoric of science
Sandahl, Carrie. “Performing Metaphors: AIDS, Disability, and Technology.” Contemporary Theatre Review: An International Journal 11, nos. 3-4 (2001): 49-60.
Keywords: AIDS | medicine | metaphor | Ron Athey | technology
Slobodkin, L. A. “The Good, the Bad and the Reified.” Evolutionary Ecology Research 3 (January 2001): 1-13.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: metaphor | rhetoric of science
Smith, Andrew Michael. "Regeneration Through Photography: Invention and Identity in Pre-twentieth-century United States Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: University New Mexico, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Benjamin Franklin | Charles Brokden Brown | culture studies | daguerreotype | identity | invention | John Plumbe, Jr. | Jonathan Edwards | literature--19th C | medicine | metaphor | Nathaniel Hawthorne | photography | popular science | race studies | Ralph Waldo Emerson | social sciences | technology | theory | visual arts--19th C
Smith, Angela Marie. "'Hideous progeny': Eugenics, disability, and classic horror cinema." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Minnesota, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | blindness | culture studies | determinism | disability | electricity | eugenics | film | horror | id | identity | literature--20th C | medicine | metaphor | monsters | narrative | physiognomy | popular science | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | technology | X-ray
Spall, Bob, Sue Read, and David Chantry. “Metaphor: Exploring its Origins and Therapeutic Use in Death, Dying, and Bereavement.” Int J Palliat Nurs [note: International Journal of Palliative Nursing] 7 (2001): 345-353.
Keywords: death and dying | medicine | metaphor | rhetoric of science
States, Bert O. “Dreams: the Royal Road to Metaphor.” Substance 30, nos.1-2 (2001): 104-118.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: dreams | metaphor | narrative | psychological and cognitive sciences
Steen, Gerard. “A Rhetoric of Metaphor: Conceptual and Linguistic Metaphor and the Psychology of Literature.” In Schram (Collections), pp. 145-163. [2001]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: language | linguistics | literature—general | metaphor | psychological and cognitive sciences | William Wordsworth
Steinhart, Eric. The Logic of Metaphor: Analogous Parts of Possible Worlds . Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: analogy | metaphor | philosophy | rhetoric of science | semantics
Stenport, Anna Westerstahl. Making Space: Stockholm, Paris, and the Urban Prose of Strindberg and His Contemporaries. Ph.D. Dissertation: University California Berkeley, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anna Branting | architecture | August Strindberg | Claës Lundin | culture studies | gender studies | literature—19th C | metaphor | modernity | narrative | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | science fiction narrative | social sciences | space | technology
Straus, Nina Pelikan. “Gazes, Fires, and Brain-Body Repair in Brontë's Jane Eyre .” PsyART 5 (2001): no pagination. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/journal/index.htm#contents.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: CharlotteBrontë | cognition | gender studies | metaphor | mind | psychological and cognitive sciences
Taub, Sarah F. Language from the Body: Iconicity and Metaphor in American Sign Language . Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: linguistics | metaphor | rhetoric of science | sign language
Thain, Marion. "'Scientific Wooing': Constance Naden's Marriage of Science and Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 151-169.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | chemistry | Constance Naden | culture studies | evolution | gender studies | geology| idealism | hylozoism | literature--19th C | literature--19th C poetry | materialism | Matthew Arnold | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | pseudonym| C. Arden| philosophy| Robert Lewins| botany | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences | theory | Thomas Huxley | tropes | war
Thomas, Anne-Marie. "It Came from Outer Space: The Virus, Cultural Anxiety, and Speculative Fiction." Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University Agricultural Mechanical College, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: advertisements | AIDS | anxiety | culture studies | deconstruction | identity | literature--20th C | metaphor | pathogens | philosophy | popular science | science fiction | social sciences | technology | television | theory | utopia | viruses
Thompson, Reynaldo. The Body without Form. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Texas Dallas, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Alba d'Urbano | androgeny | Bill Viola | Biological Sciences | body | body | culture studies | Marc Quinn | metaphor | Mona Hatoum | politics | resurrection | ritual | social sciences | symbolish | visual art—20th C
Tredennick, Bianca Page. "Mortal Remains: Death and Materiality in Nineteenth-century British Literature." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Oregon, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Bram Stoker | Charles Dickens | death | literature--19th C | materiality | medicine | metaphor | popular sciences | rhetoric of science | Sir Walter Scott | theory
Walker, Julia A. "Why Performance? Why Now? Textuality and the Rearticulation of Human Presence." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003): 149-179.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Jacques Derrida | Judith Butler | literature--20th C | metaphor | modernism | performance | performance | philosophy | social sciences | theater | theory
Wheeler, Anne-Marie. "Issues of Translation in the Works of Nicole Brossard." Yale Journal of Criticism 16:1 (Spring 2003): 425-454.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetic | criticism | gender studies | literature--20th C | metaphor | Nicole Brossard | rhetoric of science |social sciences | theory | translation
Whitworth, Michael H. Einstein's Wake: Relativity, Metaphor, and Modernist Literature . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: entropy | Joseph Conrad | literature—20th C | metaphor | Oliver Lodge | physical and mathematical sciences | popular sciences | relativity | T. S. Eliot | Virginia Woolf
Wild, Wayne. Medicine-by-post in Eighteenth-century Britain: The Changing Rhetoric of Illness in Doctor-patient Correspondence and Literature . Ph.D. Dissertation: Brandeis University, 2001.
Keywords: criticism | George Cheyne | Herman Boerhaave | James Jurin | literature--18th C | medicine | metaphor | Scottish Enlightenment | social sciences | William Cullen
Will, Bradley A. “H. P. Lovecraft and the Semiotic Kantian Sublime.” Extrapolation 43:1 (Spring 2002): 7-21.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Howard Philips Lovecraft | Immanual Kant | metaphor | postmodernism | rhetoric of science | science fiction
Yu, Ning. "Metaphor, Body, and Culture: The Chinese Understanding of Gallbladder and Courage." Metaphor and Symbol 18.1 (2003): 13-31.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: body | courage | culture studies | medicine | metaphor | psychological and cognitive sciences | rhetoric of science | social sciences