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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "materialism":

Dawson, Gowan. "Intrinsic Earthliness: Science, Materialism, and the Fleshly School of Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 113-129.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | atheism | body | culture studies | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | ethics | John Tyndall | literature--19th C | materialism | materialism | Matthew Arnold | philosophy |social sciences | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | poetry | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | science and technology studies | theory | Thomas Henry Huxley | Walter Pater
Elshakry, Marwa S. "Darwin's Legacy in the Arab East: Science, Religion and Politics, 1870-1914." Ph.D. Dissertation: Princeton University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | culture studies | evolution | Farris Nimr | Fransis Marrash | Herbert Spencer | Husayn al-Jisr | materialism | Muhammad 'Abuh | race studies | religion | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Ya'qub Sarruf
Knight, David M. Science and Spirituality: The Volatile Connection. London & New York: Routledge, 2004.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Albert Einstein | Alfred Lord Tennyson | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | faith | Francis Bacon | Immanuel Kant | Mary Shelley and Stephen Hawking | materialism | physical & mathematical sciences | religion | René Descartes | spirituality | William Paley
Lockett, Leslie. Corporeality in the Psychology of the Anglo-Saxons. Ph.D. Dissertation University Notre Dame, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Aldhelm | Boniface | culture studies | emotions | Gregory the Great | Hadrian | literature—medieval | materialism | metaphor | mind | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Tatwine | Theodore of Tarsus | theory
Menuge, Angus. Agents under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | Enlightenment | evolution | materialism | mind | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rationality | reductionism | social sciences
Thain, Marion. "'Scientific Wooing': Constance Naden's Marriage of Science and Poetry." Victorian Poetry 41:1 (Spring 2003): 151-169.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Biological Sciences | chemistry | Constance Naden | culture studies | evolution | gender studies | geology| idealism | hylozoism | literature--19th C | literature--19th C poetry | materialism | Matthew Arnold | metaphor | physical and mathematical sciences | poetry | pseudonym| C. Arden| philosophy| Robert Lewins| botany | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences | theory | Thomas Huxley | tropes | war