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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "hermeneutics":

Abel, Charles F., and Arthur J. Sementelli. Evolutionary Critical Theory and Its Role in Public Affairs. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | evolution | hermeneutics | science & technology studies | social sciences | synergy | theory
Baydala, Angelina Maria. "A Narrative Hermeneutics of Psychotherapy: Paul Ricoeur and the Understanding of Meaning." Ph.D. Dissertation: University Calgary, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: hermeneutics | philosophy | psychological and cognitive sciences | Psychology | psychotherapy
Bowden, Denny R. Sermons, Debates, and the Environmental Essay: Conflicting Discourses in Nineteenth-century America and the Emergence of Print Culture in Ezra Ripley, Alexander Campbell, and Henry David Thoreau . Ph.D. Dissertation: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2001.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Alexander Campbell | atheism | Calvinism | environmental sciences | Ezra Ripley | Henry David Thoreau | hermeneutics | Jack Goody | John Locke | literature--19th C | Paul Ricoeur | religion | Robert Owen | technology | transcendentalism | Unitarianism
Elleström, Lars. Divine Madness: On Interpreting Literature, Music, and the Visual Arts Ironically. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2002.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: allegory | ambiguity | Charles Dickens | Charles Dickens | Cleanth Brooks | deconstruction | Dmitry Shostakovich | drama | Eduard Hanslick | film | Friedrich Schlegel | hermeneutics | humor | hyperbole | irony | Linda Hutcheson | literature--general | Ludwig von Beethoven | Marcel Duchamp | metaphor | music | mysticism | myths | paradox | parody | postmodernism | psychological and cognitive sciences | René Magritte | rhetoric of science | Rudolf Arnheim | sarcasm | satire | semiotics | Socrates | Søren Kierkegaard | surrealism | symbolism | visual arts—general | William Shakespeare
Gordon, Robin L. The Murder of Spinoza and Other 17th Century Alchemists: A Contemporary Look at a Long-ago Mortificatio Tale. Ph.D. Dissertation: Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2004.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | archetype | Baruch Spinoza | body | Carl Jung | hermeneutics | Isaac Newton | matter | mind | Occult Sciences | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Robert Boyle | science & technology studies | theory
Jackelén, Antje. "Science and Religion: Getting Ready for the Future." Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science 38.2 (2003): 209-228.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Enlightenment | gender studies | hermeneutics | ideology | interdisciplinarity | postmodernism | rationality | religion | social sciences | theory | Thomas Kuhn
Staskowski, Andréa. Conversations with Experience: Feminist Hermeneutics and the Autobiographical Films of German Women. New York: P. Lang, 2004.
Keywords: | biography | gender studies | hermeneutics | social sciences | theory