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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "film/TV":

Addison, Heather Ann. Hollywood and the Reducing Craze of the 1920s. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Kansas, 2001.
Keywords: advertisements | film/TV | medicine | social sciences
Austin, Andrea. “Frankie and Johnny: Shelley, Gibson, and Hollywood's Love Affair with the Cyborg.” RoN 21 (February 2001): no pagination.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: cyborgs | film/TV | Mary Shelley | popular sciences | William Gibson
Battaglia, Debbora. “Multiplicities: An Anthropologist's Thoughts on Replicants and Clones in Popular Film.” CritI 27 (2001): 493-514.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: cloning | film/TV | popular sciences | science fiction
Boger, Astrid. People's Lives Public Images: The New Deal Documentary Aesthetic. Tübingen: Narr, 2001.
Keywords: film/TV | literature—20th C | photography | technology
Boyd, Katrina G. Imagined Spaces: Entertainment and Utopia in Science Fiction Films and Television Series of the 1980s and 1990s. Dissertation, Indiana University , 2001.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | dystopia | Erns Bloch | film/TV | Fredric Jameson | gender studies | popular science | Psychological Sciences | science fiction | t Richard Dyer | utopia
Burke, Peter. Eyewitnessing: The Uses of Images as Historical Evidence. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001.
Keywords: film/TV | photography | technology
Clark, Shari Jill. The Science in Modernist Literature: Degeneration, Dynamics and Demons . Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas Tech University, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: David Porush | Ezra Pound | film/TV | Fritz Lang | Joseph Conrad | metaphor | modernism | narrative | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | visual arts—20th C
Colomina, Beatriz. “Enclosed by Images: The Eameses' Multimedia Architecture.” Grey Room 2 (Winter 2001): 6-29.
Keywords: architecture | Charles Eames | design | film/TV | Ray Kaiser | technology | visual arts--20th C
Craig, Robert. “Establishing New Boundaries for Special Effects: Robert Zemeckis's Contact and Computer-Generated Imagery.” JPFT 28 (Winter 2001): 158-165.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: Carl Sagan | computers and digital technology | film/TV | Robert Zemeckis
Crocker, Stephen. “Into the Interval: On Deleuze's Reversal of Time and Movement.” Continental Philosophy Review 34 (March 2001): 45-67.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | Gilles Deleuze | physical and mathematical sciences | time
Davis, Doug. “'A Hundred Million Hydrogen Bombs': Total War in the Fossil Record.” Configurations 9 (2001): 461-508.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | geology | physical and mathematical sciences | Walter Alvarez
Egginton, William. “Reality is Bleeding: A Brief History of Film from the Sixteenth Century.” Configurations 9 (2001): 207-229.
Keywords: film/TV | technology
Franci, Giovanna. “Modernity in American Deco: A Dream of Words and Images.” In Carpi (Collections), pp. 75-87. [2001]
Keywords: architecture | film/TV | literature—20th C | technology
Gercken-Hawkins, Rebecca Rachel. Authentic Reservations: The Rhetorical War for Native American Identity. Ph.D.Dissertation: University of Miami, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: anthropology | film/TV | Joy Harjo | Louise Erdrich | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences
Grajeda, Anthony Alfonso. Machines of the Audible: A Cultural History of Sound, Technology, and a Listening Subject . Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2001.
Keywords: aesthetics | electronics | film/TV | modernity | phonograph | physical & mathematical sciences | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | radio | social sciences | sound | technology
Gribben, Alicia A. Jane's Heirs: Hollywood (Re)makes the Classics, 1930—1945 . Dissertation: Temple University, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | Jane Austin | literature--19th C | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | social sciences
Henderson, Clara. "When Hearts Beat Like Native Drums: Music and the Sexual Dimensions of the Notions of ‘Savage' and ‘Civilized' in Tarzan and His Mate, 1934.” Africa Today 48.4(2001): 91-124.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | film/TV | music | stereotypes
Hill, Val, and Peter Every. “Postmodernism and the Cinema.” In Sim (Collections), pp. 101-111. [2001]
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: film/TV | science and technology studies | technology | theory
Holgersson-Shorter, Helena C. Illegible Bodies and Illegitimate Texts: Paradigms of Mulatta Literature. 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation: University of California, Berkeley, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: colonialism | film/TV | gender studies | Harriet Jacobs | Lafacadio Hearn | literature--19th & 20th C | Mayotte Martinique Capécia | mulatta | narrative | paradigm | race studies | rhetoric of science | social sciences | Thomas Jefferson
Hughes, James J., and John D. Lantos. “Medical Ethics through the Star Trek Lens.” L&M 20 (2001): 26-38.
Keywords: film/TV | medicine | popular science | science fiction
Hurst, Matthias. “Mittelbarkeit, Perspektive, Subjektivität: Über das narrative Potential des Spielfilms.” In Helbig (Collections) , pp. 233-251 . [2001]
Keywords: film/TV | technology
Jones, Rita Michelle. Pills, Pleasure, and Reproduction: Reconsidering Mothers' Little Helpers of the Postwar Era (1945--1965). Ph.D. Dissertation: Washington State University, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | gender studies | literature--20th C | medicine | psychological and cognitive sciences | race studies
Kilgore, De Witt Douglas. “A Sense of Adventure.” In Belloli (Collections), pp. 108-115. [2001]
Keywords: film/TV | technology
Knopf Newman, Marcy Jane. Slash, Burn, and Poison: Narrative Interventions in the Breast Cancer war. Ph.D. Dissertation: Miami University, 2001.
Keywords: Amy Ling | Audre Lorde | Betty Ford | Betty Rolin | cancer | Carole Gallagher | Christina Middlebrook | Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick | film/TV | gender studies | Holocaust | Marilyn Hacker | medicine | narrative | photography | poetry | Rachel Carson | rhetoric of science | Richard Nixon | Rose Kushner
López, Ignacio Javier. “Film, Freud, and Paranoia: Dalí and the Representation of Male Desire in An Andalusian Dog.” Diacritics 31, no. 2 (2001): 35-48.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | Luis Buńuel | paranoia | psychological and cognitive sciences | Salvador Dalí | Sigmund Freud | visual arts—20thC
Marcus, Laura. “Dreaming and Cinematographic Consciousness.” Psychoanalysis and History 3 (2001): 51-68.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: dreams | film/TV | psychological and cognitive sciences | Sigmund Freud
McShane, Megan C. “The Manifest Disharmony of Ephemeral Culture: Art, Ecology, and Waste Management in American Culture.” In Herzogenrath (Collections), pp. 341-359. [2001]
Popular Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | film/TV | Mierle Laderman Ukeles | popular sciences
Oksiloff, Assenka. Picturing the Primitive: Visual Culture, Ethnography, and Early German Cinema. New York: Palgrave, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: anthropology | ethnography | film/TV | social sciences | visual arts--20th C
Pancorbo, Luis. “Por una televisión divulgativa etnográfica.” CHA no. 612 (June 2001): 25-32.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Claude Lévi-Strauss | film/TV | social sciences
Parisi, Luciana, and Tiziana Terranova. “A Matter of Affect: Digital Images and the Cybernetic Re-Wiring of Vision .” Parallax 7 (October-December 2001): 122-127.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: Biological Sciences | computers and digital technology | cybernetics | film/TV | theory
Rittaud-Hutinet, Jacques. “La magie et le peur: Les premičres projections publiques du cinéma en France (1896-1897).” In Pesenti (Collections), pp. 141-160. [2001]
Keywords: film/TV | technology
Roan, Jeanette. Fictions of Faraway Places: Travel, Exoticism, and Cinema from High Imperialism to Global Culture. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Rochester, 2001.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: Ang Lee | Bernardo Bertolucci | David Cronenberg | E. Burton Holmes | exploration discovery & travel | film/TV | gender studies | imperialism | postcolonialism | race studies
Roberts, Robin. “Performing Science Fiction: Television, Theater, and Gender in Star Trek: The Experience.” Extrapolation 42(4): 340-356. [2001]
Popular Sciences
Keywords: fantasy | film/TV | gender studies | literature--20th C | narrative | popular sciences | Psychological Sciences | science fiction | theater
Ruiz-Velasco, Christopher Lorenz. Paranoid Nation: Paranoia and Narrative in American Literature . Ph.D. Dissertation: University of California, Riverside, 2001. Don DeLillo, Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: | D. W. Griffith | film/TV | Ishmael Reed | John F. Kennedy | narrative | paranoia | psychological and cognitive sciences | race studies | Sutton Griggs | Thomas Pynchon
Ryan, Marie-Laure . Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Baltimore and London : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: Charles Baudelaire | computers and digital technology | film/TV | Italo Calvino | Michael Joyce | narrative | Neal Stephenson | virtual reality
Shetley, Vernon, and Alissa Ferguson. “Reflections in a Silver Eye: Lens and Mirror in Blade Runner ” Science Fiction Studies 28(2): 66-76, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: allegory | androids | film/TV | Jan van Eyck | memory | optics | Philip K. Dick | photography | physical and mathematical sciences | Psychological Sciences | science fiction | symbolism | visual arts—20th C
Skogerson, Gretchen L. “Embodying Robotic Art: Cybernetic Cinematics .” IEEE Multimedia 8, no. 3 (2001): 4-7.
Computers & Digital Technology
Keywords: computers and digital technology | cybernetics | film/TV | robots
Sultze, Kimberly A. Looking for the Universal---Looking for the Cultural: A Critical Analysis of the Debate Between the Universalist and Relativist Perspectives on Moving Images. Ph.D. Dissertation: New York University, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: anthropology | Christian Metz | Donald Richie | Eric Michaels | film/TV | John Adair | Noel Burch | Paul Messaris | social sciences | Sol Worth
Verrips, Jojada. “ The Golden Bough and Apocalypse Now: An-Other Fantasy.” Postcolonial Studies 4 (2001): 335-348.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Bronislaw Malinowski | film/TV | Francis Ford Coppola | J. G. Frazer | Joseph Conrad | popular sciences | social sciences
Weiner, Gena. “Hjälte, bov eller förförare. Läkarens roller p? bioduken stereotypa men fascinerande.” Läkartidningen 98 (2001): 1814-1818, 1820.
Popular Sciences
Keywords: film/TV | medicine | popular sciences
Wurtzler, Steve James. The Social Construction of Technological Change: American Mass Media and the Advent of Electrical Sound Technology. Ph. D. Dissertation: University of Iowa, 2001.
Keywords: film/TV | phonograph | radio | technology
Young, Theodore Robert. "You Are What You Eat: Tropicalismo and How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman.” In Juan-Navarro (Collections), pp. 80-88. [2001]
Social Sciences
Keywords: cannibalism | film/TV | Hans Staden | Nelson Pereira dos Santos | social sciences
Zlotsky, Andres. Supposed Science, Alleged Fiction Distortion Patterns in the Transmission of Cultural Paradigms in the Twentieth Century . Ph.D. Dissertation: State University of New York, Buffalo, 2001.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: Allen Hynek | Arthur Clarke | Bertrand Méheust | Brenda Denzler | Donald Menzel | film/TV | H. G. Wells | Isaac Asimov | J. Edgar Hoover | Jacques Vellé | John Fowles | Juan Ignacio Ferreras | Jules Verne | Julio Cortázar | literature--20th C | Philip Klass | popular sciences | psychoanalysis | rhetoric of science | Richard Condon | science and technology studies | science fiction | semiotics | Steven Spielberg | Theodore Sturgeon | Thomas Disch | UFOs | Ursula Le Guin