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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "faith":

Hunt, Helen. Faith and Feminism: A Holy Alliance. New York: Atria Books, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Dorothy Day | Emily Dickinson | faith | feminism | gender studies | Lucretia Mott | social sciences | Sojourner Truth | St. Teresa of Avila
Knight, David M. Science and Spirituality: The Volatile Connection. London & New York: Routledge, 2004.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Albert Einstein | Alfred Lord Tennyson | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | faith | Francis Bacon | Immanuel Kant | Mary Shelley and Stephen Hawking | materialism | physical & mathematical sciences | religion | René Descartes | spirituality | William Paley
Peterson, Richard A. and Ryan, John. “The Disembodied Muse: Music in the Internet Age.” Society Online: The Internet in Context. Eds. Philip N. Howard, and Steve Jones. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2004. 223-236
Keywords: faith | gender studies | internet | media | music | social sciences | technology
Weber, Caroline. Voltaire's Zaïre: Fantasies of Infidelity, Ideologies of Faith, South Central Review 21 (Summer 2004): 42-62.
Social Sciences
Keywords: drama | epistemology | faith | gender studies | ideology | literature—18th C | religion | social sciences | theory | tragedy | Voltaire