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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "criminality":

Raczkowski, Christopher T. The Unblinking Eye: Vision, Modernity and Detection in American Literature. Ph.D. Dissertation: Indiana University, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Allan Pinkerton | Biological Sciences | camera | Chester Himes | class studies | criminality | Dashiell Hammett | detection | Jacob Riis | Martin Jay | Michel Foucault | modernity | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Raymond Williams | realism | realism | representation | social sciences | technology | vision | William Dean Howells
Staum, Martin S. Labeling People: French Scholars on Society, Race and Empire, 1815-1848. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: colonialism | criminality | cultural studies | ethnology | genetics | idealism | literature--19th C | phrenology | pseudoscience | punishment | race studies | social sciences