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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "William Faulkner":

Cawelti, John G. Mystery, Violence, and Popular Culture: Essay.s Madison, WI: University Wisconsin Press/Popular Press, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Alfred Hitchcock | Andy Warhol | culture studies | gender studies | Homer | literature—classical-20th C | music | mystery | race studies | social sciences | Stuart Kaminsky | television | the Beatles | violence | William Faulkner | William Shakespeare
Clissold, Bradley David. "Recovering the Common Sense of High Modernism: Embodied Cognition and the Novels of Joyce, Faulkner, and Woolf." Ph.D. Dissertation: McGill University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: aesthetics | cognition | elitism | illness | James Joyce | literature--20th C | medicine | modernism | poetics | psychological and cognitive sciences | theory | Virginia Woolf | William Faulkner
Cobb, Michael Lyle. Racial Blasphemies . Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University, 2001.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: Flannery O'Connor | James Baldwin | Paule Marshall | race studies | religion | rhetoric of science | social sciences | William Faulkner
Millichap, Joseph R. Dixie Limited: Railroads, Culture, and the Southern Renaissance. Lexington: University Press Kentucky, 2002.
Keywords: ballads | Dave Smith | Eudora Welty | literature--20th C | poetry | railroads | Ralph Ellison | Robert Penn Warren | technology | Thomas Wolfe | William Faulkner
Palmer III, Louis H. “Articulating the Cyborg: An Impure Model for Environmental Revolution.” In Rosendale (Collections): pp. 165-180. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: 20th C | Aldo Leopold | cyborg | Donna Haraway | ecology | Enlightenment | environmental sciences | gender studies | Henry David Thoreau | Henry David Thoreau | John Muir | literature—19th | pollution | social sciences | theory | William Faulkner
Rose, Gilbert J. Between Couch and Piano: Psychoanalysis, Music, Art and Neuroscience. Hove & New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: affect | literature—20th C | music | neuroscience | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | Samuel Beckett | visual art—20th C | William Faulkner
Stringer, Dorothy. "'Dangerous and Disturbing': Traumas and Fetishes of Race in Faulkner, Larsen, and Van Vechten." Ph.D. Dissertation: State University New York, Albany, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Carl Van Vechten | fetishes | gender studies | literature--20th C | narrative | narrative | nationalism | Nella Larsen | photography | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | puns | race studies | Sigmund Freud | social sciences | technology | theory | trauma | violence | visual arts--20th C | William Faulkner
Zoloth, Laurie, and Rita Charon. “Like An Open Book: Reliability, Intersubjectivity, and Textuality in Bioethics.” In Charon (Collections): pp. 21-38. [2002]
Keywords: Emanuel Levinas | ethics | Frank Kermode | gender studies | Henry James | medicine | René Descartes | rhetoric of science | theory | Walter Benjamin | William Faulkner