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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "William Carlos Williams":

Goble, Mark Anton. Ph.D. Dissertation: Stanford University, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | film | gender studies | Gertrude Stein | Henry James | James Agee | James Weldon Johnson | jazz | literature--20th C | modernity | music | race studies | technology | theory | William Carlos Williams
Hirsch, Edward. The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration. Orlando, FL: HarcourtBooks, 2002.
Keywords: aesthetics | Arthur Rimbaud | Billie Holiday | Christopher Maurer | dance | Dante Alighieri | Edgar Allan Poe | expressionism | Federico Garcia Lorca | Francisco José Goya | Frank O’Hara | Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche | Gerard Manley Hopkins | Ignacio Sánchez Meijías | Jackson Pollock | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | John Keats | Mark Rothko | Miles Davis | music | Pablo Picasso | Percy Bysshe Shelley | poetry | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Ranier Maria Rilke | Robert Motherwell | surrealism | theory | visual arts—19th-20th C | W.B. Yeats | Wallace Stevens | Walt Whitman | William Carlos Williams | William Shakespeare
Long, Mark. “William Carlos Williams, Ecocriticism, and Contemporary American Nature Poetry.” In Bryson (Collections): pp. 58-76. [2002]
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Adrianne Rich | ecology | environmental sciences | literature—20th C | poetry | William Carlos Williams
Markel, Howard. “Medicine and the Arts: The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams .” Acad Med 76 (2001): 48-49.
Keywords: biography | medicine | William Carlos Williams
Rasula, Jed. This Compost: Ecological Imperatives in American Poetry. Athens: University Georgia Press, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: A.R. Ammons | alchemy | chaos | Charles Olson | Clayton Eshleman | death | Edward Dorn | Emily Dickenson | environmental sciences | Ezra Pound | Ezra Pound | Gertrude Stein | Gilles Deleuze | Heraclitus | Herman Melville | Jacques Derrida | John Ashbery | John Keats | Kenneth Irby | Kenneth Rexroth | literature—19th-20th C | Louis Zukofsky | Lucretius | Michael McClure | Michel Foucault | Mina Loy | myth | native Americans | Occult Sciences | poetry | psyche | Ralph Waldo Emerson | rhetoric of science | Robert Duncan | Robert Frost | Robinson Jeffers | Wallace Stevens | Walt Whitman | war | William Carlos Williams | William James
Rozelle, Lee. Ecosublime: Green Readings in American Literature from Poe to Lopez . Ph.D. Dissertation: University Southern Mississippi, 2001.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Barry Lopez | Edgar Allan Poe | Edward Abbey | environmental sciences | Gerald Vizenor | Isabella Bird | literature--19th & 20th C | myth | Nathanael West | postmodernism | rhetoric of science | social sciences | sublime | technology | Wendell Berry | William Carlos Williams