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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Ursula K. LeGuin":

Erlich, Richard D., and Diana Perkins. “Herons, Ringtrees, and Mud: Ursula K. Le Guin’s ‘The Eye of the Heron.’” Extrapolation 43 (Fall 2002): 314-329.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: environmental sciences | feminism | hero | peace | popular sciences | postmodernism | religion | science fiction | social sciences | Ursula K. LeGuin | wilderness
Malmgren, Carl. “Meta-SF: The Examples of Dick, LeGuin, and Russ.” Extrapolation 43.1 (Spring 2002): 22-35.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: dreaming | Joanna Russ | metafiction | Philip K. Dick | popular sciences | psychoanalysis | rhetoric of science | science fiction | Ursula K. LeGuin | utopias