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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Occult Science":

Gordeev, N[ikolai] P[avlovich]. Prazhskaia nauchnaia shkola: konsta XVI- nachala XVII veka . Moskva: RGGU, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | Guillaume Postel | Johannes Kepler | Occult Science | physical and mathematical sciences | Tycho Brahe
Hack, Margherita. “La ‘Storia dell'astronomia' di Giacomo Leopardi.” In Stabile (Collections), pp. 161-168. [2001]
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: astrology | astronomy | Giacomo Leopardi | Occult Science | physical and mathematical sciences
Jeans, Peter D. Seafaring Lore and Legend: A Miscellany of Maritime Myth, Superstition, Fable, and Fact. Camden, ME: International Marine/McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | myth | Occult Science | superstition
Kahn, Didier. “Entre atomisme, alchimie et théologie: La reception des theses d'Antoine de Villon et Étienne de Clave contre Aristote, Paracelse et les ‘Cabalistes.'” Annals of Science 58 (2001): 241-286.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: alchemy | Antoine de Villon | Aristotle | Étienne de Clave | Occult Science | Paracelsus | physical and mathematical sciences
Lachieze-Rey, Marc, and Jean-Pierre Luminet. Celestial Treasury: From the Music of the Spheres to the Conquest of Space. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: astronomy | exhibitions | Occult Science | physical and mathematical sciences