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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Jose Vasconcelos":

Nieves, Ervin. Beyond Darwinism: Chicana/o Literature and Modern Scientific Literary Analysis: Rereading Josefina (Josephina) Niggli and Oscar Zeta Acosta. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Iowa, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aggression | allegory | anthropology | archetype | biochemistry | biography | Biological Sciences | Charles Darwin | class studies | culture studies | ethnography | evolution | Georg Mendel | Henrik Ibsen | John B. Watson | Jose Vasconcelos | Josefina Niggli | Konrad Lorenz | Leopold Zea. George Bernard Shaw | Mark Twain | Mediz Bolio | neuroscience | Oscar Zeta Acosta | postmodernism | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | race studies | Robert Ardrey | satire | Sigmund Freud | social sciences | violence | William Shakespeare