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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "John Milton":

Archer, John Michael. Old Worlds: Egypt, Southwest Asia, India, and Russia in Early Modern Writing . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: exploration discovery & travel | John Dryden | John Fletcher | John Milton | Philip Sidney | William Shakespeare
Aronson, Marilyn Carlson. “Marvell and Milton: The Garden Experience.” In De Smith ( Collections ) , pp. 55-62. [2001]
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Andrew Marvell | Biological Sciences | gardens | John Milton
Boehrer, Bruce. Shakespeare among the Animals: Nature and Society in the Drama of Early Modern England. New York; Houndmills, UK: Palgrave, 2002.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: animals | Anthony Van Dyke | Aristotle | Ben Jonson | Conrad Gesner | environmental sciences | Gilles Deleuze | Giovanni Boccaccio | John Milton | Joseph Conrad | literature—biblical | social sciences | William Shakespeare
Dodds, Lara A. Style Talk: Poetry, Rhetoric, and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-century England. Ph.D. Dissertation: Brown University, 2004.
Rhetoric of Science
Keywords: 17th C | culture studies | Francis Bacon | gender studies | John Donne | John Dryden | John Milton | literature-16th | Margaret Cavendish | metaphor | ornament | poetics | poetry | rhetoric of science | Royal Society | social sciences | theory | Thomas Browne
Eriksen, Roy. The Building in the Text: Alberti to Shakespeare and Milton . University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001.
Keywords: architecture | Filippo Brunelleschi | Giorgio Vasari | John Milton | Leon Battista Alberti | Ludovico Ariosto | Michelangelo | technology | Torquato Tasso | William Shakespeare
Gilbert, Ruth. “The Masculine Matrix: Male Births and the Scientific Imagination in Early-Modern England.” In Jowitt (Collections), pp. 160-176. [2002]
Keywords: Francis Bacon | gender studies | John Milton | medicine | social sciences | William Harvey
Gimelli Martin, Catherine. “'What if the Sun be Centre to the World?': Milton's Epistemology, Cosmology, and Paradise of Fools Reconsidered.” MP 99 (2001): 231-265.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: astronomy | John Milton | physical and mathematical sciences
Henderson, Hugh. ”A Dialogue in Paradise: John Milton's Visit with Galileo.” Phys Teach 39 (March 2001): 179-183.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Galileo Galilei | John Milton | physical and mathematical sciences
Hutchings, Kevin D. "William Blake and 'the Nature of Infinity': Milton's Environmental Poetics." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 25.1 (2003): 55-77.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: environmental sciences | infinity | John Milton | literature--19th C | mathematics | philosophy | physical and mathematical sciences | physics | poetics | poetry | William Blake
Levy, David H. Starry Night: Astronomers and Poets Read the Sky . Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Alfred | astronomy | comets | Gerard Manley Hopkins | John Milton | Lord Tennyson | physical and mathematical sciences | Vincent van Gogh
Logan, William. “Milton in the Modern: The Invention of Personality.” In Post (Collections): pp. 160-175. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: George Herbert | John Milton | literature—16th-17th C | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | Robert Lowell | theory | William Shakespeare
McColley, Diane Kelsey. “ Milton 's Environmental Epic: Creature Kinship and the Language of Paradise Lost.” In Armbruster ( Collections ), pp. 57-74. [2001]
Biological Sciences
Keywords: Biological Sciences | John Milton
Post, Jonathan F.S. “Introduction: Green Thoughts, Green Shades.” In Post (Collections): pp. 3-16. [2002]
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Anne Bradstreet | Ben Johnson | Duchess of Newcastle | Edward Taylor | Elizabeth Bishop | George Herbert | John Donne | John Milton | literature—17th C | literature—Renaissance | Margaret Cavendish | poetry | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | T.S. Eliot | Thom Gunn
Rose, Mary Beth. Gender and Heroism in Early Modern English Literature. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2002.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Aphra Behn | autobiography | Ben Jonson | Christopher Marlowe | courage | Elizabeth I | gender studies | heroism | John Milton | literature--16th-17th C | Mary Astell | social sciences | William Shakespeare
Swinford, Dean. Through the Daemon's Gate: Kepler's "Somnium," Medieval Dream Narratives, and the Polysemy of Allegorical Motifs. Ph.D. Dissertation: University Florida, 2004.
Occult Sciences
Keywords: allegory | Artemidorus | astronomy | demons | dreams | Fernand Hallyn | James Paxson | Johannes Kepler | John Donne | John Milton | Ladina Lambert | literature-medieval-Renaissance | Macrobius | Marjorie Nicholson | mysticism | narrative | narrative | neoplatonism | Occult Sciences | physical & mathematical sciences | Psychological &Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | supernatural
Wood, David Houston. Very Now: Temporal Aspects of Melancholy in Early Modern English Literature. Ph.D. Dissertation: Purdue University, 2004.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: emotion | gender studies | humors | John Milton | literature—16th C | medicine | melancholy | narrative | narrative | Philip Sidney | postructuralism | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | psychosomatics | social sciences | theory | William Shakespeare