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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Jean-Jacques Rousseau":

Albes, Claudia. “Der Autobiograph als Botaniker. Zur poetologischen Funktion von Linnés Systema naturae in Rousseaus Les Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire.” In Scheffel ( Collections ), pp. 213-138. [2001]
Biological Sciences
Keywords: biography | Biological Sciences | Carl Linnaeus | Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Binetti, Saffo Testoni. “Rousseau, la storia e le scienza prima dell'esordio.” PPol [note: Pensiero Politico: Rivista di Storia delle Idee Politiche e Sociali ] 34 (2001): 209-219.
Science & Technology Studies
Keywords: Jean-Jacques Rousseau | science and technology studies
Brewer, William D. The Mental Anatomies of William Godwin and Mary Shelley . Madison, NJ & London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2001.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: dreams | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | language | madness | Mary Shelley | psychological and cognitive sciences | William Godwin
Burns, Brian Edward. Confessional Discourse as Autoethnography. Ph.D. Dissertation: Michigan State Univesity, 2004.
Social Sciences
Keywords: anthropology | autoethnography | biography | Bronislaw Malinowski | colonialism | confession | culture studies | discourse | Edward Said | epistemology | Jan Myrdal | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | literature—18th-20th C | Margaret Mead | Mary Shelley | poetics | postcolonialism | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | rhetoric of science | rhetoric of science | social sciences | theory | Thomas De Quincey
Ellingson, Ter. The Myth of the Noble Savage . Berkeley, BA: University of California Press, 2001.
Social Sciences
Keywords: Jean-Jacques Rousseau | John Crawford | minority studies | social sciences
Eyssidieux-Vaissermann, Anne. “Rousseau et la science de l'économie politique dans L'Encyclopédie.” Kairos 18 (2001): 47-73.
Social Sciences
Keywords: economics | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | social sciences
Farnsworth, Rodney. Mediating Order and Chaos: The Water-Cycle in the Complex Adaptive Systems of Romantic Culture . Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: J. M. W. Turner | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Johann W. von Goethe | John Constable | literature—19th C | Lord George Gordon Byron | Luke Howard | music | Percy Bysshe Shelley | physical and mathematical sciences | Victor Hugo | visual arts—19th C
Gargano, Elizabeth. The Education of Bronte's New Nouvelle Heloise in Shirley. SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. 44 (Autumn 2004): 779-803.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Charlotte Brontë | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | literature—18th--19th C | patriarchy | pedagogy | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Kirkman, Robert. Skeptical Environmentalism: The Limits of Philosophy and Science. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. philosophy, biological sciences, science & technology studies, David Abram, George Louis Leclerc Buffon, J. Baird Callicott, Charles Darwin, ecology, René Descartes, ethics, Warwick Fox, G.W.F.
Environmental Sciences
Keywords: Aldo Leopold | Arne Naess | Carl Linneaus | David Hume | environmental sciences | Hegel | Immanuel Kant | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Martin Heidegger | metaphor | theory | wilderness
Lee, Natasha Cecile. "Unsettling Signs: Nature, Society and the Novel in the French Enlightenment." Ph.D. Dissertation: Harvard University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Carl Linnaeus | Enlightenment | environmental sciences | genre | Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | literature-18th C | Louis-Sebastien Mercier | religion | Restif de La Bretonne | rhetoric of science | science and technology studies | social sciences
O'Neal, John C., and Ourida Mostefai. "The Perceptual Metamorphosis of the Solitary Walker." Approaches to Teaching Rousseau's Confessions and Reveries of the Solitary Walker. Approaches to Teaching World Literature. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Jean-Jacques Rousseau | literature-18th C | metamorphosis | pedagogy | social sciences | theory
Swain, Virginia E. Grotesque Figures: Baudelaire, Rousseau, and the Aesthetics of Modernity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
Biological Sciences
Keywords: aesthetics | Biological Sciences | body | Charles Baudelaire | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | modernity | theory