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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Jean Laplanche":

Kuzmanovic, Dejan. "Seduction Rhetoric, Masculinity, and Homoeroticism in Wilde, Gide, Stoker, and Forster." Ph.D. Dissertation: Rice University, 2003.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Andre Gide | Bram Stoker | corruption | E. M. Forster | gender studies | identity | Jacques Lacan | Jean Laplanche | Oscar Wilde | Plato | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | social sciences | theory | vampire
Levin, Michael David. The Work of Jean Laplanche. Ph.D. Dissertation: Wright Institute, 2002.
Keywords: gender studies | heredity | Jean Laplanche | narcissism | psychoanalysis | Psychological & Cognitive Sciences | science & technology studies | Sigmund Freud | symbolism | theory | trauma | unconsciousness
Marshall, Cynthia. “The Shattering of the Self.” Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
Psychological & Cognitive Sciences
Keywords: Barnabe Barnes | body | catharsis | Elizabeth J. Bellamy | gender studies | George Herbert | Gilles Deleuze | Heather Dubrow | identity | Jacob Burckhardt | Jacques Lacan | Jean Laplanche | John Ford | John Foxe | Julia Kristeva | Kaja Silverman | Leo Bersani | Leopold von Sacher-Masoch | literature—general | Marquis de Sade | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Michael Drayton | Nicholas Coeffeteau | Ovid | Petrarch | pornography | postmodernism | psychoanalysis | psychological and cognitive sciences | Richard Boothby | Roland Barthes | Samuel Daniel | Sigmund Freud | Slavoj Žižek | Stanley Cavell | Stephen Greenblatt | Timothy Bright | William Shakespeare