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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Elisabeth Craven":

Kostova, Ludmilla. “Constructing Oriental Interiors: The Eighteenth-Century Women Travellers and their Easts.” In Fortunati (Collections), pp. 17-33. [2001]
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: Elisabeth Craven | exploration discovery & travel | Mary Wortley Montagu
Nittel, Jana. Wondrous Magic: Images of the Orient in 18th and 19th Centuries' British Women Travel Writing . Glienicke (Berlin) and Cambridge, MA: Galda + Wilch, 2001.
Exploration Discovery & Travel
Keywords: Amelia Edwards | Elisabeth Craven | exploration discovery & travel | Harriet Martineau | Lucie Duff Gordon | Mary Wortley Montagu