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SLSA Bibliography

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Showing below keyword matches in entire database for "Adolf Hitler":

Kater, Michael H. “Culture, Society, and Politics in the Cosmos of ‘Hans Pfitzner the German.’” In Applegate (Collections): pp. 178-189. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Adolf Hitler | antisemitism | Hans Pfitzner | Ludwig van Beethoven | nazism | social sciences
Könneker, Carsten . “Auflösung der Natur - Auflösung der Geschichte”: Moderner Roman und NS - “Weltanschauung” im Zeichen der theoretischen Physik . Stuttgart and Weimar: J. B. Metzler, 2001.
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Keywords: Adolf Hitler | Albert Einstein | Alfred Rosenberg | Bertolt Brecht | Claus-Ekkehard Bärsch | complementarity | Erwin Schrödinge | Hermann Broch | Johann W. von Goethe | Joseph Goebbels | minority studies | Nicolaus Copernicus | Philipp Lenard | physical and mathematical sciences | relativity | Robert Musil | Werner Heisenberg
Twynan, Tracy. "Magical Blitzkrieg: Hitler and the Occult. Interview with Peter Levenda. Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult. Ed. Richard Metzger. New York & London: Disinformation & Turnaround, 2003 p. 226-229.
Literature, Science & the Arts
Keywords: Adolf Hitler | magic | Occult Sciences | Peter Levenda | race studies | Satanism
Vaget, Hans Rudolf. “National and Universal: Thomas Mann and the Paradox of ‘German’ Music.” Applegate (Collections), pp. 155-177. [2002]
Social Sciences
Keywords: Adolf Hitler | anti-semitism | Arnold Schoenberg | Franz Schubert | Hans Pfitzner | Holocaust | social sciences | Theodor Adorno | Thomas Mann