NOTE: This is a draft document incorporating suggested revisions. Earlier versions of the bylaws appear on the Governance page of the society’s website. Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Bylaws (2023 draft) 1. NAME The name of the corporation is The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Inc. 2. PURPOSE The Society Continue Reading »
Dear SLSA Illuminators, I hope this letter finds you transcending disciplinary boundaries and breaking through walls with your polymathic prowess. I’m thrilled to introduce you to a recently published book, “Hallucinate This! An Authoritized Autobotography of ChatGPT”, which pushes the frontiers of literature, science, and art. Imagine Borges in a virtual maze or McLuhan having Continue Reading »
It is a pleasure to announce that the estate of the late Marilyn Ehdahl Ravicz has granted permission to release and circulate her 1974 doctoral dissertation — Aesthetic Anthropology. I’ve uploaded it to a special section of my Academia page at: Anthropologist Marilyn Ekdahl Ravicz took her PhD in 1974 at the University of Continue Reading »
My co-translation of Vilém Flusser’s What If? Twenty-Two Scenarios in Search of Images (U of Minnesota Press) is available for interactive reading. What If? goes digital: is now an online and interactive ebook on the University of Minnesota Press Manifold platform. Check out the Resources section with scenario visualizations from the Greenhouse Studios team – and add your own:…/call-for-images-visualizing… Here’s a short Continue Reading »
I’m writing to share news of my new book – THE PHILOSOPHER OF PALO ALTO: Mark Weiser, Xerox PARC, and the Original Internet of Things– which was just published by Chicago two weeks ago. The book chronicles the rise of ubiquitous computing at Xerox PARC in the 80s and 90s, as well as related developments in Continue Reading »
IDSVA invites applications and nominations for the position of President. Application reviews commence October 1, 2023. The position begins May 1, 2024. In collaboration with IDSVA’s CEO, the president provides the institution’s overall leadership, serves as IDSVA’s chief spokesperson, and directly serves the faculty, students, staff, and board of trustees. Working with IDSVA’s development team, Continue Reading »
This book accompanied the exhibition of Ken Friedman’s 92 Events at Kalmar Art Museum in Kalmar, Sweden. The exhibition opened on February 8, 2023, and closed on April 23. The museum published this as a hardback book and an open access digital edition. This book contains 92 of Friedman’s event scores from 1956 to 2019. Continue Reading »
I’m writing to let you know about the announcement of the Leonardo Imagination Fellowship, hosted by Arizona State University, starting in August 2023. In this virtual, global program, fellows will develop experimental media projects exploring diverse aspects of Planetary Health Futures, including issues of climate, human well-being, interspecies relationships, democracy, emerging social structures, and safeguarding the Continue Reading »
DECODINGS Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Spring 2023, Vol. 32, No.3 (April 25 edition) *Call for Papers SLSA 2023: Alien, Arizona State University, Game Studies Stream (deadline 5/12/23) *Election: Member-at-Large Candidate Statements *Membership Renewal*SLSA Awards: Travel, Essay, Lifetime *Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting Notes *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech *Ombudspersons*New Book Continue Reading »
DECODINGS Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Spring 2023, Vol. 32, No.3 (April 5 edition) *Call for Papers SLSA 2023: Alien, Arizona State University, Game Studies Stream *Election: Member-at-Large Candidate Statements *Membership Renewal*SLSA Awards: Travel, Essay, Lifetime *Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting Notes *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech *Ombudspersons*New Book Series: Proximities: Experiments in Continue Reading »