Employer Stetson University Location details Deland, FL Salary Competitive Posted Oct 21, 2021 Position type Professor, Assistant Organization type 4-year college or university Languages English Employment category Full-time Tenure Status Tenure or tenure track Location Florida Apply The Stetson University English Department is accepting applications for a full-time, 9-month tenure-track assistant professor to begin in Continue Reading »
From Mandy-Suzanne Wong: Nov 1 is publication day for Listen, we all bleed, my book of essays on nonhuman-animal voices in activist art — a project whose first spark was ignited at SLSA 2013 in Notre Dame. In Listen, we all bleed, radical artists from around the world use recordings of nonhuman voices to plead for Continue Reading »
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The University of Toronto is currently hiring for three different positions: Assistant Professor – Black Studies and the Archive (utoronto.ca) Assistant Professor – Indigenous Knowledge Systems (utoronto.ca) Assistant Professor – Indigenous Data Studies (utoronto.ca) Please share widely among your networks.
Apologies for any cross-posting, but I am very excited to share this job announcement with you all. Here at Florida Atlantic University, we are hiring a new professor in science fiction studies who will — among other things — contribute to our distinctive MA in English degree concentration in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Also notice Continue Reading »
DECODINGS Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Fall 2021, Vol. 31, No.1 (updated October) *ENERGY–SLSA 2021 Conference *9/9/21 Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting Notes *Committee Members and Appointments: Social Media *Membership Renewal *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech *Ombudspersons *AnthropoScene Book Series *European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts ENERGY–SLSA 2021 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, Continue Reading »
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of English at Montclair State University are pleased to announce that they will be hosting four one-year NEH-funded postdoctoral fellows in American Studies during 2022. These four fellows will be conducting research pertaining to the theme of “Rediscovering American Democracy: Teaching the Humanities in the Continue Reading »
Bern University of Applied Sciences – Academy of the Arts (HKB) is one of the leading Art Schools in Europe with a broad range of Bachelor and Master Programmes, a doctoral school Studies in the Arts (SINTA) and a variety of advanced-level courses. Its four research institutes perform cutting-edge research on topics related to artistic Continue Reading »
We are conducting an entry-level tenure-track hire in science pedagogy. We are interested in people with science studies training who study science pedagogy in K-8 schools. Please circulate this link to anyone you think might be interested. https://www.calstatela.edu/2021/college-arts-letters/al-lbs-ttf DR. PATRICK B. SHARP Professor, Department of Liberal Studies California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State Continue Reading »
I am writing to share a tenure-track job opportunity (pasted below) to join me in the Department of Communication and Digital Studies at the University of Mary Washington. The top-line is “digital media production” (by which we mean video, audio, web, games, or anything else), but the secondary ability to teach core classes in digital studies Continue Reading »