Speaker and Chair Guide

 SLSA 2021 Speaker & Chair Guide

Thank you for joining us for our event! Zoom is the platform for the event you are presenting in and we will be using it to run the virtual event experience. Here are some key highlights that will maximize your experience during the event.  

Anyone joining an SLSA2021 University of Michigan Zoom Meeting or Webinar using the Zoom desktop app or mobile app will need to use this version of the app or higher: 5.7.0. Anyone not using this version or higher will be required to update their app before joining. It is highly recommended that you use the Zoom App to be able to utilize the features within it.

The Zoom links with embedded passwords will be posted in the EasyChair Conference Program next to your Session Name on September 21-22, 2021. We will use Zoom Webinar links (for keynotes and plenaries) and Zoom Meeting links (for most other sessions). 

The default time zone is the time zone of Ann Arbor, Michigan, where the conference is based in 2021: Eastern Daylight Time Zone, or EDT, GMT-4.

You can edit your submission on EasyChair anytime (description, title, correct typos, etc.) – please go to EasyChair submission portal, login and edit. Then let us know at contactslsa21@gmail.com and we will “refresh” the program that will then reflect your edits. Please note that as we edit the program on our end (keynotes, links, etc.), your scheduling information (time/day of your talk/panel) is fixed. 

Our technical team will run three “run-through” drop in training sessions on the following days if you have questions and want to test your settings 

(all times are Eastern Daylight Time Zone)

Wednesday, September 22: 9a-11a on Zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/j/95149576778?pwd=Z2JHTGpoa3Uya01rUHdtWEt0Ylpxdz09

Monday, September 27: 10a-12p on Zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/j/91095114098?pwd=ZlZtUWgrelJIVWUzK0lxeFd5ck93QT09

Tuesday, September 28: 3p-5p on Zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/j/99178014888?pwd=RVdKV0NEcVpWQmVVSUwvRTRmZmZmZz09

                       Prior to Event Start

Your Setup 

o Hardware 

▪ Ensure you are using a desktop or laptop computer.

o Connectivity

▪ A hardline connection is preferred. If using Wifi, please ensure you have the  strongest signal possible. 

∙ For the best signal, remove other devices from the network (phones, tablets, Alexa, Echo, etc.) 

∙ If your Wifi connection fails, you can utilize a hotspot/cell phone as  backup 

▪ If working from a company network, ensure you are able to get in touch with IT  in case there is an issue with your firewall, VPN or company network.

For best results use Chrome for your internet connection

Navigating Zoom:

Anyone joining an SLSA2021 University of Michigan Zoom Meeting or Webinar using the Zoom desktop app or mobile app will need to use this version of the app or higher: 5.7.0. Anyone not using this version or higher will be required to update their app before joining. It is highly recommended that you use the Zoom App to be able to utilize the features within it.

**We will not be using the browser or phone as a method of getting into Zoom for this conference. If you need those functions, please let us know at contactslsa21@gmail.com.**

Each session, both Zoom Webinar (Plenaries and Keynotes) and Zoom Meeting (all concurrent sessions) will have a Chair and a conference representative that will be monitoring the Zoom Webinar or Meeting.

If you are a Chair or speaking in one of the Concurrent sessions, you will join the Zoom Meeting using the link found in the schedule under “Session Label”; ie: Session 2A: Zoom Link.

Chairs should be sure to name themselves in Zoom, so we may make them a co-host once they enter the meeting.

Also see the section For Chairs and Moderators, at the bottom of this document.

On the Day of Your Presentation

Best Practices to Prepare for Zoom Presentations:

  1. Ensure you are sitting in an area where there is plenty of light on your face but little light behind  you (i.e. no windows in the background or to the side of you).  
  2. Elevate your camera so it is at eye level 
  3. Enter your session 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled session  time. This way the Chair can have everyone on the same page before the session begins
  4. Use a microphone (best practice) and enunciate clearly and loudly for accessibility and effective comprehension  
  5. In Webinar Zoom sessions, you will be an audience member unless you are sent a separate Zoom link.

Sharing your Presentation:

  1. Select “Share Screen” at the bottom of your screen
  2. For Powerpoint or Google Slides, select your presentation and you can control the advancement of the slides.
  3. For Videos, Check both boxes: Optimize for video Clip and Share Sound, do this before you share
  4. If you have 2 screens, it is best to have your presentation or video on another screen, this allows you to see some of your audience.

Preparing a PowerPoint for Screen Sharing:
If you are using PowerPoint and in case you need guidance on preparing your PowerPoint Slides for Screen Sharing on Zoom, see a step-by-step set up of “Screen sharing a PowerPoint presentation” from the Zoom Help Center:

Screen sharing a PowerPoint presentation – Zoom Help Center

This article shows 3 different monitor setups to manage the sharing of your PPT or Google Slides. For accessibility, it is recommended that you describe the images you are showing.  

Sharing your video:

  1. Join a Zoom meeting found in the SLSA schedule.
  2. Click Share Screen  located in your meeting controls.
  3. Check both boxes: Optimize for video Clip and Share Sound, do this before you share
  4. Navigate to and select the video you wish to share, then click Open. 


Try opening a Private/Incognito window in your browser and open Zoom from there. To open an Incognito Window, please use the following tool: Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press Ctrl + Shift + n or

Mac: Press ⌘ + Shift + n.

Disable VPN or firewalls-prior to start of the conference work with your IT department to allow access to Zoom outside of your network

For Session Chairs and Moderators 

There are two types of chairs/moderators: self-assigned (for pre-organized sessions), and the ones assigned by SLSA2021 Team for sessions with individual submissions (thank you in advance for doing this important work!). Each session will run for 1.5 hours. You will have help in managing technical aspects of your session on Zoom. Each session will have a conference representative as a “host” or “organizer” and the session chair will be a co-host. We will do our best to help technical aspects of the virtual session so you can focus on the content and guide the conversation. As usual, it will be the session chair’s responsibility to manage time within your session and make sure the session ends on time. Your most important job as session chair will be to keep time and provide equal opportunity to contribute among your session participants.

Please end your sessions on time! 

Conference representatives will make every effort to make your experience of the conference go as smoothly as possible, which includes a timely transition from one session to another. To that end, conference representatives will have to interfere if the chair is unable to keep to the scheduled end time. We apologize in advance for this practice, however, we want to respect all our speakers, our technical team’s time on the job, and acknowledge the level of logistics needed to run multiple parallel sessions. 

Session Etiquette to be conveyed by the chairs to the presenters and audience:

  • Assigned Chairs in Individual Submission Sessions with multiple 15 minute presentations in 90 minute session time frame
  • If you are an assigned chair, there is no expectation that you will reach out or know your session presenters in advance, but if you can join your session 10-15 minutes before the start time, it would be helpful in testing your own connection and identifying yourself to our conference representative. An assigned chair will see that your session is populated with 15 minute presentations. Please, be mindful that it is easier for the audience to follow the session if the program order (of names) is the same as the actual order of the presentations. In case if some session presenters are absent, divide their time equally among those who present and/or allocate more time on Q&A. 
  •  Take a minute to tell your audience and the presenters what to expect:
    • Each presenter will have 15 minutes for their presentation. Individual presenters decide how they want to spend their 15 minutes (read a paper, speak to their slides, show a video, etc.) 
    • Each presenter will be given timing, as they near the end of their 15 minutes. 
      • 5 minute mark (This will be to them directly in the chat feature)
      • 1 minute mark (Verbally by the Chair) 
      • DONE
    • After all 15-minute presentations are completed, the remaining 15 minutes will be left for the common Q&A. The Q&A will take place in either the Chat feature or by individuals raising their hand and unmuting themselves. SLSA 2021 Team suggests doing both: Post in Chat and Raise Your Hand. 
    • Conference representatives will interrupt if the session does not keep to the scheduled time
  • Self-Assigned Chairs in Pre-Organized Sessions (Panels, Arts Lounges, Social Networking Events, Roundtables)  with 90 minutes of presentation by a group or panel. 
    • If you are a chair of a pre-organized session and know how you want to run your session, we recommend that you communicate with your session participants in advance about the order of speakers in your session and the length of talks/presentations so there are no surprises on the day of your session and all participants know what to expect. We also recommend taking a minute at the beginning of your pre-organized session to let the audience know what to expect and post this in the chat as well  
    • Interaction with the audience can be either in the chat feature, by individuals raising their hands and unmuting themselves
    • Conference representatives will interrupt if the session does not keep to the scheduled end time

This Guide Will Be Posted on SLSA Website at https://litsciarts.org/slsa2021/ 

We are looking forward to your contribution to SLSA2021!  

Team SLSA 2021, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design with Partners, 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA