What is Melville beyond the whale? Long celebrated for his stories of the sea, Melville was also fascinated by the interrelations between living species and planetary systems, a perspective informing his work in ways we now term “ecological.” By reading Melville in the context of nineteenth-century science, Tom Nurmi contends that he may best be Continue Reading »
A small commercial announcement due to the fact that my short monograph is now freely available from Publisher’s homepage for two weeks – Timo Maran “Ecosemiotics: The Study of Signs in Changing Ecologies” (Cambridge University Press, 2020) https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/ecosemiotics/D29658F0C2E12040454C776F82627253 The volume provides an accessible introduction to ecosemiotics and demonstrates its pertinence for the study of today’s Continue Reading »
\At the Center for Science and the Imagination, we just released the latest episode of our podcast The Imagination Desk, featuring Moya Bailey, a Black feminist researcher of digital communities, media, and medicine at Northeastern University, and author of the upcoming book Misogynoir Transformed: Black Women’s Digital Resistance. You can find the podcast on the Center’s website, and Continue Reading »
The Cambridge Companion to Theatre and Science, ed. Kirsten E Shepherd-Barr (Cambridge University Press, 2020), has just been published. To get a 20% discount use the code THEATREANDSCIENCE (valid for use until 31st December, providing a 20% discount on both hardback and paperback). Theatre has engaged with science since its beginnings in Ancient Greece. The intersection Continue Reading »
I wanted to let you know that Open Humanities Press has just published my new book, the contents of which will hopefully be of interest to the readers of this list. Fittingly for our times, it discusses a world behind windows and screens in which we all become part of a vapour-like global labour force, Continue Reading »
Not without some degree of apprehension, I thought I’d share this project titled Perception at the End of the World, or How Not to Play Video Games, which has just come out in the Flugschriften series. Engaging with post-apocalyptic landscapes, image-making and ways in which we see the world, it’s something I’ve been working on Continue Reading »
Well, it’s with great happiness that I share with you the publication of my new book Critical Code Studies (MIT Press). SLSA has been so central to the development of this area of study. Much of the contents of this book has been presented at SLSA conferences, and your comments and questions have directed and inspired Continue Reading »
Electromagnetism and the Metonymic Imagination Kieran M. Murphy How does the imagination work? How can it lead to both reverie and scientific insight? In this book, Kieran M. Murphy sheds new light on these perennial questions by showing how they have been closely tied to the history of electromagnetism. The discovery in 1820 of a Continue Reading »
SLSA members interested in species demise and land use, the dawn of the Anthropocene, 20th century South American history, or science—ornithology and microbial ecology—in realist literary fiction may want to check out Susan M. Gaines’s new novel, Accidentals. About Accidentals: When Gabriel’s immigrant mother returns to her native Uruguay after thirty years in California, he Continue Reading »
Andrea Charise writes: I am delighted to share the news that my first book, “The Aesthetics of Senescence: Aging, Population, and the 19th-Century British Novel,” is now published with SUNY Press (January 2020). An investigation of how 19th-century British literature grappled with a new understanding of aging as both an individual and collective experience, “The Aesthetics of Continue Reading »