Ghosts and Their Hosts The Colonization of the Invisible World in Early America Sladja Blažan Ghost stories as a window on the American settler psyche In this innovative book, Sladja Blažan explains the foundational role of ghost stories in fostering the cultural imaginary, offering a medium for framing political ideologies, philosophical thought, racial anxieties, and Continue Reading »
Microscopy, Magnification and Modernist Fiction Micro-Modernism from Hardy to Beckett Patrick Armstrong (Author) Exploring how modernism registered shock experiences of the microscopic and extended vision in prose fiction through the work of four modernist writers – D. H. Lawrence, Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, and Samuel Beckett – this book is the first substantial study of Continue Reading »
Semiotics of Friendship An Encyclopedic Approach Claus Emmeche Volume 41 in the series Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] Overview About this book A friend should be able to be an attentive listener, which made semiotician Roland Barthes wonder in his intriguing dictionary of love, “cannot friendship be defined as a space with total sonority?”. This Continue Reading »
Bacteria to AI Human Futures with our Nonhuman Symbionts N. Katherine Hayles A new theory of mind that includes nonhuman and artificial intelligences. The much-lauded superiority of human intelligence has not prevented us from driving the planet into ecological disaster. For N. Katherine Hayles, the climate crisis demands that we rethink basic assumptions about human Continue Reading »
Interplay by Will Freudenheim and William Morgan examines five unique experiments in the field of game design –Schema, Vivarium, Biotopy, Interplay and Nephila. In the course of the book, each is explored as a vehicle to apprehend the unconventional configurations of intelligences that are today emerging from innovations occurring within the field of game design. Continue Reading »
Arguing that the 19th century concept of “living form” (the idea that, like an organism, a poem develops itself from within, according to an internal logic) is not, as some critics have argued, anathema to avant-garde writing, this book by João Paulo Guimarães contends that the concept survived and flourished in the work of a Continue Reading »
Dear SLSA, I would like to add to the book publications, the following book anthology which has just been published by the Routledge Taylor and Francis Group: Art, Music, and Mysticism at the Fin de Siècle: Seeing and Hearing the Beyond. The editors are Corrinne Chong and Michelle Foot. My Chapter 8 in it is entitled Composing Continue Reading »
Dear Colleagues: My new book Neuroscience and Art: The Neurocultural Landscape was just released. Below is the book abstract. Chapter abstracts are available at . Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions. Amy ISBN: 978-3031623356Publisher: Springer: Neuroscience and Art: The Neurocultural Landscape (2024)By Amy Ione, Neuroscience and Art: The Neurocultural Landscape is focused on how Continue Reading »
See contribution “Lost in Space with Frankenstein Shadow” by SLSA member Patricia Olynyk. Bio/Matter/Techno/Synthetics: Design Futures for the More than Human (B/M/T/S) captures and disseminates the design and intellectual work of women who create, make, and ideate at theintra-section of nature, artifice, and technology. Their desires to propagate, generate, calibrate, fabricate, interrogate, and animate all Continue Reading »
I invite you to check out my recently published book, The Digital and Its Discontents, from University of Minnesota Press. This book offers a critical examination of the digital in general, focusing not on particular machines or pieces of software or cultural formations but on the foundational principles that make a technology digital. I propose that there Continue Reading »