Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Winter 2023, Vol. 32, No.2 (March 14 edition) *Call for Papers SLSA 2023: Alien, Arizona State University, Game Studies Stream *Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting, Upcoming Elections: member-at large, graduate liaisons *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech*Ombudspersons*New Book Series: Proximities: Experiments in Nearness *AnthropoScene Book Series *European Society Continue Reading »
Title: Associate or Full Professor in English and Cognitive Science Appointment Status: Tenure Department: IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences The College of Arts and Sciences ( at Indiana University in Bloomington invites applications for a tenured Associate or Full Professor position at the interdisciplinary intersection of cognition and literary study to begin in Continue Reading »
Over the last half century, “smartness”—the drive for ubiquitous computing—has become a mandate: a new mode of managing and governing politics, economics, and the environment. Smart phones. Smart cars. Smart homes. Smart cities. The imperative to make our world ever smarter in the face of increasingly complex challenges raises several questions: What is this “smartness Continue Reading »
DECODINGS Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Winter 2023, Vol. 32, No.2 (February 7 edition) *Call for Papers SLSA 2023: Alien, Arizona State University *Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting *Committee Members and Appointments: Social Media *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech*Ombudspersons*New Book Series: Proximities: Experiments in Nearness *AnthropoScene Book Series *European Society for Literature, Continue Reading »
I am delighted to announce the following opportunity for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Humanities at Rice University. For a complete position description and to apply, go to: The deadline for applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Humanities at Rice University has been extended until March 27. Postdoctoral Fellow in Racial Health Equity and Continue Reading »
Open position for a PhD in Digital Humanities The science of culture: Complex networks methods applied to cultural analytics Supervisors: Dr. Gustavo Ariel Schwartz / Dr. Juan-Luis Suárez Centro de Física de Materiales – San Sebastián – Spain CulturePlex Lab – London – Canada The call for a predoctoral position in the field of complex networks Continue Reading »
Unearthing, an exhibition by artist member Betsy Stirratt, is currently on view at the Tube Factory Art Space in Indianapolis. The exhibition will run through March 19, 2023. In Unearthing, I explore how natural and cultural objects are presented in collections and museum settings, and how we preserve, classify, and display them. I have visited many natural Continue Reading »
NOTE: Earlier versions of the bylaws appear on the Governance page of the society’s website. Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Bylaws (February 2, 2023 draft) 1. NAME The name of the corporation is The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Inc. 2. PURPOSE The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Continue Reading »
How Far So Near January 17 – February 23, 2023 Artists’ talk and reception: January 19, 2023, 5:30 p.m. CST Carroll Gallery Newcomb Art Dept., Woldenberg Art Center Tulane University New Orleans, LA, 70118, USA An exhibition of transoceanic, international collaborations by multimedia artists Angela Bartram and Lee Deigaard and writer Mandy-Suzanne Wong, exploring Continue Reading »
DECODINGS Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Newsletter Winter 2023, Vol. 32, No.2 (January 16 edition) *Call for Papers SLSA 2023: Alien, Arizona State University *Executive Committee Quarterly Meeting *Committee Members and Appointments: Social Media *Policies: Respectful Behavior and Freedom of Speech*Ombudspersons*New Book Series: Proximities: Experiments in Nearness *AnthropoScene Book Series *European Society for Literature, Science, and Continue Reading »