Art, Science, and Between: Exploring the Intersections of Two Cultures

What is science? What is art? Are they two separate worlds? Or two cultures in the same world? Do they divide up this world? Is there anything outside of these two comprehensive realms? To get a grasp on these big issues, we will read art and science theory, as well as science and technology texts. Then we will take on specific case studies, including NASA images, art made through nanotechnology, fractals, Harvard’s glass flowers, design noir, and tactical media.

By focusing on liminal objects, things that appear to occupy spaces in both art and science or which seem to move between these two worlds over time, we will look for answers to our larger questions. We will explore these issues through a series of papers which will culminate in a portfolio at the end of the term.

Hannah Rogers

PDF: syllabus-artandscience

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