Book launch: Distributed Perception: Resonances and Axiologies (Routledge 2021) 1 – 2 pm GMT on Friday 25 February 2022.
You are warmly invited to the virtual launch event of Distributed Perception: Resonances and Axiologies with the editors Natasha Lushetich and Iain Campbell and authors Gregory Cajete, Barbara Glowczewski, Ian James, Adrian MacKenzie and Kuai Shen.
To register (and receive the event link by 23 Feb 2022):
About the book: Who, what, and where perceives, and how? What are the sedimentations, inscriptions, resonances and axiologies of animal, human, and machinic perceptions? How do they function as memory, and even, in the case of strong inscriptions, as epigenetic events? Distributed Perception brings together key theorists and practitioners from media theory, Native science, bio-media and sound art, philosophy, and design informatics to examine the becoming-technique of animal-human-machinic perceptions. The volume shows distributed perception to be a key notion in addressing the emergence and persistence of plant, animal, human, and machine relations.
For more information & Table of Contents:
What is perception? A presentation, as Husserl said? A bodily shaping, as Merleau-Ponty defined it? Or the mere illusion of reality, as Derrida affirmed? Neither, Lushetich and Campbell answer. Delocalising perception from the scene of the human world, they show, through this extraordinary set of essays, that perception does not focus on objects but navigates between thresholds. Trans-materiality, trans-temporality, natural artificiality or biological mechanisms are currently deconstructing the deconstruction of presence itself. A major achievement.”—Catherine Malabou, Kingston University, London
“Distributed Perception arrives just in time. Confusion is at a fever pitch about the technological qualities of perception and how natural and machine intelligence are inextricable from its cuts and continuities. This diverse collection provides multifaceted perspectives on what is at stake, what we know, what we don’t know and what may have been forgotten.”—Benjamin Bratton, University of California San Diego
“Distributed Perception is a truly imaginative and novel intervention into media studies of perception. A collection of some of the most innovative thinkers in digital media studies, the book creatively avoids reductive discourses concerning planetary scale computing and the denaturalization of human perception to ask a new set of questions. At stake in these many accounts is a fundamental investigation about how we produce and “feel” difference—in scales, in species, in social systems–and ultimately how we hope to construct our relationship to others and the world in the future.”—Orit Halpern, Concordia University, Montreal
Dr. Natasha Lushetich
Professor of Contemporary Art & Theory