Faculty positions: multiple at UT Dallas

I would like to draw your attention to three late postings for tenure-line positions to begin in Fall 2021 in the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication at The University of Texas at Dallas.

For all three positions, we particularly welcome candidates who include race and ethnicity, diasporic concerns, underrepresented populations, or social inequalities in their research and teaching interests. We invite applications from candidates with diverse research perspectives based on non-traditional educational backgrounds or from their personal experiences as members of groups historically underrepresented in higher education.
  • Assistant Professor of Interaction Design: https://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/15384
    • Applicants’ research and teaching interests should emphasize interaction design with a complementary interest in typography and graphic design. Other desirable areas of expertise include experience design and time-based media production.
  • Assistant Professor of Usability and Accessibility: https://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/15383
    • Applicants’ research and teaching interests should emphasize usability and accessibility design with a complementary interest in transdisciplinary design and design research methods. Other desirable areas of expertise include design theory and design education.
  • Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Games and Creative Technologies: https://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/15381
    • Applicants’ research and teaching interests should emphasize the production of games for emerging creative technology platforms, including virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Other desirable areas of expertise include research on immersive game experiences, computational media, and emerging forms of spatial computing.
    • I know people often rule themselves out of open rank positions, assuming what the search committee wants. We really are open to the right candidate for this position, regardless of career stage.
The review of applications begins February 15, but the positions will remain open until filled.
ATEC at UTD has a substantial number of feminist, anti-racist faculty, and there are many opportunities for collaboration between design and critical media studies, emerging media arts, or other areas. We have a Feminist Research Collective that bridges ATEC, Art and Humanities, and other units on campus, and we have a Feminist MakerSpace that holds regular events. UTD is rated a 5 out of 5 on the Campus Pride Index. We have the highest percent of international students of any public university in Texas, and 9th in the nation.