New Book: The Aesthetics of Senescence
Andrea Charise writes:
I am delighted to share the news that my first book, “The Aesthetics of Senescence: Aging, Population, and the 19th-Century British Novel,” is now published with SUNY Press (January 2020).
An investigation of how 19th-century British literature grappled with a new understanding of aging as both an individual and collective experience, “The Aesthetics of Senescence” is available for purchase
here (40% discount with code ZMLA20 until February 12). You can read an excerpt from the introduction at the link:
A short description and advance praise (from SUNY Press link):
“Charise’s brilliantly argued, clearly written book is an important intervention in nineteenth-century British literature, age studies, and medical humanities. It brings these areas of inquiry together in what seems a seamless way—as if they have always traveled together or ought to have. Through an investigation of what she calls the ‘aesthetics of embodiment that shaped nineteenth-century visions of aging,’ Charise has given us an original and groundbreaking study of literary, historical, anthropological, and philosophical texts.” — Devoney Looser, author of The Making of Jane Austen