1985 Bylaws

1)    NAME
The name of the corporation is The Society for Literature and Science Inc.
[Update name to Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts]

The Society for Literature and Science, Inc. is a multidisciplinary organization founded to encourage the study of the relationships among literature, science, technology, and the arts. The Society is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary studies in literature and science through publishing a newsletter and an annual bibliography, sponsoring meetings and symposia, and encouraging publications in its areas of interest.
[Add indication of publishing journal Configurations and sponsoring websites]

Upon acceptance by the Society of an application to the Secretary-Treasurer and upon payment of current annual dues, any person supporting the purpose stated above shall be a member of the society. Only members in good standing have the right to vote, hold office, or serve on the committees of the Society.
[Update reference to Executive Director and note mechanism of paying dues/applying for membership to the Johns Hopkins University Press Journals Division, which distributes monthly a share of dues collected to the society.]

4)    DUES
Minimum annual dues (by calendar year) are fifteen dollars, subject to change by majority vote at the annual meeting. Categories of membership may be established by the Executive Committee to encourage members strongly interested in the organization to make tax-deductible contributions beyond basic dues. However, no greater privileges or voting power in connection with the business of the Society shall be afforded by such categories of members so established.
[Update amount of dues?; indicate actual categories of membership.]

Officers include a President, first and second Vice-Presidents, a Bibliographer, an Editor, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Each officer’s term is two years, except for that of the Secretary-Treasurer which is three. Officers are nominated by the Advisory Committee in consultation with members and are elected by a majority vote present at the annual meeting. (A quorum of twenty-five is required to conduct business.) Officers’ terms begin at the close of the annual meeting.
[Update reference to Secretary-Treasurer as Executive Director, who was appointed every three years, then to a five-year term, and is now appointed without a specified end date. Also note that Executive Director serves as Newsletter Editor. Add mention of Journal Editor. Revise description of voting practices to reflect mail ballots.]
The President presides at meetings, conducts necessary business throughout the year, convenes a meeting of the Executive Committee preceding the annual meeting, and, generally oversees the functions of the Society. The two vice-Presidents assist the President, preside at meetings in the President’s absence, and help plan the programs of annual and special meetings.
The Bibliographer chairs a committee which assembles and prints the annual bibliography.
The Editor chairs a committee which budgets, prepares, and distributes the Society’s newsletter.
[Update reference to Editor as Newsletter Editor. Add note about Journal Editors]
The Secretary-Treasurer keeps a current list of members and their addresses, handles normal correspondence, records and presents minutes of meetings, manages the treasury (including collecting and depositing dues, and paying bills), and offers an annual financial report.
[Update reference to Secretary-Treasure as Executive Director. Note Hopkins mechanisms of collecting dues and keeping membership records.]

The Executive Committee consists of the six officers above the immediate past President, the Chair of the Advisory Committee (see below), and two members elected for two year terms by the membership at large. The Executive Committee meets or consults at the call of the President to manage Society business. It plans the agenda for the annual meeting.
[Update to include specific mention of Newsletter and Journal Editors; note agenda is joint work among Executive Committee and Executive Director]

The Advisory Committee consists of six senior members of their respective disciplines with a special interest in the goals of the Society. The Advisory Committee helps plan meetings, assists in screening papers for presentations and publications, and aids the Executive Committee. Members of the Advisory Committee are nominated by the current Advisory committee and Executive Committee (with nominations also being open from the floor) and are elected by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting to a term of six years, with one new member elected each year. (Staggered terms of office are to be determined by lot for the initial committee.)
[Similar to current practice of former presidents serving on Executive Committee; these individuals also sometimes serve on program committees. Note publications function now taken care of by Configurations editorial board.]
Add new section on Publications Committee as approved 10/04.

To benefit the Society, the Executive and Advisory Committees may create other kinds of positions and appoint an incumbent. An example of such a position would be corresponding secretaries who will help organize the work of the Society abroad. Such positions will not, however, make the incumbent automatically a member of either the Executive or Advisory Committee.
[Again similar to practices concerning former presidents and other officers; retain?]
[add electronic resources coordinator or merge this with previous description of roles]

Members of the Executive or Advisory Committee may resign by submitting written notice to both the President and Secretary-Treasurer. The President then, in consultation with remaining members of the Executive and Advisory Committees, will appoint an acting replacement until the time of the next annual meeting, when a successor shall be nominated and voted upon. (Should the President resign, either the Vice President has the power to convene the Executive and Advisory Committees to select an acting replacement.
[Update references to Advisory Committee functions?]

The Society meets once a year either in conjunction with other meetings or independently, to conduct an annual business meeting. In addition, the officers may schedule meetings or sessions at other times with related organizations.

The Society publishes a newsletter four times a year, with one issue containing the annual bibliography. The Editor is responsible for managing the Newsletter, working in conjunction with a Publications Committee and the Executive and Advisory Committees. The Newsletter is sponsored by dues from the Society and contributions from educational and other institutions. The newsletter shall be names PSLS: THE PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY FOR LITERATURE AND SCIENCE.
[Current practice is Executive Director is also Newsletter Editor, who works in conjunction with the Executive Committee. Update newsletter title.]

Adoption of these bylaws is by two-thirds majority of those present at the inaugural meeting of the Society at the International Congress of the History of Science, Berkeley, California, 7 August 1985.

Amendments concerning the nature, purpose, and basic organization and structure of the Society will be submitted by mail to the entire membership and will require approval by two-thirds of the current members who return ballots. All amendments must be circulated among the entire membership at least 49 days before the annual meeting or before the special mail ballot deadline. Amendments of a minor nature in these bylaws may be effected at the annual meeting of two-thirds vote of members present.

Should the Society be dissolved all assets belonging to the Society remaining after the discharge of any and all outstanding obligations shall be devoted to one or more non-profit institutions dedicated to similar purposes and complying to IRS 510 (c) (3), as determined jointly by the Executive and Advisory Committees.
[Update if structural changes are made to committees.]