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digest 1996-02-15 #001
11:40 PM 2/14/96 +0800
From: "Society for Literature & Science"
Daily SLS Email Digest
Date: 14 Feb 1996 14:22:42 -0800
From: jal@cco.caltech.edu
Subject: Panel for SLS meeting
Last year Tom Weissert put together a panel for the LA SLS meeting,
consisting of a couple of panelists from the science and from the
literature side, with the title "You Just Don't Understand":
Talking Across
the Boundary at SLS. Unfortunately Tom couldn't attend the meeting and
panel died. We'd like to try again for this year's Atlanta meeting;
again Tom is unsure whether he'll be able to make it, so I'm going to
to organize it, and David Porush, who was on the schedule last year,
agreed to participate. We'd like to get one or two more panelists from
each side of the great divide, who have (and would like to express)
opinions (preferably strong) on those barriers to communication and how
they might (or should they?) be overcome. Any volunteers, or those who
prefer not to participate themselves but have ideas for who might be a
panelist and/or specific topics that should be addressed, please reply
me, either via the list or directly (and soon, please, so we can put a
proposal together). Thanks.
Jay Labinger