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digest 2006-11-03 #001.txt

litsci-l Digest Fri, 03 Nov 2006

Table of contents:

1. internships - "Victoria N. Alexander" 
2. internships - "Victoria N. Alexander" 


Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:18:46 -0500
From: "Victoria N. Alexander" 
Subject: internships

Dear NYC area members,

We are in need of student interns for the conference Nov 9-12.	If 
anyone knows of students who may be interested, please have them write 
me at alexander@dactyl.org 
Interns can earn free admission to the conference and/or $10 per hour.



Victoria N. Alexander, Ph.D.
Site Organizer - SLSA '06

Dactyl Foundation for the Arts & Humanities
64 Grand Street
New York, NY 10013
Voice Mail: 212 696-7800
Office: 646 329-5398 (during exhibitions only)
Fax: 212 591-6226

Support the arts! Go to http://www.dactyl.org/members.html to donate to 
Dactyl Foundation.


Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:46:41 -0500
From: "Victoria N. Alexander" 
Subject: internships

Here is a more useful email for those of you who wish to forward it to 
your student lists

Student interns are needed for the

20th Annual Conference
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts

New York, NY, November 9-12, 2006

Information about the conference is available at www.dactyl.org/SLSA.htm

Interns can earn free admission to the conference and/or $10 per hour.
Contact Victoria Alexander alexander@dactyl.org 

Victoria N. Alexander, Ph.D.
Site Organizer - SLSA '06

Dactyl Foundation for the Arts & Humanities
64 Grand Street
New York, NY 10013
Voice Mail: 212 696-7800
Office: 646 329-5398 (during exhibitions only)
Fax: 212 591-6226

Support the arts! Go to http://www.dactyl.org/members.html to donate to 
Dactyl Foundation.


End of litsci-l Digest Fri, 03 Nov 2006