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digest 2006-10-11 #001.txt

litsci-l Digest Wed, 11 Oct 2006

Table of contents:

1. CFP: Cyborgism and Embodiment (12/15/06; CSA, 4/19/07-4/21/07) -
Michael Filas 
2. live chat with Loss Peque?ío Glazier 10/10 (Leonardo Electronic
Almanac Discussion) - "Charles Baldwin" 
3. CFP-Cultural Studies Assoc. in Portland - Susan Squier 
4. Correction to CFP - Susan Squier 


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:58:24 -0400
From: Michael Filas 
Subject: CFP: Cyborgism and Embodiment (12/15/06; CSA, 4/19/07-4/21/07)

The Technology Division of the Cultural Studies Association invites  
proposals for panel on "Cyborgism and Embodiment."
Fifth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association, Portland,  
Oregon, April 19-21, 2007 (http://www.csaus.pitt.edu/conf/index.php? 

The figure of the cyborg has become a centerpiece in cultural and  
scholarly inquiry. The term "cyborg" has been applied broadly to  
include the environmental and social changes brought on by  
information and communications technology, but it has also been used  
to consider the implications of technology as it applies to issues  
specifically relating to embodiment. Investigations of cyborgism have  
been seen and studied in various realms, from cultural entertainment  
fare such as literature, film, and comics, to journalistic  
investigations of new transplantation, pharmaceutical, surgical, and  
prosthetic technologies and procedures. This panel invites proposals  
for papers that investigate the ontological implications of cyborg  
embodiment in any of these realms. Possible cyborg-themed inquiries  
might consider media or cultural representations of:

Narratives of distributed consciousness
Medical procedures and pharmaceutical technologies
Cyberpunk film and literature
Performance art of Stelarc
Performance art of Orlan
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Artist activism on cyborg themes such as Critical Art Ensemble
Posthuman paradigms in criticism (i.e. N. Katherine Hayles, Scott  
Bukatman, Thomas Foster)
Kevin Warwick's cyborg experiments
Verichip technologies

Please submit the following information in the body of an email  
message to mfilas@wsc.ma.edu by December 15, 2006:

a. The name, email address, department and institutional affiliation  
of the
b. A 500-word abstract for the 20-minute paper.
c. Any needed audio-visual equipment must be noted following the  

Michael Filas, Ph.D.
CSA Technology Division Co-Chair
Assistant Professor of English
Westfield State College
577 Western Avenue
Westfield, MA 01086
(413) 572-5683


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:52:26 -0400
From: "Charles Baldwin" 
Subject: live chat with Loss Peque?ío Glazier 10/10 (Leonardo Electronic
Almanac Discussion)

_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD): Vol 14 No 5_

:: Live chat with Loss Peque?ío Glazier about code as language and other
:: Chat date: Tuesday, October 10. 
:: 4 pm West Coast US / 7pm East Coast USA / 1 am Paris FR / 9am
Melbourne AU 
:: LEAD is an open forum around the New Media Poetics special issue of
Electronic Almanac.

Chat instructions are here:
The instructions are intended to apply to all jabber chat clients, but
may be some variation for individual clients. For example, some clients
require the chat room server "conference.jabber.org" and others clients
"jabber.org." Also, please refer to the link for a complete schedule of
upcoming chats and for instructions on joining chats.

Loss Peque?ío Glazier is a poet, professor of Media Study, and founder
director of the Electronic Poetry Center (http://epc.buffalo.edu), the
most extensive web-based digital poetry resource, housed in the
Department of
Media Study, State University of New York, Buffalo. He is the author of
digitally informed poetry collection _Anatman, Pumpkin Seed, Algorithm_
Publishing, 2003), several other books of poetry, and the award-winning
_Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries_ (University of Alabama


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:05:44 -0400
From: Susan Squier 
Subject: CFP-Cultural Studies Assoc. in Portland

Call for Papers: Cultural Studies in Portland in Spring
>	  Panel: Fellow Feeling
	 Cultural Studies Association's Fifth Annual Conference, 
April 19-21, 2007, Portland, Oregon
>	  Contact:  Susan Squier, Penn State University, sxs62@psu.edu 
>	   What do we gain from thinking with animals? Why are we 
> resistant to doing so?  And what are the tensions and benefits 
> resulting when we draw on our 'fellow feeling' for animals in the 
> variety of practices linked to farming? This panel, one of a stream 
> of panels exploring AgriCultural Studies, invites papers exploring 
> the various ways that animal/human connections--"fellow 
> feeling"--have had an impact on the practice, development, 
> representation, or cultural meaning of agriculture.

>	  Topics could include: the relationship between veterinary 
> and human medicine (feeling in the body); the role of 
> anthropomorphism in animal husbandry (feeling as emotion); 
> historical changes in the role of 'feeling' in farming; animal 
> emotions; or human emotions about animals in the context of 
> contemporary or historical agricultural practices; tactility and 
> the human/animal relationship; the cultural meaning of farm animals.

	 People interested in submitting a paper for this panel 
should mail me a 500-word abstract for their paper by October 18 
(Wednesday) including the title of your paper, your name and e-mail 
address, and a brief c.v.  Please also note any needed AV equipment. 
(No requests for AV equipment can be honored later).  Please also 
pass this call for papers on to other interested colleagues.  For 
more information on the conference itself, visit 

Susan Squier
Brill Professor of Women's Studies, English, and STS
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Office: 814-863-3604 Home 466-7626

Home address:
211 Miller Lane
PO Box 557
Boalsburg, PA 16827
(phone: 814-466-7626)


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:36:16 -0400
From: Susan Squier 
Subject: Correction to CFP

Call for Papers: Cultural Studies in Portland in Spring
>	  Panel: Fellow Feeling
	 Cultural Studies Association's Fifth Annual Conference, 
April 19-21, 2007, Portland, Oregon
>	  Contact:  Susan Squier, Penn State University, sxs62@psu.edu 
>	  What do we gain from thinking with animals? Why are we 
> resistant to doing so?  And what are the tensions and benefits 
> resulting when we draw on our 'fellow feeling' for animals in the 
> variety of practices linked to farming? This panel, one of a stream 
> of panels exploring AgriCultural Studies, invites papers exploring 
> the various ways that animal/human connections--"fellow 
> feeling"--have had an impact on the practice, development, 
> representation, or cultural meaning of agriculture.

>	  Topics could include: the relationship between veterinary 
> and human medicine (feeling in the body); the role of 
> anthropomorphism in animal husbandry (feeling as emotion); 
> historical changes in the role of 'feeling' in farming; animal 
> emotions; or human emotions about animals in the context of 
> contemporary or historical agricultural practices; tactility and 
> the human/animal relationship; the cultural meaning of farm 
> animals. Papers addressing any aspect of disability studies are 
> very welcome, as are papers addressing the raced, gendered and 
> classed aspect of fellow feeling.

	 People interested in submitting a paper for this panel 
should E-Mail me a 500-word abstract for their paper by October 18 
(Wednesday) including the title of your paper, your name and e-mail 
address, and a brief c.v.  Please also note any needed AV equipment. 
(No requests for AV equipment can be honored later).  Please also 
pass this call for papers on to other interested colleagues.  For 
more information on the conference itself, visit 

Susan Squier
Brill Professor of Women's Studies, English, and STS
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Office: 814-863-3604 Home 466-7626

Home address:
211 Miller Lane
PO Box 557
Boalsburg, PA 16827
(phone: 814-466-7626)


End of litsci-l Digest Wed, 11 Oct 2006