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digest 2004-04-26 #001.txt
litsci-l-digest Monday, April 26 2004 Volume 01 : Number
In this issue:
SLS Session Proposal -- seeking another contributor
call for papers
SLS Paris - a question about registration
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 20:24:13 -0400
From: "benjamin r cohen"
Subject: SLS Session Proposal -- seeking another contributor
For the Fall conference in Durham, NC, we're looking for another
in a session on the theme of 19th c. Nature Writing and Science (or,
in Ecocriticism; or, Writing Science into Nature). If this piques your
interest, please reply to bcohen@vt.edu with a request for more
or just with an idea for a paper. For the sake of the listserv's
overburden, we'll forgo a long narrative here with complete details and
them for interested parties.
Benjamin R. Cohen
Visiting Instructor, Department of History
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Science and Technology in Society
Virginia Tech (0247)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 21:47:32 -0400
From: Susan Squier
Subject: call for papers
For the SLS Conference in Durham NC, this is a call for papers for a
on AgriCultural Studies (i.e., the cultural studies of agriculture: the
intertwined sociological, economic, literary, artistic, ideological and
scientific practices involved in food production, distribution,
consumption. . . . This includes, but is definitely not limited to: GMO
Food crops; factory farming; global food distribution methods; seed
heirloom seeds; the Agricultural/Medical/Industrial system . . . etc.)
are planning this panel as linked to a reading by the noted novelist,
Ozeki, author of M Year of Meats and All Over Creation. (See
http://www.ruthozeki.com/ ) If you're interested, send an abstract and
c.v. (attachments are fine) to me at this e-mail address.
Susan Squier
Brill Professor of Women's Studies and English
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
home address:
PO Box 557
Boalsburg, PA 16827
And if you are interested in organic meats, or Pennsylvania farms, or
some beautiful photographs, see my sister's website:
and for a little humor that may not reflect the opinions of Penn State
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Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 10:24:47 -0400
From: antje pfannkuchen
Subject: SLS Paris - a question about registration
Hi all,
When I tried to register on the SLS-Paris website last week I
couldn't access the website and today I am reading that the early
registration fees ended on April 25. And apart from that
disappointment I can't even register now because I get all sorts of
errors that won't let me proceed. No matter what I enter it tells me
that I have an invalid email, for instance.
Was anyone else more successful?
Thank you,
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End of litsci-l-digest V1 #66