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digest 1999-04-21 #001.txt

11:30 PM 4/20/99 -0700
From: "Society for Literature & Science" 

Daily SLS Email Digest
-> LA Area: Info Studies Seminar: Douglas Kellner
Date: 20 Apr 1999 09:07:20 -0700
Subject: LA Area: Info Studies Seminar: Douglas Kellner
The UCLA Information Studies Seminar presents
Douglas Kellner
UCLA Education
Theorizing New Technologies: Metaphors for the Novum
As we experience an intense technological revolution, we seek
appropriate language to describe the technology, experience, and
effects.  I will sort out the dominant metaphors and concepts, show
problems and insights, and try to come up with a better language.
Douglas Kellner is the George F. Kneller Professor of the Philosophy
of Education at UCLA's Department of Education.  He is the author
or editor of numerous books, including "Articulating the Global
the Local: Globalization and Cultural Studies" (with Ann
Westview Press, 1997), "Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity,
and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern (Routledge, 1995),
"Baudrillard: A Critical Reader" (Blackwell, 1994), and
and the Crisis of Democracy" (Westview Press, 1990).
Thursday, April 29th, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
GSE&IS Building, Room 111
(just west of the Research Library)
Everyone is invited.
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Questions or comments to Phil Agre 
