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Bibliography 2003

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Relations of Science to Literature and the Arts, 2003


Susan Allender-Hagedorn
Virginia Tech

Associate Bibliographers

Connie Stovall
Virginia Tech

Allison Dushane
Duke University

Editorial Assistants

Heather Lockwood
Virginia Tech

Bibliography Committee

Dirk Vanderbeke
Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Brent R. Henze
East Carolina State University

Anne Goodyear
National Portrait Gallery

Jonathon Erlen
University of Pittsburgh


This bibliography lists publications of interest to members of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts that appeared in 2003. There have been a few changes that have been made to formatting in the bibliography from previous years. Instead of a “Collections” section, all chapters from edited anthologies are listed with full citations (instead of cross listings to a separate file). Since the bibliography is now entirely on-line, the bibliography for the year is posted as a single, searchable file.

General sections / topics of the bibliography include:
biological sciences
computers and digital technology
environmental sciences
exploration, discovery, and travel
occult sciences
physical and mathematical sciences
popular sciences
psychological and cognitive sciences
rhetoric of science
science and technology studies
social sciences

The first keyword for any entry indicates the major topic category for that entry.
Coming soon: an index to scholars (authors) and commonly used keywords to help you in your search through the 2003 bibliography.

Susan Allender-Hagedorn